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Is it a sin for a single man to masturbate?


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9 hours ago, Biggie said:

Im Not Even Sorry Matt Leblanc GIF


Pretty much. I've been thinking about suicide a lot so I'm in a dark place. It's more a coping mechanism but I hope things get better for me. Thanks for the support and reading.

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5 minutes ago, best3444 said:


Pretty much. I've been thinking about suicide a lot so I'm in a dark place. It's more a coping mechanism but I hope things get better for me. Thanks for the support and reading.

Buddy, why suicide? You keep talking about you’ll never have kids and the like. I just spent a weekend with my brother. He’s 41! 2 years older than you! And he’s totally confident he’ll still have kids. 

The only thing that will affect that is if you think you can’t do it. So, think that you can do it!

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1 hour ago, best3444 said:


Pretty much. I've been thinking about suicide a lot so I'm in a dark place. It's more a coping mechanism but I hope things get better for me. Thanks for the support and reading.

Bruh, marriage and having kids is way overrated. It’s not as great as you think it may be. Love being a bachelor with a good career and retirement plan. 

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59 minutes ago, Joe said:

The only thing that will affect that is if you think you can’t do it. So, think that you can do it!


@best3444 Ladies like a confident man. Maybe you aren't confident right now but you can act confident, maybe it will get you in the headspace to actually get confidence and get that woman, and get that baby and jack off and smoke weed.

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1 hour ago, Joe said:

Buddy, why suicide? You keep talking about you’ll never have kids and the like. I just spent a weekend with my brother. He’s 41! 2 years older than you! And he’s totally confident he’ll still have kids. 

The only thing that will affect that is if you think you can’t do it. So, think that you can do it!


I appreciate the post and encouragement. I still have hope it's just difficult right now. I'll try to stay positive.


1 hour ago, Biggie said:

Bruh, marriage and having kids is way overrated. It’s not as great as you think it may be. Love being a bachelor with a good career and retirement plan. 


I'm just really lonely and having a difficult time right now. I think having a woman in my life and maybe a child would totally change me for the better. I know you're not a fan of it.


1 hour ago, Keyser_Soze said:


@best3444 Ladies like a confident man. Maybe you aren't confident right now but you can act confident, maybe it will get you in the headspace to actually get confidence and get that woman, and get that baby and jack off and smoke weed.


I put on that I'm confident at work. People here think I'm a great guy and always kind etc. They have no idea the pain I have. 

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  • 1 year later...

I had to re-read some of this because I'm back into my faith and got horny last night!




I read more on this this morning. It's a sin to masturbate for sure. My question is, is there anyone here that waited until marriage for sex? My buddy at work tells me that I must find a woman of faith and marry first before having sex. Now, he is from Africa and only has been in the US for 10 years or so. He knows the Bible inside and out and constantly is giving me spiritual advice. But I find it almost impossible to get this done in today's world. I'm going to bring this up in another therapy session I have on Saturday. My one therapist use to be a pastor so it will be very interesting to see what he says. 

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The clear path to happiness: 

Never masturbate

Never have sex before marriage 

After you’re married, never use birth control

Have more kids than you can manage

Watch as it puts a strain on your marriage (that you really only started because you wanted to have sex while staying “pure”)but…

Never get divorced 


It’s wild how many of my old Catholic school friends are going through this now. 

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38 minutes ago, TheLeon said:

The clear path to happiness: 

Never masturbate

Never have sex before marriage 

After you’re married, never use birth control

Have more kids than you can manage

Watch as it puts a strain on your marriage (that you really only started because you wanted to have sex while staying “pure”)but…

Never get divorced 


It’s wild how many of my old Catholic school friends are going through this now. 


Omg, that explains my entire class from school. Very true.

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I haven't masturbated in over 21 days now. I feel completely normal so that's good at least. With stopping masturbating all together it took a lot of my faith and self control to move on for like 3 weeks to a month. But it was also extremely difficult to stay in control lol.. when I felt like my life was going crazy and I was in a severe depression masturbating relieved stress and took my mind off things for just a short while. I can't do that now.


I have a medical marijuana license and with my addictive personality I'd kept buying more and more until I was nearly broke not so long ago. The prices and the amount given is fuckin robbery. Good news is I'm getting financial help from family and we are all going to have a sit down on why I'm so reckless and that it can never happen again. I cut up my marijuana license and I'm never looking back. This story explains my addictive personality. *linked to my prior issue with porn and booze*.


