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Everything posted by gamer.tv

  1. My copy arrived, played for about 10 minutes and I am not as good at THPS as I was in about...2005 (when I was a God at 3 and could clear the main story in about 25 minutes). It looks and plays really well however and I'll definitely be putting some time into it...when I can. Although my wife is currently in hospital and my employer has arranged for me to not be in today and tomorrow...so if I get all my work done and I have time to kill.
  2. That and being a teacher now, I'm pretty sure I'll manage to get the game installed and updated...then I'll enjoy it around Christmas time.
  3. Just found that the a nationwide, second hand store (CEX) had this in for £5 less than RRP. After trading in Eternal Darkness and Killer 7 I also happened to have a £33 voucher, so just bought this for a massive £3.95. Hopefully it'll be here soon and can be the perfect way of spending 20-30 minutes after a busy day, in-between baby sleeps.
  4. Up to Chapter 4:1 on RE4. It’s such a fun game that just becomes more entertaining as you improve your weapon set. In the flip side, my wife hates it and think it looks dreadful (which apart from the character models, it does). I look forward to finishing it for the first time then picking up Tony Hawks and looking at my PS+ library for something else as well.
  5. This was my one thinking point. It’s a good chance to build a game with the AC traversal, but in a much more streamlined way. I think I have Sands if Time in my cupboard and I might give it a go again at some point.
  6. To be anticlimactic, they were full so we’ve been bumped to Tuesday.
  7. It’s game day. Dropping my wife into the hospital in an hour to be induced and then hopefully in the next day we’ll meet our child.
  8. Maybe they’ll re-release it in six months as Super Mario 3D All-Stars: Complete
  9. I played through SM64DS late last year, but I do have unresolved feelings about SMS and never actually finished Galaxy...which makes this tempting but possibly unnecessary. The remote control cars though, whilst I’m sure boring after a while, look so fun.
  10. Another one of those threads where I have that 'maybe I should have a P.C' feeling...then quickly push it back down to the pit of my soul where it belongs.
  11. I think I’d essentially be happy with the world of The Last of Us 2 (along with the approach of being open, but incredibly focused), MGS5 controls (wonderfully intuitive), a Hitman approach to solving game-based problems and a story that’s as off the wall, but borderline authentic as MGS3. Probably with some full on horror elements to keep me ticking over.
  12. I never buy early, but there really isn’t a reason to go buy a new console right now, over say early 2021.
  13. Given that working from home is here for the foreseeable, if I had a job that I could work OT, I’d be all over it.
  14. I’ve finished The Institute and it was one of the stronger King books I’ve read. I enjoyed Doctor Sleep and The Outsider, but this felt like a better, more complete story. I do really want a proper SK horror at some point and may buy Salem’s Lot, which I haven’t actually read before. I’ve also decided to give Ducks, Newburyport and actual go. It’s pretty full on being 980 pages with no chapters, limited punctuation and the fact it’s the overloaded thought processes of an American housewife, but after reading a page out loud to my wife it actually got hold of me. I wonder how I’ll feel though after 200 pages.
  15. 1. Breath of the Wild 2. RE2make 3. Journey 4. Doom 2016 (I haven't played Eternal yet) 5. Overwatch 6. Rocket League 7. What Remains of Edith Finch/Everybody's Gone to the Rapture/Life is Strange - just a series of walking sims that I really enjoyed. 8. God of War 9. Resident Evil 7 10. Until Dawn
  16. @Keyser_Soze, today we will be learning about the 'birds and the bees'. Now, who has heard of this particular phrase before? Good ideas, though we didn't have the correct one. It means reproduction. If you're unsure of the process for this, we'll walk through it now. If you are, you can show me what you know when I ask a question and you put your hands in the air to show me you want to give an answer.
  17. To continue the hijack of his thread. Contract signed, classroom set up and half my work prep finished. We also had the great news that teachers are receiving a pay increase, so I’m now getting paid about £1300 more per year than I expected.
  18. Parasite A I massively enjoyed this and it seems perfect to rewatch in a few months.
  19. Did some fucking horrendous sprints on Monday (100m, about a 40% incline, ten sets with ten push ups at the top) and then rugby on Tuesday, so this week has been walking, tried out our Paddleboard for the first time and then tomorrow I think I'm going to try a 5-6 mile run to test out how my legs hold up to that. Update: I ended up running 4.7 miles as we went to walk the dog afterwards but breezed up some hills (with a thirty second recovery afterwards walking) that were a nightmare a few months ago. Going to take our Paddleboard to the beach tomorrow and give that a go for an hour before we’re inundated by tourists.
  20. I do appreciate that Valve have just ignored this generation of consoles, but either a remastered release of the Orange Box, or an updated version with a few additions, seems like it would be a great fit for home consoles - especially as they have already completed all the work so they work using a controller. Breaking it down even more, how Team Fortress 2 wasn't given a token F2P release, a Portal collection (including Bridge) never came to consoles, Left 4 Dead has been...left, on the 360 and Half Life (even a port of Black Mesa), the expansions, HL2 (and Episodes 1 & 2) not coming feels like such a missed opportunity.
  21. Still ticking over with RE4. It may just be the era that the game was made in, but it's a game so well suited to short burst gameplay. Each save area is spaced about 10-15 minutes apart, chapters don't take a huge amount of time and the game generally has good pacing - with a few weird moments of wandering around abandoned areas. Weirdly, despite owning this game on the Gamecube, Wii, and now the PS4, this is my first ever playthrough on normal. It's a good experience of challenge being fun, rarely frustrating, with really good checkpointing for the era. I've just started Chapter 3 and I'm really enjoying myself. UPDATE: I forgot to mention, alongside my small love affair with the PS Plus free trial, I tried out Dead Cells. I only completed a single run, with this actually being my first experience of this type of game and I enjoyed it. I'm hopefully getting a Switch in a few months, so if that comes to pass, I will buy this to enjoy in handheld mode. I do really like the idea of a fresh challenge, so I may dip into the Rogue-like genre a bit more and see what it's about.
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