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3 minutes ago, Chairslinger said:

Instead of fighting it, Canada should start building a militarized wall. I'd imagine when Indianapolis and Cleveland have the climate of Libya and Ethiopia Canada will be quite temperate and very popular :p

Cleveland will be popular for a while with our “fresh” water supply. 

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Well that's interesting. We only touched on the chemistry of the reactions in concrete when we studied it in school. I wasn't aware that it contributed so much CO2. 


I hope that we can accelerate the use of additives in the concrete mixture (like the ones I did research on in college) in many industries. That will certainly help. But I don't know that there's much to be done with eliminating cement production. 

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6 minutes ago, CayceG said:

Well that's interesting. We only touched on the chemistry of the reactions in concrete when we studied it in school. I wasn't aware that it contributed so much CO2. 


I hope that we can accelerate the use of additives in the concrete mixture (like the ones I did research on in college) in many industries. That will certainly help. But I don't know that there's much to be done with eliminating cement production. 

It's one of the tougher ones to address if we want to get to net zero. Start with a carbon tax and then fill in the gaps like WaPo wrote: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/want-a-green-new-deal-heres-a-better-one/2019/02/24/2d7e491c-36d2-11e9-af5b-b51b7ff322e9_story.html

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13 hours ago, Massdriver said:

It's one of the tougher ones to address if we want to get to net zero. Start with a carbon tax and then fill in the gaps like WaPo wrote: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/want-a-green-new-deal-heres-a-better-one/2019/02/24/2d7e491c-36d2-11e9-af5b-b51b7ff322e9_story.html


Finally, there is transportation, a sector that is deeply hooked on oil and dependent on government decision-making on infrastructure investment. Carbon pricing would deter unnecessary driving and spur the purchase of cleaner cars, but only government can ensure adequate mass transit options. Local governments could help with zoning laws to encourage people to live in denser, more walkable communities. 

Bernie's housing plan covers a lot of this, thankfully. Others should take heed of his plan and emulate it.


That said, 

We also need to drive electric cars less than we drive our ICE cars

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Bernie's plan includes rent control on a national scale which is a policy that would inhibit the construction of new housing and further distort the market. Economists are pretty firm on this. It makes more sense to upzone everywhere you can and subsidize housing for the lower middle class and poor than it does to implement rent control.

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4 hours ago, Massdriver said:



Bernie's plan includes rent control on a national scale which is a policy that would inhibit the construction of new housing and further distort the market. Economists are pretty firm on this. It makes more sense to upzone everywhere you can and subsidize housing for the lower middle class and poor than it does to implement rent control.

Rent control is by far the biggest weak spot.


I agree that upzoning needs to happen everywhere (also in Bernie's plan). That said, the biggest issue/challenge is restrictive zoning and lawsuits in white/wealthy areas. Those codes need to be absolutely trashed. High prices and low turnover push otherwise well off people down the housing ladder, which eventually results in gentrification. Without the emphasis on the most expensive housing areas first, upzoning will only happen in areas where residents are least likely to be able to oppose it (read: poorer, and more often than not places that have significant numbers of minority populations) and the situation will resemble midcentury slum clearance/highway building

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5 hours ago, Massdriver said:



Bernie's plan includes rent control on a national scale which is a policy that would inhibit the construction of new housing and further distort the market. Economists are pretty firm on this. It makes more sense to upzone everywhere you can and subsidize housing for the lower middle class and poor than it does to implement rent control.



Vermont senator and 2020 presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders returned to Las Vegas on Saturday to unveil his plan to tackle affordable housing through a $2.5 trillion national rent control initiative and major investment for building new homes and updating public housing.

Sanders said that Nevadans have struggled as much as anyone during the housing crisis and in the rebuilding years since.

“Today, Nevada has the greatest shortage of affordable housing and the highest rate of homeless youth in the entire country,” Sanders said. “Last year, Las Vegas had just 10 affordable housing rental units available for every 100 low-income households. That has got to change.”

Sanders attacked President Donald Trump on the issue, saying the administration is not only failing to address affordable housing, it is working to cut federal housing programs by 18 percent.


Rent in Reno has increased by $100-300+ for apartments because of the lack of homes to buy or too expensive to buy now. A year ago my rent went from $580 to $700 for my studio apartment. I can't even afford a 1 bedroom apartment because they start around $1,100. My only hope is finding a roommate when my lease is up next August so i can split the rent on  $1400+ 2 bedroom closer to my job.

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1 minute ago, Remarkableriots said:


Rent in Reno has increased by $100-300+ for apartments because of the lack of homes to buy or too expensive to buy now. A year ago my rent went from $580 to $700.

Anywhere suffering from an exodus of Californians is screwed. Prop 13 and restrictive zoning have ruined housing markets out west

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2 hours ago, Remarkableriots said:


Rent in Reno has increased by $100-300+ for apartments because of the lack of homes to buy or too expensive to buy now. A year ago my rent went from $580 to $700 for my studio apartment. I can't even afford a 1 bedroom apartment because they start around $1,100. My only hope is finding a roommate when my lease is up next August so i can split the rent on  $1400+ 2 bedroom closer to my job.

That’s terrible and I’m sorry to hear it. Housing needs attention and Bernie deserves praise for making it a priority. It’s unfortunate that be mixed some good ideas with a really terrible idea.  Rent will go down when zoning loosens up and supply increases. Rent control won’t solve anything because it doesn’t address the root cause of rent prices going up. 

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2 hours ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

Anywhere suffering from an exodus of Californians is screwed. Prop 13 and restrictive zoning have ruined housing markets out west


You end up saving a shit ton of money moving from CA to NV because California has an income tax and Nevada doesn't.  There are a lot of places in CA where the sales tax is higher than NV's 8.25% rate.  

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