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Everything posted by gamer.tv

  1. I could see Kwarteng stepping aside as some atonement, but mumblings of back benchers are if there isn’t a u-turn, or evidence this change to the economy is working, MPs will vote to change the law so Truss can receive a no-confidence vote - then really, it has to be a general election, otherwise that’s just (even more) ridiculous.
  2. Clearly I’m in the minority here, but a couple of those games peaked me interest. I’ll give VC a whirl, would love to try DQ11 and my wife may like Builders.
  3. Florida. Can we consider a minor award for the least visited?
  4. More a gameplay point of view. I liked the approach that P5 had to ‘dungeons’ and character profession.
  5. Improving yearly, but for the foreseeable, I’ll always feel like I’m short of cash and either have to decline a lot, or accept that none of my money will be spent on myself (exclusively). I’m fine with all of this though.
  6. I want them to get it right, but from a project management point of view, they should have planned for a year or so break between seasons at most.
  7. gamer.tv

    Lunch today

    Chinese food always feels more like a dinner meal, whereas pizza has more of an ‘any time of the day’ vibe.
  8. I’d imagine if I run into anyone from school when I visit my family this Christmas (outside of my friends that I see a couple of times each year), they’ll not recognise me. Thinner, beardier, older looking…
  9. For those in the know, how does P4 compare to 5? I really enjoyed 5, on the whole, so is 4 similar…or its own thing?
  10. We have friends coming over today, but this evening, I think I’ll play some more Fire Emblem. Update: and I did - I really don’t know if I like the game or not. I mean, objectively it’s good…but I don’t know if it’s the right game for me. However, it was a somewhat expensive purchase so I don’t just want to sack it off…
  11. According to the in-game log, I’ve played 2 hours of Fire Emblem: Three Houses and I can’t say I really have a clue about anything. I’m sure the next 50 hours will iron out any uncertainties I have.
  12. I’m pretty much always so tired that I have to convince myself to play a game, which I’ll then always enjoy. I just always have the overwhelming sense that I should be doing something different.
  13. Jesus, I posted in this thread twice without realising. I have a problem…or a fetish apparently.
  14. You still use the same amount of fingers for the FB, you just have more in reserve should the need arise.
  15. We won, I feel very sore - tomorrow will be horrendous I feel.
  16. First rugby match in…some time tomorrow. Looking forward to it quite a lot, though something tells me I’ll be pretty ruined after it.
  17. Work day, I’m done by 9pm at the latest, but that a rarity.
  18. I watched it when I wasn’t feeling very well and it helped. Medicinal/10
  19. As teachers, we get semi-frequent ‘learning walks’. It’s where our school leaders will come in to our lessons to observe our teaching. Today, they lasted all day, which is fairly horrible, and I had two visits in total, each about 20 minutes, to watch me. Our headteacher gave me some very kind feedback and some very clear, particular areas to work on. That’s turned a fine day, nice.
  20. I was loving Dark Souks until I killed the blacksmith and haven’t had the heart to restart.
  21. I’ve bought Fire Emblem Three Houses…so I’ll be getting on that at some point this evening. After dinner is made, daughter put to bed and I’ve checked over things for work tomorrow.
  22. Only exclusively “like if you’re watching this video in 2022” over and over and over again.
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