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Everything posted by Hurdyb1

  1. True, great afternoon binge for real. I wouldn't mind if I had other animation binges that were as short as this but as a Castlevania fan since the first NES game, I just want more selfishly.
  2. True that. I had mixed thoughts about a pregnancy during this time but yeah, if the moment is right........yup.
  3. Meaning EA is looking for that Fornite way of making money and fix their image but they will still screw it up.
  4. As excited as I am for this, 8 episodes mean this can be watched in less than 3 hours if it's the typical 22 min animated episode which is still a tad disappointing for me personally knowing that we will probably have to wait another year or more for new episodes. Looking forward to watching them regardless.
  5. Madden 18 -PS4 Tekken 7 - PS4 Psycho Pass - Vita Yoshi's New Island - 3ds And maybe some Resident Evil Zero on PS4
  6. Damn! I don't know whether to laugh or to be sad by this. It's true though.
  7. I met and talked to him along with Chris Claremont at the Chicago C2E2 in June a few weeks back. Chris is a real chatter box but he's so passionate. Jason Aaron though was really cool. I wasn't his biggest fan but after that experience and just how he connected with son made me a huge fan.
  8. Would you happen to know why with the Silent Hill HD collection why the first game was never included or HD remastered? I have always wondered.
  9. And what I meant to say as well is that Superior Spider-Man was a great read and I think a very necessary shake up for the Spider-Man world at that point that was written with legacy in mind that could be enjoyed. And Jason Aaron's Thor between Jane as Thor and Unworthy Odindon was a phenomenal read. (I also met Jason Aaron when D1P was experiencing issues. The man is one cool as hell dude!!!! My son and him talked wrestling for about 4 mins, lol)
  10. THIS!!!!!!! And for the most part, most of them are and have been written that way. I wonder how many of the vocal folks are constant and current readers? It seems to me that the loud haters don't read frequently but I am not naive to know that many folks just don't care for different color or gender legacy character, which has been done decades before. As we all know, legacy character may go away for a period for story telling purposes but they will never go away forever.
  11. Whelp, let the great internet speculation begin which will still lead to a number of Star Wars fans not being happy since Return of the Jedi and freaking Ewoks. I will laugh and be what I am sure pleased with Episode 9.
  12. LMAO!!!! On one hand, I can see Mark Hamill on Twitter playing with that idea of mocking Ren on the other hand, it would be fitting for Ren to have that on going type torture for the garbage he has pulled.
  13. I got to thinking more about my comment after I put it down and it would be very challenging. I don't think it would be a bad perspective but I think only a few directors / story tellers could possibly achieve something good for an audience with it to get a full picture of what is going on. I look above at that 5 min video and it did so much better than Hardcore Henry, to me for my enjoyment, because it didn't have to tell a whole narrative for 90s mins.
  14. This is great to know that Billy Dee Williams will FINALLY make his return. Hopefully he will give us that loss for Han that we really never got from the other characters plus to have Lando back is great as well as I thought we would see or at least hear about him at the end of Last Jedi. Also happy to know that Luke will be back most likely as a ghost. I am fine with how he was portrayed in Last Jedi, I do hope that his portrayal in Episode 9 is both wise and more optimistic as his character needs to to be redeemed. I think Leia will have very small part in the movie just to send the character off properly. I still get sad thinking about Carrie Fisher.
  15. Wow! That Biting Elbows was great. Hardcover Henry is not a great movie but it's something that can be admired for trying something different. I would love to see an actual good thought out story with that first person perspective for a movie.
  16. It's crazy cause people actually belive comics adressing social issues, gender, diversity, and etc is a new trend. Comics been doing this well before we were born and probably before some of this group's parents were born.
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