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Everything posted by Dodger

  1. That was my thought. The sooner the min wage goes up the sooner they can justify automating those jobs.
  2. This entire thread is all about just how socialist the nominee should be. You all support more gun control. None of you bat an eye at third trimester abortions. While you guys deny being “open borders” I haven’t seen a single one of you support any sort of immigration restrictions. So where’s the lie in anything that was said?
  3. I’m not getting into Sekiro like I hoped I would. Finally beat Witcher 3 and started Hearts of Stone.
  4. As soon as I get home I take my going out clothes off and put on a T-shirt and shorts. I’ll change back whenever I have to go somewhere again. Also I despise wearing socks. I wear flip flops every chance I get. personally I think a good pair of slacks are way more comfortable than jeans. my dad will wear jeans and his tennis shoes on all day around the house. Maybe it’s an old guy thing.
  5. The gaming part can be a good source of news and other info. Other than that the board is made up of radical leftist Sony fanboys. I wouldn’t even mind that but they are hypersensitive PC warriors and anything even remotely “offensive” will get you banned. shit they banned people who merely said Louis cks leaked new standup was funny. His comments weren’t even that bad.
  6. I can’t even beat general kawarda. I never get a death blow after jump kicking him after his sweep attack which I thought was supposed to be the point of his fight.
  7. I only got to play for around an hour last night so hopefully my early criticisms get fixed. While I like the stealth and jumping around and doing death from above kills, I hate the basic combat loop of direct one on one confrontation where it's deflect/counter attack. But I'm assuming directly engaging most enemies is doing it wrong. Hopefully combat options open up as you upgrade the arm because the basic tutorial combat is boring.
  8. So now we have Nintendo Direct, Inside Xbox, and State of Play. Which is cool for what they do for each platform
  9. I started getting all my meat at Costco, and while it's a little more expensive, damn the quality is so much better. Gotta learn to be cheap in the right areas.
  10. One thing I've noticed about Arizona is they really love Walmart, because they are everywhere. I go to the one by where I live all the time.
  11. Beer I'll accept if you are at home or having a sit down restaurant burger, but if you're going to In N Out or wherever for lunch, wash that down with a soda like a man. Drink your water later.
  12. WTF are you supposed to drink when you have a big juicy burger and fries?
  13. I fucking love soda. I just get tired of drinking water all the damn time. I try to not drink any soda M-T and then over the weekend I drink about a 6 pack, about 2 or day or so. I can manage to drink water all day at work but when I'm home I really want a soda. So now I really have to work on cutting back. What about juice? I usually avoid juice since it has just as much sugar and calories as soda does. Besides the calories, is that going to kill me too? They also have some damn good chocolate milk out here suprisingly and sometimes I'll have a weekend where I'll drink a glass or two of that instead of soda. But Chocolate milk probably has way too many calories in it, and I really need to lose weight.
  14. This might just be a stereotype and I could be completely wrong, but I would just assume the average Walmart customer wouldn't have anywhere near the kind of internet speeds necessary for game streaming.
  15. This is the GP curse. I've been meaning to buy this, but I keep thinking it will come to GP at some point so I don't.
  16. And everyone was worried after the reviews got pushed back. Can't wait to play tonight and I'm on vacation next week. Too bad I already had the flu the beginning of the year or I'd call in sick tomorrow too. We'll have to see if this can be even better than Bloodborne.
  17. Seems like there is a middle ground between not giving out opioids for dental appointments and giving them to people in actual serious pain with shattered bones or whatever. the first time I had a root canal over 15 years ago they gave me Vicodin. I could barely work the next couple days. Now you just get ibuprofen 800 which is much more reasonable.
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