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Everything posted by gamer.tv

  1. They’ve been looking at ways to make striking illegal. Sooner this government goes the better! Really, we’ll accept this time and then I’d imagine ballot again if the next increase isn’t in line with inflation rises.
  2. I wasn’t able to go to the Thursday session (if the above) and I’ve been away until today. I did however play tennis with my neighbour for about 80 minutes and it was great fun and got the heart rate going. 10K on Wednesday so I’ll do a short, slow run tomorrow evening then eat all the carbs!
  3. I’m 34 in 4 months. I’m starting to feel it, just not emotionally.
  4. I finished and then read The Girl of Ink and Stars. Decent young adult fiction is sometimes a brilliant way to spend a few days.
  5. Here’s hoping that happens on our end. We’re still at 8.7% and the advice we’re given is to ‘dig deep’ and to trust that cuts will make everything better. 13 years of austerity, so what’s another year?
  6. So today the government announced a 6.5% uplift in teacher pay in the UK. They are funding 3% and schools are funding 3.5% (wither the government increasing the amount of funding schools are due to receive along with a gradual rollout of £2 billion over the next two years) which my union has recommended to accept. So, it worked? We got a bigger deal, a better deal (not perfect as it doesn’t come close to inflation or matching the private sector) but in September I’ll earn just under £5000 more).
  7. I’ve expressed an interest at my rugby club at moving into coaching (now I’m not playing), so I’ve been told they’ll discuss and hopefully I’ll get to complete some coaching qualifications. As I went along, I ended up doing the first session of pre-season which involves: broncos, coat hangers, and suicides. All in all, a beneficial, if tiring evening.
  8. I’ve put the same answers as everyone - however I would love to see a modern interpretation of Jet Force Gemini. I loved the premise and enjoyed the game when I owned it (I’m guessing I must have been 9 or 10), but it definitely had its issues.
  9. Very rarely I’ll bet on something (usually some kind of group thing), but generally it’s not something I’l bother with. The highs are too high and the lows too frequent.
  10. Currently reading the Orchard Keeper by Cormac McCarthy. Like all his books, very good, vaguely feels like I’m on drugs reading it.
  11. Amazing series (the Gunslinger being what it is…), but would it be about basing it in the universe or following the story? Both would be a massive challenge considering the scope and overall weirdness. In fact, the only way of see it working would either be as a Telltale game (which would be dull) or an ARPG ala Disco Elysium.
  12. I don’t run half as far/much as you do, but I could definitely stand to up my diet game.
  13. If you don’t mind, what else would you be eating in the day?
  14. For rugby, football, cricket etc, there would be a few weekend fixtures against touring teams and maybe an away trip but mostly it was all during school time (or lunch time).
  15. Yo Sushi makes better food than a conveyer belt of fish should allow for.
  16. Isn’t it like tickling your own arm - your brain just ignores 90% of the sensation?
  17. The above - but I’ve got a sequence of English that also needs planning and resourcing and a bedtime at 6.30pm to do so it’ll be a stretch…
  18. More Tears of the Kingdom and it’s wonderful. I’m not even far into the game but it has a great game-feel.
  19. Mate I hadn’t even thought of that. This is a very sad day now. No, but I feel my own anecdotal evidence is enough to make this choice at least - but I may consider it in the future.
  20. I’m in the ‘tax to rich to help the poor’ category. I’m sorry!
  21. I don’t think I can eat bread any more. As a New Year’s resolution for 2022, I stopped eating bread and felt immensely better for it. Back on the bread this year and I’m 99% sure it gives me a variety of different tummy issues (along with sluggishness). Oddly, pasta doesn’t hit me in the same way (though certain cereals do). This is quite sad as like most overweight, mid-30s people, I enjoy pizza and sandwiches a lot.
  22. We doing sending people money - I could go for some kind of phone-in fundraiser to help pay for Disneyland Paris and as much money as possible towards a necessary extension to prevent a leak. Naturally a joke - I’ll do what most people do, pay off as much of my credit card as possible, hope my pay increase in September is decent and then look forward to January when I’ll be paying about 80% less child care for when we apply for an addition to our mortgage.
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