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Everything posted by Chris-

  1. Trump is on the ground like Liston in a puddle which has runoff spelling ‘DENIAL’ while the Statue of Liberty stands over him like Ali. Rosie the Riveter is in the background doing the same pose and has a button that say ‘EQUALITY’ and the crowd members are labeled ‘the future of history’.
  2. You know what’s the tightest 2+ hour movie of all time? Showgirls. Never a wasted moment in that film.
  3. David Roth said it best: their fixation on mundane cultural battles is perhaps their most grotesque feature.
  4. What is the D1P line of succession upon your passing?
  5. If drawing on an officer is justification to shoot someone, then in what sense is it really protection in that situation? You either draw it and get shot, or you don’t draw it and it becomes functionally pointless.
  6. I love Christopher Nolan and adore his films, but I still chuckle at thought of his big cinematic spectacle being screened for a ‘sold out’ show of like 15 people, all of whom have like sneeze guards between the seats.
  7. I’m reading ‘Vive la Revolution’ by Mark Steel. I never knew how painfully horny the French Revolution was!
  8. One of the reasons there are protests is because Black men have been shot and killed for the mere appearance or suggestion that they might be armed, so you can pack up that opinion and head over to Bozo Town ya fuckin clown.
  9. I know you mean well, but I think you need to reconsider what you just typed, because co-signing some families to illness and death because they ‘don’t have the resources to keep their kids home’ is irrefutably fucked.
  10. I would not automatically assume they are unwilling to sabotage the data, whether directly or indirectly (i.e. intentionally doing it sloppily, knowing the news itself will cause issues).
  11. You're right, if they were just trying to steal it, who cares? But given Russia's completely disregard for human life, it would not surprise me if the Kremlin was willing to disrupt vaccine research just to cause more political chaos.
  12. I've actually been recording some of his stories, and plan on writing some creative non-fiction pieces with them...Not really looking to achieve anything, mainly just want to document/publish the fact that my dad is dope as hell.
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