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Everything posted by Chris-

  1. When we laid my mom to rest, he also insisted that we all write letters to place with the urn; he claimed it is a Jewish burial tradition that he read about. Beyond my skepticism as to how true that is, both him and my mom are/were Catholic. This is also a man who spent three years living in the Shah's Iran, during which he almost ended up with a gold Ferrari gifted to the Shah by the Italian government, and ultimately was chased out of the country by Manucher Ghorbanifar after the Iranian trucker union wrote his company a bad check.
  2. Because adding Texas to the win column with California is like LeBron driving the lane against a five year old child. Like maybe their feeble little body will get in the way and cause enough interference to stop it, but with over a third of the EC in the bag, the GOP is getting a face full of bofa.
  3. He just has big dad energy! My dad does the same kind of shit...When I went off to college he took a rawhide, branded my initials on it, covered it in epoxy, and built a wooden platform for it. The message being conveyed? That he was proud of me for being so ‘tough, like rawhide’.
  4. @Ricofoley You're a fellow direct mail traveler, correct? We've definitely noticed some issues with deliverability as of late.
  5. Imagine deluding yourself into defeat simply because you can’t bring yourself to acknowledge the reality of defeat.
  6. Never on D1P to my knowledge, but plenty of times on IGN. Speaking of which, am I misremembering, or on IGN was the only way to find out the length/cause of your ban by submitting an unban request and waiting for a mod to answer?
  7. There's a community Facebook page for a local suburb that I love to hate-read, and when there are 'Shout out some local places for takeout!' posts people will - earnestly and without irony - suggest shit like Bravo and Texas Roadhouse.
  8. Anyways, to bring this full circle, there would be less white supremacism if those losers ate good Thai food.
  9. Brisket, pastrami, and corned beef are all delicious.
  10. The Nintendo Switch is the greatest console of all time, this is a good take.
  11. VI on the Switch. Mine wasn’t too military-driven; ended up losing via Science while chasing a Cultural victory. From what I can tell, a domination victory would be pretty tough to achieve, so I get the sense most matches will be pretty well balanced.
  12. To be fair Wade *loves* seppuku, so there are some Japanese cultural exports he appreciates!
  13. Where's the lack of coherence though? There's a friends list! There's a voice chat app! It's all there.
  14. After 20 hours my first Civ game ended in defeat. ‘Twas a hell of a match though, came close to getting a Cultural victory but China settled on Mars a bit before I could.
  15. First off, Tetris 99 is the best free game that has been released through any of them. Second, it is the most unassuming service for people who are tired of juvenile bullshit. I don’t have to use some dumb username that I immediately regret making; rather I just get to use my name, or whatever other mundane name I give to my console profile. I don’t have to keep track of some stupid headset that is consistently on the verge of breaking (I must have went through three of the OG XBL headsets thanks to how flimsy that clip was); instead I just open an app on my phone, which is easy and simple. I don’t have to deal with any 15 year olds yelling and playing music into their headset, then fumble through menus to mute them; I can’t hear them by default! For what the Switch is and the types of games it has, its online service is the perfect match and extremely good. I will absolutely die on this hill.
  16. That's not unhealthy that's masochistic.
  17. What? There are plenty of regional beers that fill that niche. Narragansett, Lone Star, Natty Boh, New Glarus, Rainier, etc.
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