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Everything posted by gamer.tv

  1. After my thread about a gaming rut, I’ve just played an hour of Tears of the Kingdom, making my way through the Fire Temple. I won’t 100% this game, but I’ll finish it with all the Tears at the very least.
  2. So, I’ve (finally) finished Wuthering Heights. It’ll go in that list of books where I can’t quite understand why anyone likes any of the characters as my impression of the various Heathcliff’s and Cathy’s was a cycle of emotional/physical abuse. Maybe that was the point but as a book for leisure, I could do without it. I’m now reading the Art and Science of Teaching Primary Reading for work and The World According to Garp for pleasure.
  3. I wonder if this happens to others, but I seem to either be in a games & movies rotation, or television and reading. For some ridiculous reason, my wife and I have started rewatching Malcolm in the Middle - so I thought I’d have Zelda on the go at the same time. It just didn’t have any stickability with me, same for any Switch games or really anything on the PS5. The good news (if it’s even that) is that around December the cycle will shift and it’ll be all games and movies.
  4. Surely the cuckpit if you’re on an airplane.
  5. My favourite England term for things that are rubbish is ‘Bin Juice’ - and that’s where my heart lies with this.
  6. You know, for the first time in my life I should be able to save up and buy a Switch 2 as a Christmas present for my wife and I. That’s a nice thought.
  7. But more R&C: RA which I’ll carry on with this evening. If not, either Tears of the Kingsom or Persona 4: Golden.
  8. I’m still reading Wuthering Heights (I won’t lie, it’s not my favourite book ever and general just gives me bad vibes), but I’ve just been to the charity shop and bought: The world according to Garp The next Uhtred book I haven’t read Treasure Island and I have a Richard Dawkins book as well. So, I’ll have some random stuff to keep me going all for about £3
  9. Spiderman 2 Baldurs Gate 3 Diablo 4 Alan Wake 2 Probably Super Mario RPG I've got so many games stashed away to finish, I shouldn’t really pick anything up until next year…but I definitely will!
  10. There are but they’re solely free weights and fitness equipment. There’s two pools near me and they open at 6am and close at around 8pm - with only very limited free swimming time.
  11. I wish I lived in a world where swimming pools were 24/7 (with a life guard) because that’s the ultimate. Sadly they’re only open for the exact hours I’m working.
  12. That’s kind of like saying Scorsese or Cameron will massively fuck up. It just won’t really happen and they’ll always continue to produce great things. The only difficult part of being a Rockstar fan is knowing you’ll be enjoying that entry for at least 6 years. Kind of like Nintendo I suppose but without the volume of IPs.
  13. Went for a jog this morning for the first time in a few weeks. Life and work have meant (like many) the be neglected my physical health. I’m hoping I’ll be able to balance the life triangle of Home-Work-Health this year by capping my time in certain respects (along with my athletic ambitions). Since I’m not playing competitive sport, I think the overarching goal is to get my body into a great place to transition into my 40s and older with the best possible chance of not fucking myself up.
  14. I was speaking to my wife about this yesterday. On reflection, a man with substance issues that openly said he was a sex addict and had slept with hundreds of women, shouldn’t leave us shocked that he’s actually (possibly at the moment I suppose…) a terrible person. I also wonder how Katy Perry feels currently.
  15. After a week of teaching (and zero gaming) I’ve had some time to post Ratchet and Clank: RA, still fun! It also work well as a ‘play for 30 minutes when I can’ game.
  16. I feel like this thread should have been titled ‘What does @stepee and the Lenovo Legion Go have in common? They’re both a beast in the hand.’
  17. I didn’t text but I’m 99% sure I had Covid towards the tail end of July and the cough hung around to late august.
  18. You know who probably did/does trust him, tons of 14 year olds.
  19. Listening to the new 30 Seconds to Mars album. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but it’s kind of like the worst end of the Muse spectrum but they’re writing about breaking up, instead of conspiracies. Not great if I’m honest.
  20. I have zero nostalgia for Tomb Raider (bar the old locking the butler in the freezer in the demo of 2) - however, if this gets one of those 80% off treatments at some point, I’d be tempted.
  21. I was in the same boat, I bought the books as and when growing up but from the 4th onward I bought them (and generally read them through) on release day. As a 33 year old now…a bit conflicted about some of the books but nostalgia is strong.
  22. I’ll be getting some Mario RPGs in the coming months it seems.
  23. Let’s get some Zelda HD collections, a surprise Metroid Prime 2 announcement, few random ports…live the remaster dream!
  24. Sure you know what you’re doing RE: UK, but if you’ve got any questions, happy to help
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