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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. Some people don't have any issues snitching on themselves but there are also many people who do and say things solely because they're confident they can do so anonymously.
  2. That's how I use twitter too, by and large. In the grand scheme of things I don't know that anonymity on the internet has been... good? I go back and forth on it.
  3. Not every platform needs to be an alt fest. I wouldn't want that twitter functionality to go away but Facebook has enough issues without deciding to adopt more of them.
  4. I've worked remotely since the pandemic, so no. I've not heard much Olivia Rodrigo, but I like her voice. I'm not the one who's been edging my dick raw for the last 8 years waiting for something to happen to Trump
  5. Is much of Deadpool improv'd? I haven't paid attention to how those movies came together at all.
  6. I'd be fine with an "adult" Star Wars. Andor is adjacent to that already in terms of tone and theme. The tent is big enough. Snyder's version of an R rating in Star Wars? Hell no.
  7. I like Radiohead though I don't count myself s fan? I don't think I've ever bought one of their albums. They were ubiquitous enough in college that I didn't feel like I needed to. Taylor I think I know two songs of hers? Anti-hero and that song about the haters from a few years back. I like the idea of her though, or maybe it's just that she's tall. Lil Wayne I completely missed out on. I was into underground hip hop while he was big. Perhaps not coincidentally, if you asked me at that time if I listened to music I thought was good, I'd have just said yes.
  8. I do not exclusively listen to music that I think is good. I don't know where that lands in the poll.
  9. Also, @legend, @Greatoneshere... take note. This movie came out in the 1950's and the spoilers are open because it is simply not possible to spoil media that is slightly fresher than the Korean War.
  10. Literally everything about how Heavy Rain ends establishes it as one of the worst endings and worst games of all time.
  11. I know this is a month old, but you know things are bad when in the first full sentence of their apology, the dev gets the name of their game and the franchise to which it belongs incorrect. Just incredible stuff.
  12. The concept of "mutual abuse" is somewhat contentious in professional and academic discussions about domestic abuse.
  13. Getting out there and saying that Pixar would be better if the guy that left because of sexual harassment is... a lot. And "tough love" is just atrocious wording considering who they're talking about, Jesus Christ.
  14. I know it's all personal preference stuff, but the notion of an "OS back button" that does completely different stuff depending on the last thing you did with absolutely no indication of what that was will never, ever make sense to me.
  15. The cowards should have made the creme mushroom flavored.
  16. Wasn’t their most recent quarterly earnings something to the tune of $22B? Surely this will make a meaningful impact.
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