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Everything posted by Remarkableriots

  1. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/police-say-woman-screamed-racial-slurs-and-smacked-a-black-teen-at-a-pool-she-lost-her-job/ar-AAzuKCt?ocid=AMZN
  2. https://www.cinemablend.com/news/2444290/incredibles-2-has-passed-the-incredibles-at-the-box-office It will probably do double the originals domestic box office.
  3. https://www.cinemablend.com/news/2444360/harvey-weinstein-could-face-life-in-prison
  4. Do they have all of the expansions in one collection? When I get a new PC I wouldn't mind joining you but it might not be until next month.
  5. https://www.msn.com/en-us/tv/celebrity/comedian-andy-dick-charged-with-misdemeanor-sexual-battery-simple-battery/ar-AAzuC9Q?ocid=AMZN
  6. My friend has that set and I also love those cards!
  7. Cool I'll go with that one and thank you for the help.
  8. Anakin must of been a Gary Stu by doing everything perfectly like pilot a pod racer with enhanced Jedi reflexes, fly a spacecraft perfectly his first time or pass the test by the Jedi council without any training. It couldn't possibly be that Jedi have different levels of connection with the force and the stronger the connection the easier it naturally comes to them?
  9. https://www.amazon.com/Atlas-Games-AG1250-Gloom/dp/158978068X A card game where players have a family and you have to make them miserable before killing them off. The ones with the most points at the end of the game wins. I play it at my friends house and it's very fun!
  10. Didn't Microsoft buy Minecraft for $2.5 Billion? I was wondering why they would release it on other systems when it could be a X-Box exclusive?
  11. Maybe they could have everything in the virtual cockpit mixed with voice commands? I figure it will get better if they have a few generations of VR. Just a wishful idea.
  12. https://vrgluv.com If it can make you think your holding a apple or other items why not a virtual joystick and throttle?
  13. VR could potentially replace needing a joystick eventually imo so maybe a flight sim game could happen again?
  14. Could it be that Microsoft is willing to lose a lot of money doing this to try and sink Sony? Microsoft knows Nintendo isn't a threat so seeing Sony pushed out of the console market would be a huge win for them?
  15. I'll get the paste like this? Looks like it would be easier to use. https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835100018&cm_re=heatsink_paste-_-35-100-018-_-Product
  16. Wouldn't it just be kinda like how some laws are still on the books but no longer enforced? https://whirlwindreports.com/2017/03/03/dumb-laws-that-are-no-longer-enforced-this-weeks-state-is-tennessee/
  17. Could we make this the official marijuana page? We could list each state status?
  18. @Massdriver Would any thermal glue work? On newegg they have some from $8-$80. I need to replace the heatsink because my previous one died. https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIADRW5UU7231&cm_re=heatsink_glue-_-9SIADRW5UU7231-_-Product https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIADTU5WG4264&cm_re=heatsink_glue-_-9SIADTU5WG4264-_-Product
  19. I'm thinking about replacing the CPU heatsink in this PC and using it in a home build classic arcade cabinet with help from a friend.
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