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Everything posted by AbsolutSurgen

  1. Probably nothing. Will get AC: Valhalla and Cyberpunk eventually, but will probably wait for the discounting.
  2. In what way? I'm not saying it looks bad, 'cause it looks badass, but what in that trailer screams "next gen" to you?
  3. Week 8 Feature Game New Orleans Saints $10k QUESTIONS 1) TB TD 2) 3 3) Under 4) Dallas 5) Seattle, Minnesota, N.Y. Giants 6) No 7) Green Bay 8) Josh Jacobs, Metcalf
  4. If DLSS looks better than native rez, who cares what a RTX card can do at native rez? From the DF videos I have seen, DLSS looks BETTER than native rez. Shouldn't we care about what similar graphics on an RTX card look like vs the best a SeX could do? (As a consumer?)
  5. 1) Coming to PS4 2) Have you seen Bugsnax? My Circa-2016 PC is WELL above the minimum specs on this one. Coming to PS4 A list that has some of the games that are coming out this fall, based on some random definition of what is "next gen". What could get more 733T? @Keyser_Soze was legitimately pointing out that almost every "next-gen" game on the list was coming to "current gen".
  6. Astro's Playroom is indeed the only next gen game coming out this fall.
  7. Not necessarily, DLSS is using Tensor cores -- so it is almost free. RDNA2 doesn't have unused cores just sitting around, they will have to divert their existing cores from doing other rendering duties for whatever future solution (if any) they come up with.
  8. I'm not sure why it matter if DLSS is disengaged on an RTX card. End users care about the overall graphics, not which settings are turned on. I've seen benchmarks with a 2060 Super hitting 30 fps with RT @ Ultra using DLSS. This would, in theory, have a RTX-2060 Super giving a better graphics/framerate experience than SeX in WDL.
  9. PS5 has a weaker GPU, it should be weaker in anything GPU dependent. It will be interesting to see if/how many games are dependent on SSD speed. I suspect that mid-cycle console will actually implement a ray tracing (and potentially DLSS competitor) that RDNA2 doesn't.
  10. Impressive win by the Raiders, 16-6 over the previously 5-2 Browns. Probably their best game of the season to date. 1) This is the first game this season that the Raiders run game has gotten going. Getting 208 yeards, against a defence that was #7 in yards/game (@93 /game) 2) The best game played by the defence in YEARS. 3) Clock management by the offence
  11. Something can both be a fact AND PR bullshit. We have no idea what RDNA 2 feature MS is referring to. For example, it COULD be how textures are loaded/decompressed in VRAM -- Sony has their own hardware solution, that is reputably better than the velocity architecture. The majority of games are designed for PC, PS4 and Xbox. PS4 has long been the lead platform for most AAA games. Devs are using the same tools for PC/Xbox/PS. And? Sony has their own custom version -- that is reputably faster than what is in Xbox.
  12. Predictions are that by 2050, Toronto will be as warm as.... Baltimore. The variety of food in Toronto (both via grocery stores, and restaurants) is better than any other place I have lived/visited.
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