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Everything posted by gamer.tv

  1. Showing my own era, but Hybrid Theory is still amazing.
  2. gamer.tv


    I both love and hate my foam roller.
  3. Back to Spiderman, still good - though excited to see the end of it.
  4. On my phone, the trailer looked decent - then showing it to my wife on our TV…less so.
  5. 3 mile hill run session on Thursday that was horrible. I’m planning on a 6.5 mile run tomorrow, then off for a beach walk - but if I feel good I can keep going up to about 9 miles. Update: Change of plan. 7 mile run whilst my wife meets up with a friend. Update 2: the plan changed as the route I saw was on a busy road. Took a detour and ending up running about 10 and 1/4 miles.
  6. More free iOS games to pass the time. It’s amazing how dull a lot of games are. The Crash Bandicoot free runner has been good, as has Dr Wolf’s chess game…thing. Cards of Terra is fine and then I have MTG and Hearthstone which are decent.
  7. My brother in law is there for a conference in two weeks and has a few things in the pipeline - but open to suggestions!
  8. I’ve downloaded a few games from the iOS store to try out. So far the best has been Beatstar…I regret not bringing my Switch on holiday.
  9. This game reminds me that I was loving DS on the switch and then accidentally hit the blacksmith, then panicked and killed him…thus fucking the game for myself. I really don’t want to ‘want’ this - but it does sound intriguing.
  10. I bought my wife and daughter some flowers on a whim.
  11. Another annoying one. It seems that a lot of words are showing up that we don’t use in the UK - which will definitely lead to me giving up on the game. 6/6 though
  12. Read Agincourt by Bernard Cornwell. I love me some historical fiction and this was good - and pretty violent with its description. After a few lighter reads, I’m about to give Harlem Shuffle a go. I’m 90% sure I’ll love it.
  13. After sitting on my sixth guess for about 11 hours, got it at last. I’ve had ‘one of those days’, so I’m going to use it as a psychological turnaround that it’s all better now.
  14. I want to buy Legends for my wife but I’m not emotionally prepared to lose access to the switch for a few weeks.
  15. More Spiderman (the forced stealth sections should have just been patched out and they’re so poor) and Skyward Sword HD. I’ve managed about 2 hours of gaming in the last week with work being busy and life being busy in general. I’d love to say that will change when I’m on holiday after next week but I’m off on a family holiday - though I might try and bring my Switch.
  16. I wish I didn’t drown my 3DS XL in tea a few years ago. There were a couple of games that I’d have loved to play - but sometimes you drink tea and you get burned.
  17. I preordered Halo Reach and Gears of Wa 3. Both arrived about 5 days before the release date.
  18. Nude unless it’s freezing.
  19. Twice. Cold(ish) am and warm pm.
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