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Everything posted by Hurdyb1

  1. I enjoyed it. I need to rewatch the first one as I haven't seen it since I saw it in the theater but I can remember my delight of being pleasantly surprised with the first film.
  2. I really don't like that helmets don't pop off cause it still happens in real football at all levels.
  3. T1 and T2 are masterpieces. Stop the fucking debate. You all sound like MJ vs LBJ debates, just old. One is sci fi action and the other his sci fi horror but both are great. To say other wise is just looking as bad as saying MJ or LBJ is a bad player just because of your feelings of allegiance to one. Ugh ! Just had to get that off my chest. Looking forward to this new Terminator hopefully breathing some life into this franchise.
  4. I think it's going to happen but when is the serious question. Latency issues will keep this from happening for quite some time.
  5. Great question cause I may be moving soon as well and this is something I wondered as well.
  6. Terry? Is that a different skin for the character or this Terry have a sex change? Oops, just saw the title of the game, lol!
  7. It would be nice if both can co-exist. I mean the DC network needs more content.
  8. Teen Titans Go To the Movies I'm a fan of TTG. I let the hate go years ago. I laughed from start to finish. It's funny how they had jokes roasting BvS and the GL movie. 4.5 /5
  9. OMG! I was so a fan of this scene due to how intense he looked. Now it Wil be the butt of bad special effects joke for years, lol.
  10. This is NO surprise at all to me. It offered no real benefit over the pro membership. Gamestop refused to offer something with the elite pro to make it more attractive and that refusal to change is why Gamestop struggling.
  11. I liked that trailer. Now the special effects moment at the end was overkill but I kinda knew that was coming due to the comics they decided to base this on. But I've had my venting sessions months ago and realize Sony will be Sony. With that being said, I've liked what we have seen in therror latest two trailers. The little things are keeping me optimistic despite the gaps we know will be in this movie which we kinda knew would be there day one. The trailers keep getting better to me and my optimism grows not in that it will be comic book accurate, but it's going to be worth my $7 to see. If the movie sucks, the message will be delivered.
  12. Definitely in comparison to what we have seen in various forms of media over the years whether from the old Superbly show, to Lois & Clark, Smallville , the Reeves movies, comcis, and cartoons. The Kents always told Clark he was gonna be great and to use his power for the better.
  13. And let's not forget the fantastic soundtrack that Hans Zimmer freaking snapped the hell off on.
  14. I remember when the end credits began, said this is the Superman movie I've been waiting for which was no disrespect to the first Chris Reeves movies. But this had the ability to tell a story visually about what a Kryptonian could do on Earth. Yes it was darker than we are used to for Superman but like said above, it's no where as dark as BvS. Man of Steel has some concerns but, nothing that stopped me from enjoying it and appreciating it. I know the scenes that people knock are 1. PA Kent's death which is in line with his wishes cause he didn't want Clark to go public due to the nature of people. So I can easily understand why that played out the way it did. 2. Superman killing Zod. I mean regardless of the infinite number of fan fiction we have heard and even suggested about how Superman could have saved those people and not kill, Zod put Clark in a hard place and had to make a quick decision. Regardless of both scenes, Henry Cavil excellently shows the pain of losing his dad and having to kill the one kin of his people where I felt Superman's pain. Man of Steel set a wonderful foundation that's been poor used with the DCEU.
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