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Everything posted by crispy4000

  1. Lots of could-be's at the moment. It's impossible to say for sure what the bottlenecks are on either system yet. But for now, it's still uncanny how close they are performance-wise in general with cross-gen stuff. DMC5 could be a sign that Series X will have an RT advantage in the future, though I don't think it would pull away hard and fast in that until an upscaling solution materializes. (that's better suited for Series X, presumably)
  2. We already know their APIs are good now! Because of logic: Just gotta wait for a good developer to properly use them! ... In all seriousness, I expect it'll get patched soon.
  3. That's really unfortunate. They've always been consistently no bullshit with good editorial.
  4. My disagreements with this are why I prefer the PS4/XBO/WiiU/Switch. If you look at its list, very few of the most critically acclaimed games doubled down on monetization. You never had to resort to paying into the schemes to have fun this gen. You might even have more fun avoiding the games that went there. This was also the generation that indie games stopped feeling so small and constrained, IMO. I'm sure budgets were still tight, but I no longer went into them expecting significant compromises. Games like Edith Finch, Life is Strange, Hat in Time, Hollow Knight, Inside, Hellblade, Rime, Ori ... there's nothing absent there. They're just great, and honestly, better than AA/B-tier games at their prime (in the PS2 era). There's still tons of high-budget/high-effort looking ones I haven't played yet. Sure, I'll agree that there's too many pixel art indies. But the cream of the crop ended up being fantastic (Undertale, Celeste, Dead Cells, Stardew Valley, Into the Breach, etc). Also, backburner genres like 3D platformers, arcade racers, survival horror and platform fighters made a comeback, thanks to how the indie space has grown. I could go on about how 3rd party Japanese developers started to get their groove back too, whereas the PS3/360/Wii was a low point. Can't stop thinking about how good DQXI turned out, for example. HD towns, lol. The only caveat I have is that there's a ton of open world glut and over-reliance on skill trees. Those things became trendy in the same way the 3rd person cover mechanics did.
  5. I took the top 5 GOTY-awarded games each year for these generations to build this. Took my best guess on 2020 games, to make it equal entries for each. This is just a snapshot of critic 'consensus' at the time. A few games that are oddly absent gained greater recognition after their debut. (Dark Souls, Fortnite, Hollow Knight, etc) Which generation's games do you prefer? Would any unlisted games tilt the balance?
  6. Remake or not, those kind of scores are a rarity for a launch game. And the PS3 game was still pretty niche on the whole.
  7. What other barometer do we have? A cross gen game should be able to push RT plenty. It’s adding to what’s already optimized to run on weaker hardware. Even Control could be described as such. Was it not a fair barometer for RTX cards? ...Of course it is.
  8. It’s more the marketing angle. If everyone else is saying that their games run 4K, even if only when looking at skyboxes, you might as well. Its why it’s so important to wait until release when 4K gets uttered. We’re seeing the same sort of thing with 120fps too.
  9. Did the same. He speaks about the SDK being less ready on Microsoft’s side. But nothing as to RT in specific. And certainly no claims that WD:L is being significantly hamstrung by it. We’ll see RT optimizations and improvements throughout the gen. It can only get better down the road. But I don’t think we’ll be seeing 2080 performance out of these consoles with RT. It’s not being realistic. We’re far from it now.
  10. They said PS5 was 4K too at one point. Your mistake was taking the PR as gospel. There’s a long track record of 4K being fungible to Ubisoft (and most AAA publishers), especially with dynamic drops, sub-4K averages and reconstruction. So yeah. Don’t be so trusting, and you won’t be disappointed.
  11. Operates on the assumption that a driver update will yield the same gains. Remember that DLSS improvements were a huge part of that equation too. Also, what dev said these consoles aren’t RT ready? Source please.
  12. If the config file is to blame, how come it dips dynamically down to 1440p? Keep those blinders on.
  13. The denial here pretty much speaks for itself. Your 2080 comment stands as false. The Series X is performing at 2060 S level (sans DLSS) with RT. It’s even more absurd to think the PS5 is what’s holding it back, with the PC port existing as it does.
  14. Beat Uncharted 3. It's bombastic and consistently fun in the moment. Exactly what I needed after coming off HoB and Hellblade. Which are also good, but more somber. I can see why people think Uncharted 2 is better, but its not by much. The only real flaw with 3 is all the fist fighting, which builds off the bad in Uncharted 2. Oh, and running from spiders so many times. The part where you have to shoot them is sooo jank, it was kind of hilarious. The rusty ship section was by far my favorite part of the game, and I normally dislike those type of environments, but they made it wrap up in an interesting way. Music and writting is also better than Uncharted 2 on the whole, IMO, and there might be a greater variety of set pieces as well. 8/10 popcorn film. Going to miss 60fps when I start Uncharted 4.
  15. Given the choice between 1440p60 or 4k30, I'd go with the former every time. Even more so if 1440p is the bottom point. It gets a bit harder for me if it's between 1080p60 and 30fps at a higher resolution. It depends on the game. I played through Hellblade recently at 1600p30, no regrets.
  16. I think a lot of people do, and are happy to pay the $12 a month for GP (+$3 for Gold). As someone who plays primarily on PC and checks the r/gamedeals subreddit often, it's not worth it to me yet. I spend <$100 on games themselves most years. It's gotten even easier with giveaway fever lately. I'll still buy the odd Microsoft title on the cheap.
  17. Series S wasn't a looking 1440p machine before this either, with how many last gen titles (I can say it now!) opted for 1080p. If Series S can maintain WD:L levels of performance throughout the generation, I'd consider it a good thing! Hardware-wise, you'd still get much more value for your dollar with a PS5 DE. But that comparison might not matter as much with Games Pass being a thing.
  18. Yep. In the here and now, we're seeing very marginal differences. Maybe that changes when more games leverage the SSD or machine learning features. But we won't know until we get there. My big takeaway isn't that the consoles aren't roughly equal to each other. It's that they won't beat a 2060 Super in raytracing unless AMD's promised upscaling algorithm absolutely nails it. That could change how games are developed and how much RT is embraced this gen.
  19. There was better motion tech avaiable when the Wii launched as well. So it depends on what you want to give credit for. There hadn't been a meaningful update to rumble in decades on consoles. HD Rumble was more of a half step, but at least it pushed forward.
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