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Everything posted by Remarkableriots

  1. I never thought of that! I wouldn't have room in my tiny apartment but I could see if my friend would like to invest some time into doing a project like that in his gerage.
  2. I talked to a girl on Facebook who I had lost contact with since I was probably 14 YO but I had grown up with since I was born. Her parents were my godparents so it was nice hearing how they were doing. After that I decided to call my mom who I haven't talked to in two months. Found out she was three hours away from Reno. She had drove from Florida to Indiana and headed to Reno, NV. The last time my mom had visited was probably over four years ago. So Sunday was definitely a surprising day.
  3. When we went to the restaurant later that day it felt like my back was cooking. I thought my skin was being yanked off when I laid down that night and the sheet stuck to my skin.I had about a dozen of these all over. I couldn't move my arms and slept half off the bed for weeks.
  4. Going swimming down in Florida without sunscreen and I had huge blisters all over my chest and shoulders. The time I ate a Carolina Reaper pepper!
  5. Looked good to me! Maybe we can get a D1P group playing it? For some reason a lot of people are hating on it on YouTube and other sites.
  6. At least something positive happened for the kid by gaining new clients, a new lawn mower and a new leaf blower.
  7. I would love to have the Master Chief collection on PC!
  8. Kevin can Wait tried it by killing off the mother after the first season to be replaced by Leah Remini but that got cancelled after season two.
  9. These are the ones I'm most interested in Crackdown 3- Is that still coming to PC? Forza Horizon 4 Stormland Star Control: Origins Satisfactory The Sinking City Maneater Sable Two Point Hospital Star Citizen
  10. http://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/23866542/tampa-bay-buccaneers-quarterback-jameis-winston-suspended-first-three-games Shouldn't they be able to find some proof of how many people were in the Uber? Maybe Uber should have cams in every vehicle to protect employees and customers?
  11. Would those be Radeon Fury cards? Hard to keep up with these graphic cards! I just want to make sure I can play Star Citizen at 1080p at a decent frame rate whenever it comes out.
  12. It was a Japanese arcade game where you put a controller finger into a butt.
  13. I think they already made the game you wanted!
  14. Possibly $800 depending on if work ever pays me the 40+ hours they still owe me. It has been almost 3 months of excuses and they asked for my pay stubs a month ago but didn't get those back yet. Yeah I think at least 10-12 years ago except the graphics card which is a few years newer which replaced my geforce 6600 after it died.
  15. My friend is incredibly lucky because neither of his two babies were fussy and they slept through the night with no problems. His baby girl is 11 months old and his son turns 4 Monday. She just loves watching everybody and she will eat anything! I was shocked when she started eating Sushi not that they gave her a lot. I remember when I was a kid my sister lived at home for a short time with my baby niece and she would wake up in the middle of the night! I really enjoyed watching both of my nieces grow up. Now my oldest niece has 4 kids and I feel very old! I haven't seen them in a few years and I felt horrible when she asked me why I lived so far away. She told me " I love you why don't you love me? " I felt like the worst person alive!
  16. I couldn't possibly afford this or even have the space for it but this would be a dream come true item I would LOVE!!! $2,489.89 https://www.amazon.com/Prime-Arcades-LLC-Cocktail-Classics/dp/B07DMQXRJ9/ref=sr_1_14_sspa?s=toys-and-games&ie=UTF8&qid=1530414031&sr=1-14-spons&keywords=teenage+mutant+ninja+turtles&psc=1
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