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Everything posted by DarkStar189

  1. I don’t mind Dan but what??? I thought he did something for WWE, had his own twitch thing and podcast. Coming back to Giantbomb just seems weird.
  2. He was definitely doing less but I think that was life getting in the way. I know his first kid came before Covid. Then Covid happened. Then Red Ventures stuff. I think his 2nd child was less than a year ago. Thinking about it, maybe I'm not surprised he's leaving after all that. Imo Giantbomb is a shell of its former self without people chilling in a room together. Someone posted a Nextlander clip from today where they found out today was Jeffs last day. They didn't say much but seemed very shocked/surprised.
  3. I'm more shocked today is Jeff's last day and not tomorrow on the Bombcast. No special goodbye and he didn't write a goodbye article for the site. Feels like he didn't leave on the best terms.
  4. Definitely not. I've been watching the Giantbomb forums the last couple months and the biggest issue people have is how in the dark GB has left their fans. They haven't put out much content. The staff just up and leaves. Feels like it's over now.
  5. @atom631 I'm really sorry to hear that. Same thing happened to my wife a year or two ago. Came home normal one night, by the evening I had to call an ambulance because she collapsed. Checked out fine at hospital. Her mom recommended she get checked for lymes after the hospital failed to find anything. Turned out positive. They think she had it for many years undiagnosed and when she collapsed she was in the middle of a big flare up (high fever, feeling like the flu). It's pretty well managed at home now with diet and exercise though. Little things have changed with her body. She'll get random pain in her thighs and feet. Occasionally her jaw locks up while chewing. There are specialists out there that can help, the problem is finding a good one and dealing with months long wait times to be seen.
  6. @SaysWho? Did you lose smell/taste? A lot of my symptoms have cleared up today, the cough is especially better. But I was not prepared to lose my smell and taste. It's like 100% gone now. I just shaved my face and have 2 strong aftershaves I like. Can't smell a hint of either of them. Chewing mint gum and I can feel the sensation of burning mint on my tongue but no mint taste.
  7. $110,000 or 10 years worth of playtime to fully kit out a character... They think very highly of their game.
  8. I have a physical job and I'm on my feet most of the day. This quarantine thing has been quite a shock to suddenly just be hanging out and laying around. Haven't had a fever for the past 2 days so I'm walking the dogs around the yard every hour for something to do. Today I have a pretty stuffy nose, little bit of a burning cough but nothing major. Taste and smell is definitely messed up. Feel like it's at least 50-75% gone.
  9. I play mostly Playstation and I think their refund policy only applies if you have never fired up the game. How was I supposed to know Battlefield was launching unfinished? It is more of a Sony console problem. But between Anthem, Mass Effect, and Battlefield, there is no way I'm giving money to this game without solid impressions beforehand.
  10. With the track record of EA and Bioware games, I really wish/hope nobody preorders this game. These companies have such a shit track record. I'm still pretty burned by Battlefield.
  11. I have faith the game isn't going to be a disaster. All these years since the original, they know what they need to fix and change. I feel like this game would be best to have a media blackout. They are probably going to show 50-75% of the game online before its even released.
  12. Headache mostly gone, had a dry itchy cough yesterday that has turned into a wet productive cough today. Fever just comes and goes. Hasn't gone higher than 100 yet. Feel energetic, I just hate getting coughs because I would sometimes get bronchitis as a kid. Hoping it doesn't get much worse, only 3 days in though.
  13. I do wonder how far obesity is going to go in this country. In the 90's/early 2000's when I was in school, there wasn't many obese kids. I see the children now when I drop my kids off at school and I'm like damn.... The high school is right next door and I see plenty of kids walking home that are just huge, both boys and girls. A couple of the girls are easily 250-300 pounds. Imagine how they might be when they are 30-40 years old after kids and metabolism starts to slow.
  14. I believe she had shut the door but probably didn't realize it had been unlocked previously, maybe from a janitor or something. A door with a pushbar on the inside can be set to an unlock position and you would never know by looking at it. I've seen a ton of ridiculous comments online about the door in question, from people that have no understanding of a commercial door.
  15. Just need to get a little closer to get the perfect selfie....
  16. How are you holding up @SaysWho? About 5 days ago I remember sharing a spoon with my daughter while eating a little snack she had,and she wanted to "feed me". Well today before school she had a headache, and about half way through the day I got muscle aches and a headache suddenly. Came home and tested positive almost right away. Daughter tested negative. I'm slightly bothered because my resting heart rate is reading 100-110 on a little blood pressure machine I have. No fever yet, just headache, some muscle ache, still have taste and smell.
  17. Man I don't know... I thought everything about that trailer looked bad. Anybody else in the Supernatural universe would have made me more excited for a prequel. Not the damn Winchesters. I thought the trailer had more of a teen drama/comedy feeling to it also. Not the demographic I would picture for any long time Supernatural fan.
  18. When you all saw the movie, did your theater show a trailer for a movie called "Smile"? It was pretty quick and short but also creepy. I've been searching for a while now but I can find the trailer anywhere online. Paramount Dates ‘Smile’ For Fall DEADLINE.COM Paramount Dates 'Smile' For Fall https://www.amctheatres.com/movies/smile-69989
  19. About a year and a half ago, a friend of mine just fell over dead at his work. No prior conditions. I forget now if it was a blood clot or aneurysm. Definitely makes you think.
  20. Wife and I decided to see the movie on a whim last night. Holy shit what a movie to see in theater! She wants to see it again.
  21. Enjoy it. Those hours fly by way too quick.
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