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Everything posted by gamer.tv

  1. I want to buy Legends for my wife but I’m not emotionally prepared to lose access to the switch for a few weeks.
  2. More Spiderman (the forced stealth sections should have just been patched out and they’re so poor) and Skyward Sword HD. I’ve managed about 2 hours of gaming in the last week with work being busy and life being busy in general. I’d love to say that will change when I’m on holiday after next week but I’m off on a family holiday - though I might try and bring my Switch.
  3. I wish I didn’t drown my 3DS XL in tea a few years ago. There were a couple of games that I’d have loved to play - but sometimes you drink tea and you get burned.
  4. I preordered Halo Reach and Gears of Wa 3. Both arrived about 5 days before the release date.
  5. Nude unless it’s freezing.
  6. Twice. Cold(ish) am and warm pm.
  7. Of all pedantic things, I wish my left foot was the same length as my right and didn’t point inwards. I’m 90% sure I’m shit at running and have a bit of an issue with my hips/calves/knees because of it. Apart from that, I’m annoyingly content. Well - I’d like more money like most people..
  8. It used to be a favourite job of mine to cut down trees, chop them up, move them with a tractor and then split/stack them. Except one time when I caught a log on a tree and it flicked into the windshield, shattering it. My face:
  9. The idea of Bloodborne always appeals to me…but then I play the game, struggle against the fucking first boss and proceed to hate it/myself.
  10. First session and really enjoyed it. A great blend of stretch, pose and relaxation. I felt throughout that it wasn’t as challenging as I’d want but I’m sitting here and feel like my left hip and left shoulder have worked much harder than I thought.
  11. Skyward Sword HD - it’s not a great game, but I’m about 7 hours in and don’t want it to be a game I abandon. I should also say that it’s not a bad game and I like to play it, but I don’t exactly have the desire to put it on compared to say, The Last of Us 2 where I literally thought about playing the game when I wasn’t.
  12. My school is offering free sessions on Monday and with a) my increase ins running b) complete lack of hip flexibility, I’ve signed up to give it a go. This is Hatha Yoga…which I’m unsure of the difference to other types, but anything to make crossing my legs a more bearable experience.
  13. One of the two fruits I absolutely hate (melon being the other).
  14. 6 mile run up hill. Fook’d but off to the pub
  15. I’m in the - I nearly earn the country average (about 7 months to go) but I’ve accepted as well I’ll never have excessive amounts of spare money. Enough for a few treats, games, drinks, a nice dinner…but that’s about it.
  16. One child at the moment. 16 month old girl and she’s the best - though with parenting and working, life does get very tiring.
  17. Gears 2 and 3 were my favourite online games, that I was also decent at. We’re going to buy a PS5 but this would tempt me into a series s as well.
  18. More revelations as it turns out the PM had a birthday party in June 2020. Literally can’t wait to read about the Sue Gray report and see Twitter respond.
  19. I seem to have a lot of maroon in my life. Typical outfit would be black trainers and jeans, t shirt and maroon jumper.
  20. So…is it pretty much 2D Zelda with a bit more going on with the combat?
  21. Taught swimming this afternoon, do 30 minutes of being in the water then a two mile recovery run (and a shirt dog walk afterwards). Feeling stupidly good at the moment. Update: rest day on Wednesday but did walk a good 5 miles and a 3.5 mile run today. Another test day tomorrow, circuits on Saturday and then a long run on Sunday.
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