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Everything posted by Remarkableriots

  1. Cool I was thinking about ordering one from Amazon but sometimes they have overpriced items and didn't want to over pay.
  2. I meant I would wait until Forsaken comes out to get the season pass for Curse of Osiris and Warmind because you have to get those to play Forsaken. Trying to save up for a new PC at the end of the month.
  3. I would like to get the season pass but I would have to take it out of the money I'm trying to save for a new PC. I might just wait until Forsaken comes out.
  4. Is Destiny: Forsaken going to be a lot bigger expansion compared to the first two? Which version should you get? I noticed they have a $80 Digital Deluxe version available. Comes with a Annual Pass... What the heck is coming with that?
  5. I have played some games where it would of been so much easier with those paddles. Do you think they would help with carpal tunnel because some times I have to pause games where you have to repeatedly tap the buttons?
  6. That sounds helpful but I would imagine it would take some time to get used to using those instead of the buttons.
  7. I was just thinking of older controllers that probably nobody uses anymore to joke with you. I was trying to remember a joystick they had at Gamestop years ago where it had 20-30 pounds of force feedback and it jerked your arm around. I wasn't sure if it was the Microsoft Sidewinder Force Feedback 2 Joystick?
  8. Not sure where to post this but what controller should I use to play the Metroid Prime Trilogy on Wii U?
  9. I know it doesn't come out for awhile but I really want the new Warioware Gold for 3DS!!!
  10. That was what popped in my mind also because when I watched the trailer I enjoyed it! The game probably has a mile long list of unrealistic stuff that didn't happen in WW II so why have a issue with something so irrelevant? I would rather have a fun game compared to a boring 100% realistic game.
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