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Everything posted by Chris-

  1. First off, Tetris 99 is the best free game that has been released through any of them. Second, it is the most unassuming service for people who are tired of juvenile bullshit. I don’t have to use some dumb username that I immediately regret making; rather I just get to use my name, or whatever other mundane name I give to my console profile. I don’t have to keep track of some stupid headset that is consistently on the verge of breaking (I must have went through three of the OG XBL headsets thanks to how flimsy that clip was); instead I just open an app on my phone, which is easy and simple. I don’t have to deal with any 15 year olds yelling and playing music into their headset, then fumble through menus to mute them; I can’t hear them by default! For what the Switch is and the types of games it has, its online service is the perfect match and extremely good. I will absolutely die on this hill.
  2. That's not unhealthy that's masochistic.
  3. What? There are plenty of regional beers that fill that niche. Narragansett, Lone Star, Natty Boh, New Glarus, Rainier, etc.
  4. I’m way too fucking white to step into this one, and I’d advise some of y’all to follow in my footsteps.
  5. He’ll do it once, bitch about not getting enough credit, then triple-down and never do it again.
  6. lol ever see a photo of those guys or listen to their stuff? They aren’t exactly leading the charge of armed revolution. Their thesis is seriously ‘guns are cool and fun’.
  7. I’m surrounded by good delivery/takeout options, so food hasn’t been lacking. I miss the feeling of a fresh, cold draft beer though.
  8. I am genuinely curious what that case entails, because from my perspective there is no reason why these kinds of restrictions shouldn’t be in place on firearms/accessories that are immaterial to self-defense. Hell, I’d go as far as saying all semi-automatic weapons should be classified under the NFA.
  9. My partner is $100k in the hole because of her MFA, so let me get ass up on the table and make it a buffet.
  10. I mean you’re not wrong, but at given how polarized mitigation efforts have become, I’m not about to bemoan security theater. Even if something only helps in a minuscule way, I think it should be encouraged.
  11. Galaxy brained shit to argue that the past President did something illegal while also making the case that you as the current President can’t do anything illegal.
  12. We got what we needed out of these rulings though, which is that the President isn’t immune from investigation solely by dint of being President.
  13. The ruling lets him go back to the lower courts though, from what I understand, so it will continue to drag out.
  14. Jesus, I’m -4.5 and I thought *that* was bad.
  15. Ghouls like Crenshaw don’t deserve respect, but at the same time they aren’t the ones you are trying to persuade/dissuade, and cruelty doesn’t play well to a lot of those people. A reoccurring trend on the left is a fundamental inability to understand what it takes to build a broad coalition, and that ain’t it.
  16. I am Facebook friends with Jose and can confirm he is a passable honky.
  17. osx looks like he's a pastor at one of those young uppie churches with a name like 'Renaissance' or 'Vertias'.
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