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Everything posted by DPCyric

  1. Farscape is easily my favorite Sci-Fi show and I even met Gigi Edgley at Gencon one year (where we talked about how much we loved Fraggle Rock as children and her acting)! I would love it if Farscape streams so well on Amazon that they decide to do a sequel of it.
  2. I dig it but it doesn't have the beat I like to go into my cardio music rotation
  3. Ugh, I want something like the Quest that I can also use on my PC... give me portable smaller titles on the go and PC connectivity when I feel like being chained to my desk please!
  4. The previews in EGM had me so hyped and I was not let down still easily the best mainly FF and one of the top JRPG's of all time. I could play through it again (if I had the time to binge a JRPG) now even though I have played through it a half dozen times or so already!
  5. I have some Vintage JNCO's that might be able to carry a Switch! I'm prepared for a new powerful version of the system (been waiting patiently)!
  6. Isn't that what the Switch is? Game looks fun I will probably pick it up at some point!
  7. I haven't purchased NMS because it doesn't have VR now I have no excuse I must correct this (the next time it goes on sale)!
  8. I assumed it was a shitty gacha game with the lack of gameplay in the trailer.
  9. I only need DVD not bluray so I can go a little cheaper and I think I've decided to get a laptop without a drive in it because it just seems better to have an external. So does anyone have recommendations for laptops without drives on the real cheap? Edit: How is this one?: http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=6072738&CatId=4935
  10. Super cheap and any screen size this is just something to get by with for a year.
  11. Yes I am having trouble finding any with a DVD drive what about good suggestions for cheap ones and an external to pair with it?
  12. I think the second half of the second movie was fantastic but the humor in the first half just felt forced and dragged it down.
  13. I am still waiting for VR support before I jump in.
  14. I'm in the market for a cheap movie playing, Netflix streaming and Facebook browsing laptop does anyone have some good suggestions?
  15. I have seen plenty of negative reactions there too.
  16. I don't think you have to worry about it this time! Labo was a neat idea but half baked VR isn't.
  17. @Keyser_Soze that FAKY song has become one of my workout staples Some more stuff I've been enjoying lately:
  18. That is what I would like PSVR to work at launch with their being a PSVR Pro maybe the following year.
  19. Horizon: Zero Dawn- I rarely finish games these days and even less so open world games but I loved my entire play through of HZD. Hell even after I beat the game there was parts I would go back to and just play some of the combat against the toughest enemies!
  20. If only you posted a month ago when these were on sale for $80: https://www.amazon.com/V-MODA-Crossfade-Wireless-Over-Ear-Headphone/dp/B015R7AGHC/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1550901686&sr=8-5&keywords=v-moda I got a pair and a buddy of mine who knows that I know my stuff about sound quality got a pair and we are both very happy with them. It's still a good price for their sound quality and if you ever want to add a mic to them they have their own designed for their headphones (it also has a built in one): https://www.amazon.com/V-MODA-BoomPro-Microphone-Gaming-Communication/dp/B00BJ17WKK/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&qid=1550901686&sr=8-7&keywords=v-moda
  21. If they have complete BC and I can use my PSVR on the PS5 I will be in day one
  22. I usually back the projects from Peterson Games and Level 99 but sometimes there is a smaller project from other developers. I already see a few this year that I want to back but I really think too many games are going this route (sometimes its nice to be surprised by something new on the shelf).
  23. I will probably wait for sales on everything except for Bloodstained (I backed it) but I am looking forward to: Devil May Cry 5 Mortal Kombat XI Sekiro Nioh 2 Anthem Dreams Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 Bayonetta 3 I didn't list stuff that I expect to slip into next year or get cancelled otherwise there would be a couple more titles on my list.
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