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Everything posted by Hurdyb1

  1. I haven't watched Unbreakable since it first came to DVD, yes DVD. I need to rewatch it and Split. People are excited so that's a good thing.
  2. I think bit is an understatement but that is more on Snyder than Jason.
  3. Morrison does make things interesting whether one likes it or not. I appreciate that he does things his way with the story telling. This can be very interesting with space travel as its really up to the writer's imagination. And yes, DC has really been killing it in with the comics of late.
  4. Misdirection is probably more appropriate for this trailer and that what not made it appealing to me. I don't need crazy action but I wanted more.......action, lol or more intensity.
  5. I liked the trailers. Not too revealing but showed enough for me. But we still have time so more revealing trailers are comimg. I don't know enough about Shazam to be hyper critical of it but it looks like what I expect with a kid gaining power and learning the responsibility of it. Aquaman looks like we will get more of what Mamoa started with the character in Justice League. Look forward to both.
  6. I thought that trailer was bad. It's a good thing I am a fan of the monster and the world or that trailer would have turned me off to seeing it.
  7. This is horrible. I'm not defending what he said but damn, he said this stuff long time ago. He's definitely not that guy now. This playing backing and forth with right and let about what people said years ago is reaching an ugly point. I can get why DISNEY did it but I don't like it.
  8. I think you posted this in the wrong place but Damm..... I seriously thought this was a joke a a few weeks ago when I first heard about it. This is horrible and disrespectful to the original show and even the 2nd version of Thundercats.
  9. Remember Clones Wars was George Lucas' baby. Wasn't it?
  10. Sounds good. I want to see his execution though which has me a tad worried.
  11. And that writer is Grant Morrison. I don't know whether to be excited about this news or fearful that he's gonna put his touch on things and flip the light spectrum upside down.
  12. I don't think so. WB hasn't been clear but they did state at one point they had no issue with multiple actors playing a character specifically playing Joker since this is suppose to be a stand alone movie.
  13. Guess I'm not, I'm not all into the multimedia details like folks are. Hell, I don't watch TV like most folks in general. But from where I stand, if anybody would ask my opinion on Comcast, it would be negative just from what I have seen prior to this bid. I just don't watch TV enough to care but I know there was a lot more at stake here than just the X-Men and FF with this.
  14. Low budget. I like. I hope it delivers. I still don't think we need anything deeper than The Killing Joke type origin but I really hope that WB works closely with DC to ensure this movie is done correctly.
  15. $7.99 is definitely worth a month or 2 to check out things.
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