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When a game on your wishlist goes on sale for ~$5 and you still don't buy it...


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Why do you still keep it on your wishlist?


I've had games on my wishlist for years and years that go on sale all the time, and I still don't buy them even when they're on sale for $5 or $7.


Most of the time, it's because it's a game in a series that I need to catch up on. For example, Arkham Knight goes on sale all the time, but I still haven't played Arkham City or Arkham Origins. 

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I tend to not like to buy stuff that I'm not going to play right away.  If I don't buy a wishlist item that's on a huge sale, it's because I'm in the middle of another game I want to finish and I tell myself that I don't need it right now/I'll get it after I'm done with $current_game.

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I don't. When I notice I'm not buying a game on my wishlist despite massive sales, that triggers a pruning phase where I go to my wishlist, sort by active discounts, and prune anything that I have lost interest in.

Then I go over the rest thinking "okay, if this was $5 right now, would I buy it?" and anything I answer no to is removed. I'll occasionally add some back at a later date as interest is reignited, I can be fickle like that.

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Reasons I don't purchase:


1) It could be given away free soon on Epic or Amazon.

2) It might end up Humble or Fanatical bundle soon.

3) I think I can do better with my free credit than that particular deal, even if I don't spend a cent of it until later.

4) The content-complete version isn't that cheap.


My wishlist is mainly for games that I have a passing interest in trying, to keep tabs on during Steam sales.  Every so often I'll reorganize it to put the ones I'm more interested in at the top.


Not a lot of well regarded recent games drop to $5 these days.  Chances are they'll be in a bundle or giveaway first.



2 hours ago, Fizzzzle said:

Most of the time, it's because it's a game in a series that I need to catch up on. For example, Arkham Knight goes on sale all the time, but I still haven't played Arkham City or Arkham Origins. 


It's the opposite for me.  If I own most of the rest of the franchise already, I'll be more willing to complete the set, even if I haven't touched the games before.  Deal has to be real good relative to the past.  DMC4 was the most recent, I got it because of a complete the set discount.



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I try not to make too many small purchases a month. I used to buy anything on my various digital wishlists(Video games, graphic novels, etc.) if they hit that sweet $1-5 range until I realized I had spent like $120 one month on those tiny purchases.


I try and be more selective ever since so I don't burn so much in just the span of a month.

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