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Everything posted by crispy4000

  1. There was better motion tech avaiable when the Wii launched as well. So it depends on what you want to give credit for. There hadn't been a meaningful update to rumble in decades on consoles. HD Rumble was more of a half step, but at least it pushed forward.
  2. The HD rumble moons in Mario Odyssey actively pissed me off. They tried, but it wasn't clear enough of an aid. Nintendo still deserves credit for advancing the tech somewhat. Rumble hadn't been improved meaningfully in decades. I still think the OG Star Fox 64 had the best rumble until now. It didn't give a fuck about your battery life, lol.
  3. http://www.gog.com//apple-touch-icon.png -100% Teleglitch: Die More Edition on GOG.com WWW.GOG.COM
  4. I could see it. WD:L and Godfall both look a lot more shiny/neon as a whole. That's going to play better with reflections. Given what we now know about the performance, I wonder how much RT will be leaned on in the future. It might make more sense for ground-up next gen games to push other things and use RT reflections more sparingly. Or maybe try more for RT GI and Shadows instead. Until then, lots of puddles and waxed tiles.
  5. I think Insomniac made the right call in its implementation by comparison. Reflections in reflections seems excessive while the performance cost is still so high. And those cut off points where it falls back to cube maps, even on PC, look mismatched. I'd rather take a lower LoD reflection on a whole than a mixed bag. There's probably more to it than that, so hopefully its just growing pains. But there is RT in large bodies of water, so that's at least one area where WD:L beats Spider-man decisively.
  6. TIn Yep. Xbox Series X runs raytracing in this game like a 2060 Super without DLSS. Maybe just a tad worse in fidelity, but with dynamic resolution to help framerates along if things dip. (which isn't possible in the PC build) Console settings on Series X (and PS5 too) are below medium RT on PC, the lowest that can be selected in game. But a 2060 Super can also run RT on Ultra settings at similar framerates, using DLSS 2.0 for reconstructed 4k. Obligatory @TomCat quote:
  7. PS5 might actually have a performance advantage with Valhalla? It could be its dynamic resolution dropping more intelligently. There's less tearing, but it's still there at points. As said in the Xbox thread, they both average 1368p-1620p, temporally reconstructed to 4K. EDIT: DF confirms as well.
  8. Second source now saying that both consoles use image reconstruction. They found lower bounds and resolution averages than NX gamer, closer in line with the PS4 Pro's typical resolution counts: @TomCat counted his eggs before they hatched. Claims of "4K native" for AAA games should always be taken with a heaping spoonful of salt, until there's evidence of typical resolution / no reconstruction techniques. Its like a developer calling their game 60fps when it averages 50fps or lower. There was reason to be skeptical here anyways, with Ubisoft being wishy-washy on what framerate the game would run at initially. I'm glad they made the development choices they did to get it to 60fps, even if the press release promises were sketch.
  9. Xbox Series S review: next-gen gaming on a budget - and in style WWW.EUROGAMER.NET Digital Foundry presents the definitive verdict on an entirely new type of games console - Microsoft's junior Series machine, which aims to bring you the same games at lower resolutions. Does it work?
  10. There were a few surprisingly good back ports. We'll get to see this kind of thing continue throughout the generation with the Series S.
  11. Why? It was a good port for back then. Performance analysis: Titanfall on Xbox 360 WWW.EUROGAMER.NET
  12. Eh, they’ve shown with Demon Souls and SoC they have the artistic and tech chops. It’s mainly game design and systems where they’re untested. I’m playing through BP’s Uncharted 3 port right now, fun coincidence.
  13. With the minimum PC spec: Hovers around 60fps at 1080p on high settings, could also be a 60fps lock on medium. Not too bad! This definitely could have been a cross-gen release though.
  14. Super interested in some genuine console comparisons of PS5/Series X optimized games dropping today. It's crazy how lid tight both consoles have been with it this generation. Doesn't sound like many publishers sent review code for both platforms. For direct comparisons, we've had a brief clip of Dirt 5 on PS5, NBA2k21, and DF's DMC5 video. And a poor quality 1080p AC Valhalla video leaked by a youtuber. Bad news on that...
  15. 'Oh look, Call of Duty / NBA2K / Demon Souls is $70 instead of $60' 'Charges credit card' These sort of games are going to make it palatable in the here and now. The faster the new consoles sell, the more typical it will become. Godfall could get swept up in the pricing drama after the reviews. But really, if it bombs, $60 still wouldn't have given it a fighting chance.
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