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Can you be racist towards a white person?


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You can be prejuduced and bigoted against white people... racist  is a different story. White people(Particularly white men)  dominate American society and are pretty unaffected by what women and minorities think except in very specific instances. That why this whole white greviance thing on The Right is complete and utter bullshit. There is no systemic Racisim against white people.

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4 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

You can be prejuduced and bigoted against white people... racist  is a different story. White people(Particularly white men)  dominate American society and are pretty unaffected by what women and minorities think except in very specific instances. That why this whole white greviance thing on The Right is complete and utter bullshit. There is no systemic Racisim against white people.


That's the KEY difference - it's the institutionalization/systemization of prejudice/bigotry that forms the key elements of "racism".

Without those elements, then it's not "racism".

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6 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

EXCELLENT movie... I just watched it recently. Me and my friends used to always chuckle at Wesley "basketball skillz" :lol: And Rosie Perez was CRAZY hot in this movie.

What I wanted to post after seeing the cover. Coming up in this area, she was like every girl I wanted that wouldn't look at me sideways haha

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Yes. It’s more of an issue in other countries, like in parts of Asia and the Middle East, than it is in the continental United States. 

The “thing” is how we, white people, should or even can socially acknowledge it. The term “check your privilege” comes to mind. I’m not saying they’re entitled to be racist towards whites. But I can always walk away from it and easily find equity in my favor. That is not always the case in many areas of the country for other races. 

Maybe it’s “white guilt” that would compel me to keep my mouth shut. But then it feels like the least I can do is not antagonize them and act like I have not been and am not privileged. That we are somehow the same in our right to  grievance. 

I have never felt negatively impacted systemically because of my race, gender, or sexual orientation. I doubt I was ever denied an interview because of my name, because it sounded too “ethnic” or “urban”. I have probably had opportunities because of race and gender. 

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1 hour ago, Bloodporne said:

My coworker is Hungarian and I constantly call him Romanian or Albanian at random to fuck with him. He's never not offended, it's fun. 

Years ago I used to do something similar with a coworker who’s family was from Ecuador and very proud of it. I used to say things like, “your family is from Brazil, they get it” and just name different Latin American countries. He’d huff and say “No, from Equador!”  

Im not sure he ever found it as funny as I did. 

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The first time I can recall seeing somebody say or do something racist was by my Black aunt towards my white mother.


14 hours ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:


That's the KEY difference - it's the institutionalization/systemization of prejudice/bigotry that forms the key elements of "racism".

Without those elements, then it's not "racism".

This is a completely modern construct to get around the fact that people are racist towards the dominate group. It’s a hall pass for bad behavior. There is both interpersonal racism and systemic racism.

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2 hours ago, BlueAngel said:

You're so wrong.

"Equality looks like oppresion to the oppressor" - Somebody. a lot smarter than I am.


1 hour ago, sblfilms said:

The first time I can recall seeing somebody say or do something racist was by my Black aunt towards my white mother.


This is a completely modern construct to get around the fact that people are racist towards the dominate group. It’s a hall pass for bad behavior. There is both interpersonal racism and systemic racism.

Who said it was "A hall pass for bad behavior to the dominant group"? Bigotry and Prejudicial behavior are just as bad as racism on a personal level. If a black person kills a bunch of white people ( or Asian people) simply because of their race, that's JUST as bad as as a white person doing the same. The difference in what I;m talking about is that in this society, a system has been put in place to benefit ONE group of a certain race and gender at the expense of other groups. Racism (in the context that we're talking about) is about POWER. You black Aunt was definitely bigoted and prejudiced against your white mother, but in the grand scheme of things, there's very little that your black Aunt can do or say in THIS society that would have an impact on your white mother's life in any tangible way. On the other hand, potentially, your white mother could very well ruin your aunt;s life with one phone call. That's the power of systemic racism in this socitey. If everything was equal, then you'd be right. But things AREN'T equal and we see evidence of that every day.

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2 hours ago, BlueAngel said:

You're so wrong.

I don't understand the concept of being so adamant about something yet never engaging in an actual conversation about it. I don't really have anything of value to contribute to the conversation, so I just leave it be. If you're gonna take the time to vehemently disagree, you should explain why. 

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27 minutes ago, Bloodporne said:

I don't understand the concept of being so adamant about something yet never engaging in an actual conversation about it. I don't really have anything of value to contribute to the conversation, so I just leave it be. If you're gonna take the time to vehemently disagree, you should explain why

He really doesn't. 

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