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Everything posted by crispy4000

  1. It was also in the itch.io BLM bundle from earlier this year, for those who picked it up.
  2. For extreme cheapskates like me, it’s hard to even know what to spend Steam credit on anymore with EGS and Twitch Prime giveaways being a thing. Not to mention bundles and Humble Choice. I figure MS’ (and EA’s) games have less of a chance ending up in those avenues due to Games Pass. It’s a much better gamble than indies. Seeing them in GP/Gold/PS+ is usually a sign they’ll be free on EGS before long.
  3. As I said in the other thread, I’ll probably go with Sunset Overdrive, ReCore and Mirrors Edge 2. Historical lows at $5. Doubt they’ll get cheaper in the winter sale, but if they do, that’s what Steam refunds are for.
  4. All are free with my marketplace Steam credit. I’d rather own them outright anyways with them being so cheap.
  5. You’re thinking too much like Nintendo there, lol It would hurt Sakurai’s soul too much to do a remaster with online play.
  6. I think the post makes it clear they do want competitive scenes for their games, but mainly put effort into those where it wouldn’t grow as organically.
  7. Picked up Hades on Switch, might get it on EGS as well. Anyone have any thoughts about Sunset Overdrive, ReCore and Mirrors Edge Catalyst? They’re all $5 on Steam today.
  8. In fairness, Nintendo’s been terrible about this before there was ever a (known) problem. They’ve also resorted to shutting down online tournaments now. They didn’t appreciate fans hacking in good netcode during Covid.
  9. Even PS2 emulation isn’t in the best place right now. Too much input lag that hasn’t been resolved.
  10. Captain Toad (Wii U) and Age of Calmity (Switch) Just so much fun, on both accounts, even though the latter is a little frame-y. I should have played Captain Toad a long time ago.
  11. Interesting results here. Series X comes on top with RT in holding frame rate during setpiece moments and cutscenes, but under PS5 with the 120fps mode. Series S lacks RT entirely. Either way, seeing RT on these consoles targeting 60fps above 1080p is a triumph. Even when it's just shadows.
  12. ole TomCat also said the APIs would be ahead and that Series X raytracing would beat a 2080
  13. You're right that it will take developers time to properly utilize the hardware, as with the PS5 and its own idiosyncrasies. But it's incorrect to claim that no launch games are tapping into the Velocity Architecture. At the very least, it's contributing to decreased load times and texture decompression in the here and now.
  14. Completed Pyre. Solid 8.5/10 game. I loved the sports combat. It takes a little while to feel like you know the in's and out's, but once you do, it's amazing. I only wish there was an online versus mode, because this would have been a fun game to watch competitively. RPG elements in leveling up your team are also really good, as expected. The only places it stumbles a bit is in the conversational bits, where it leans in a bit too hard for my tastes. And while I enjoyed that nothing ever felt too high stakes on the world map, it takes way too long to get from one match to another (though every bit of it is gorgeous). There is a fantastic twist about 1/4th of the way through the game which sets up how the narrative will work going forward, and has huge implications from a gameplay standpoint too. But the payoff of the ending is kind of weak from a presentation standpoint. Visually ... not audibly. Those who finished it will know what I mean. Transistor > Pyre > Bastion Will pick up Hades on sale. 2020 games A Short Hike Broken Age Crash 1 FF7 Remake Flower Hellblade HoB Hollow Knight Inside Journey Portal Pyre Ratchet & Clank Spider-Man (and DLC) Spyro 1 Supraland Uncharted 1 Uncharted 2 Uncharted 3 Undertale
  15. Makes sense. That’s a fast time all considered.
  16. DQ games are notoriously long, even more than you'd think. I'm saying that because, going by your hour count, there's still another 1/3rd of the game left that slipped under your nose. You can stop right where you did if you're happy. But if you ever feel like revisiting it, the plot continues.
  17. Damn, Pyre has an insane difficulty spike a few hours in. I thought the game might be too easy before this. It's the part where you fight an old Nightwing team, for anyone curious.
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