Like I mentioned in this thread, masturbation is a big stress reliefer. I'm waiting until I get married in true fashion to be in a loving sexual relationship. By no means am I a virgin and all I try to do is be the best man I can be.


I'm staying away from a cruel life full of sex and drugs. I read the Bible, read my twin less twin book, treat others the way you want to be treated (this is now after the fact I called out some users on here like an asshole), watch movies, go camping and listen to Billy Graham 30 minutes before going to sleep. 


I know you guys are fuckin tired of not only my threads but I think 99% on this board don't care for me either. Oh well. 


Addiction is a big issue in my family history so after overcoming that I think weed will be much easier to handle.


Thanks for reading if ya did! :sun:

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I don’t remember if I said it in this thread or elsewhere, but I don’t really view masturbation as a sexual thing. I don’t really even enjoy it. It’s just maintenance. Twice a week or so I just get it done as fast as possible and move on with my life. 

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4 hours ago, best3444 said:

I haven't masturbated in over 21 days now. I feel completely normal so that's good at least. With stopping masturbating all together it took a lot of my faith and self control to move on for like 3 weeks to a month. But it was also extremely difficult to stay in control lol.. when I felt like my life was going crazy and I was in a severe depression masturbating relieved stress and took my mind off things for just a short while. I can't do that now.


I have a medical marijuana license and with my addictive personality I'd kept buying more and more until I was nearly broke not so long ago. The prices and the amount given is fuckin robbery. Good news is I'm getting financial help from family and we are all going to have a sit down on why I'm so reckless and that it can never happen again. I cut up my marijuana license and I'm never looking back. This story explains my addictive personality. *linked to my prior issue with porn and booze*.


Like I mentioned in this thread, masturbation is a big stress reliefer. I'm waiting until I get married in true fashion to be in a loving sexual relationship. By no means am I a virgin and all I try to do is be the best man I can be.


I'm staying away from a cruel life full of sex and drugs. I read the Bible, read my twin less twin book, treat others the way you want to be treated (this is now after the fact I called out some users on here like an asshole), watch movies, go camping and listen to Billy Graham 30 minutes before going to sleep. 


I know you guys are fuckin tired of not only my threads but I think 99% on this board don't care for me either. Oh well. 


Addiction is a big issue in my family history so after overcoming that I think weed will be much easier to handle.


Thanks for reading if ya did! :sun:


Enjoy that prostate cancer. 



There’s growing evidence that men who ejaculate more often could have a lower chance of having prostate cancer.


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1 hour ago, Rachel said:


This is not healthy either. Going from one extreme to the other all the time is not realistic or sustainable. You’re gonna be back jerking it and getting high again like you always do, not that there is anything wrong with that in and of itself, but you’re in an unhealthy cycle. 

Real, lasting, sustainable change is baby steps. One step at a time. Not an all-or-nothing overhaul. 

Talk to your therapist about this cycle/pattern. 


I understand and you make valid points. I litteraly cannot afford marijuana at this point. I was spending $50-100 a day on it!


I'm not addicted to it or have a mental addiction to it all. I was just using it to numb my pain and that is obviously toxic. If I go back to buying it, I'll be homeless and I'm telling you 100% truth.


I did speak to my therapist yesterday about all of this and we have a plan in place which is indeed baby steps.


As for masturbation, I honestly don't even care about it. Actually, Marijuana made me horny and that's the only time I would masturbate. With all the meds I'm on I have no sex drive which you are aware of. If I so happen to slip up and jerk off I'm not going to be upset.


I appreciate your post and at least acknowledging me. Hope you're doing ok.

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54 minutes ago, Rachel said:

Also “addictive personality” is not a thing. It’s not a medical or psychological term. It’s just a thing people say sometimes. 

Addiction is a thing of course, and some people are definitely more prone to it with trauma and a mental health history. But it’s not an inherent or unchangeable part of your personality. 

I’m addicted to you

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19 hours ago, Rachel said:

Also “addictive personality” is not a thing. It’s not a medical or psychological term. It’s just a thing people say sometimes. 

Addiction is a thing of course, and some people are definitely more prone to it with trauma and a mental health history. But it’s not an inherent or unchangeable part of your personality. 


Well let's just say I'm an abuser not an addict. I'm currently at the doctors now getting my thyroid checked. 

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