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Everything posted by gamer.tv

  1. The shit show continues on. Even with the voting fatigue generated the last few years, I could go for a good old snap election.
  2. Should the people that create and build business be entitled to a significant profit from it, should it be distributed between the company employees to reflect contribution more accurately, or should it be distributed more widely (businesses or people of a certain size be significantly taxes and use as part of national funding). Where do you sit with this?
  3. I don’t know if I’m allowed to be excited about God of War on a base PS4…
  4. The Hustle - hits all the sweet spots I love. Excellent, if predictable stuff.
  5. 4.5 miles this evening. I’ve been foam rolling and stretching a lot which is managing the whole calf thing. I think I’m hitting the point now where running feels amazing and allows me complete mindfulness.
  6. Silverview: La Carre. I might be missing something as the reviews called this, vintage, smart and clever, a triumph…and I found it just a bit shit really. I picked up Billy Summers by King so reading that now.
  7. I'm just curious, what’s your drive for weight training? I run because it means that when I play rugby, I can play it the way I like to (involved a lot defensively, can help in attack, can push harder than most of the other people on the pitch which makes me feel like I’m playing well/a good player).
  8. I’m on the last world in Kirby and I’m ready for it to be finished. It’s been fun, but the levels feel like a quick run through (I tend to try and get most waddle dee’s, some of the extras) and now I have the fire thing and the bomb thing maxed out, I’ve dropped off on getting the Crystals. It’s been fun, but I think I’m ready for a bit more of a seamless game now.
  9. Finished The Quarry last night so I’m back to Kirby for the time being. That won’t last long, so I’ll be thinking about another switch game (and maybe getting the mid-tier of PS+).
  10. It might be because I’ve not been driving, also I lost my headphones, but I’ve not listened to a whole podcast in weeks now. I might be on the decline…
  11. The closest I’ve come to a crash game has been that one level in Uncharted 4. Should I give the trilogy a go - or would it just anger me?
  12. I have hobbies that are there for fun like reading, which is just for me, watching movies, same. Those I take more seriously like gaming, which I like to invest in, read about and talk about, but not to a competitive level. Then I have rugby, which when I’m fit, I do strength work, lots of running, go training, play on a Saturday afternoon and eat in a particular way, with it in mind. I’d say I take it seriously, not to the point where it consumes me, but enough that it will govern choices I make in my week. Do you have anything by like this?
  13. I’m starting to become interested in completing a Masters, but I’d have to do this alongside working. I think, with discipline and blocking out time, it’s feasible…but I’m always open to hear the horrors that others have endured. I’m sure it’s not relevant to you, but it’s part of future proofing my skill set for (hopefully) future progression - Masters and then a UK teaching qualification in leadership, so I could end up being one of those twats with this in his email signature: gamer.tv DipHE, BSc, PGCE, MA, NPQSL
  14. As someone that really enjoyed PS5 and never owned PS4, that makes me very interested. All in all, much bette than it should have been (the showcase).
  15. I’d be fine with this. Aiming to buy Dread in the summer holidays and this would be ideal as a birthday present.
  16. Felt my calf was getting better and was sore due to scar tissue rather than anything more severe. Went for a run, ended up doing a decent 3.5 miles, in about 30 minutes.
  17. There should be, plus data entry and customer service is generally not that draining and would allow for some extra work as well. I used to find it pretty easy going working in a school Monday to Friday, working evenings, and then every 3 weeks working the weekend. It wasn’t long term but with a purpose in mind, it was doable. There will definitely be things like contact centre work that allow you to work from home. Talking to people all day is a decent way to get by, plus there’s always loads of OT during peak times.
  18. The stories hd e list Wakefield (held since 2019) and Tiverton & Honiton (held since 1997). I look forward to the next PMQs to see how this plays out. Also, for those interested in a ‘working class’ guy showing how to overthrow capitalism, you’ll enjoy the work Mic Lynch is doing in the rail strikes.
  19. Finished Blood Meridian. Not the most uplifting thing I’ve read. I’ve now got the newest La Carre novel, or a fun crime thriller to read as a bit of fun, along with a teaching book.
  20. Don’t know if anyone is following the UK news, but there’s mass railway strikes - with the caveat being they want a pay rise to match inflation, or near to it (7%). There’s also talks of the NHS striking, schools, criminal courts… Here’s hoping the government do cave and then set in motion a process where they have to approve pay increases in line with inflation for all sectors - which, if I’m honest, I hope is covered by taxing heads of businesses with a significant amount of capital to their name, brought about due to the hard work of their employees that are being underpaid.
  21. Had a bit of an epiphany about my training this summer. I think I’ve accepted the fact that beasting myself to a stupid degree is something I’m past. I’m going to target preservation of the key areas that I'm injury prone (calves and hips by building up my flexor and flutes), then add in core and some chest/shoulders/back work for balance. Continue with yoga as well, as and when I can. Then, as I love running, carry that on, but ensure at least one session is vaguely aerobic. Also, nearly sorted a road bike so I’m going to use that instead of running (some days) soon and add more swimming. It’s only 4 weeks till the holidays when I can build this into a routine. #blog Edit: the irony that my sore calf is definitely a tear and will take a few weeks to recover. I’ve even had to take the bus to the bus rather than my lovely 1 3/4 mile walk in the mornings. Need to work out what I can do to keep up on…something.
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