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Everything posted by Dodger

  1. Shit I didn’t know AVGN was still around. i haven’t played any of these games. Should I try just jumping in? crazy how for the holidays I bought one new game (RDR2, still haven’t finished it) but I could legit blow hundreds on Q1 releases if I bought everything I’m interested in day 1.
  2. A fucking reliever gets the first 100% vote? Absolute bullshit.
  3. Hope the Goff jersey I ordered after the game makes it time. Says it ships by Jan 31st... maybe I shouldn't have taken the free shipping.
  4. The way it's worded sounds like that last episode of Seinfeld. There must be more to it, because I don't think you have any actual legal obligation to stop someone from well urinating on someone else. I really don't get the whole peeing on other people thing either. I guess it's some kind of power trip. I'm no OCD clean freak but that just sounds like a mess I don't want around me.
  5. I'd be stoked to get rid of tipping. Still don't see why it's my responsibility to figure out how much money you should be making when all I want is some food. I'm still a generous tipper because I understand it's not their fault, but I really hate the practice. Also moving to AZ has fucked up the whole just double the tax thing since sales tax is a little lower here. Worked fine in CA when you knew tax was 9-10% everywhere.
  6. I hope it's good, I enjoyed the old PS2 games of the series. Haven't played any of the newer ones though.
  7. Went back to RDR2 after not playing it for a month and finished chapter 3. Also started a new dark souls 2 run for some reason
  8. I would imagine they would still make Destiny 3 then, even if the series isn't meeting expectations Destiny 3 would still likely sell better than whatever new thing they could come up with next, since it's not like they can just go make another Halo.
  9. So do they still have a deal for Destiny 3 and then they are done, or Bungie is totally free to do whatever they want now? Who owns the Destiny IP, Bungie or Activision? Does this mean They finish Destiny 3 and then move on to whatever else, or do they now move on to whatever else?
  10. I'm assuming that at least a significant chunk of annual abortions are elective. Again, it's just a thought experiment. Do abortions in first world nations have statistically significant effect on birth rates or not. Birth and fertility rates have been low in first world nations for over a decade and seen as a problem for aging populations with large social safety nets. So I'm simply curious if abortions are having any significant impact on those numbers.
  11. So what would the birth rate be if we had say 4.5 million births instead of 3.9 million a year.
  12. As in that if we weren't aborting approximately 800k babies a year in the U.S., so those 800k babies get born, would it have a statistically significant impact on the annual birth rate? So yes assuming abortion "totally ceased"
  13. I ask this not to be snarky but because I'm just not that great maff. What would the birth rate be if we weren't aborting around 800,000 babies a year? Is it statistically insignificant or would it make an actual difference?
  14. Been watching a lot of creampie porn lately
  15. Stuck at work for a half day today but I'm bouncing at noon. Having prime rib for dinner. Gonna be good. Gonna have a small low key Christmas because I have to work today and Wednesday so I couldn't go back to Cali to visit my family.
  16. No I don't use Adblocker. Since I no longer really follow any specific channels I probably should. Most of my youtube tme is just looking up random video game crap for whatever game I'm currently playing. How do you use adblocker?
  17. I should probably start cutting some costs, and I don't really watch a ton of Youtube anymore. There aren't specific channels I regularly follow anymore. But it is nice not dealing with any ads when I do watch stuff. How fucked is basic Youtube these days? I've heard you can get up to 3 ads in 10 minutes now which would be pretty annoying. But unless it's just absolutely terrible I think cheapness should win out.
  18. Damn I bought Celeste. Too damn hard for me these days though. Might check out WRC6.
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