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Everything posted by gamer.tv

  1. As I’ve got older, I’ve become better at moderating but really - even though it’s a terrible mindset - I’d rather eat sweets/chocolate etc in one go, rather than have it available over a number of days just so they’re gone. The only thing that flies in the face of that, and is an inherited idea from my mother in law, is to bake a cake and have that over a few days. At least I know how much sugar/butter etc is in it!
  2. Watched the Season opener, it was perfectly…OK. I laughed a few times but it never hit any particularly lofty heights. Update: Watched episode 2, now that I enjoyed. It followed the path of an episode I prefer (an odd premise that allows a lot of freedom with how the story progresses).
  3. TLoU2 was the more impactful for me and overall the more engaging, so that one!
  4. I teach my class everything, so from all aspects of PE, through to English, Maths, Science, Art, Design & Technology, Music… In all, I think I have to be able to teach 17 curriculum areas in total (and teach them all to a not shit standard).
  5. Dancing. I teach it now and enjoy the teaching side, but I can see the same loathing in some children’s eyes.
  6. So I’ve literally got to the first main area of DS and felt that was enough. I ended up starting a new Hades file after Jan on GB talked about the game and I was good enough on my second run to get into the second area without any real upgrades - so that’s nice. It’s such a great feeling game.
  7. Side quests for the sake of it (collect 40 of something) are awful. If they progress a side element or non-essential part of a story or allow you to get/upgrade your character, they’re fine.
  8. Found a second one, that’s not as large but same vibes (a little bit sore, hard, not moving) on the right hand side, about an inch under my hairline. I’m still going to give it the two weeks as I feel unwell (as the other thread said) so it’s 99.99% linked in with that.
  9. I’m 99% sure it isn’t anything at all - though there’s another on my neck
  10. I feel like every thread I’ve made recently has been vaguely medical but this is the latest. I had a stiff, sore neck yesterday and was rubbing it absentmindedly when I felt a lump. It’s just at the top of my left trap, to the right, so neither the muscle or my neck. Has all this hallmarks of something to keep an eye on, about the size of a large pea, hard and unmoving, hurts to touch…going to see if it goes away in 2 weeks then failing that, to the doctor! I’m assuming it’s due to the cold I’ve got at the moment, or something physical, rather than anything insidious!
  11. Away at my in-laws so I’ve brought the Switch and ended up starting a new game of Dark Souls. Only reason being I’m going to give Elden Ring another go and wanted to get back into the mindset that it’s OK to be utter shit at a game and die a ton.
  12. The first revision was the ultimate, shame the DA3 was horrible
  13. When real life becomes the game we’ve all been playing…
  14. I regret not moving into our attic room for the last week to escape the evil.
  15. Last Wednesday, daughter says ‘Daddy I’m cold’ and then begins to develop a fever, loss of appetite and very tired - a week later, mostly better. Hits Monday of this week, wife is the same…had a few days off work, had to juggle parental leave and childcare…quite hard. She’s still not better but getting there. This morning dear reader, I had a massive headache (and general joint pain) but put it down to a lot of stress and poor sleep. Over the past few hours…starting to feel really, really cold, completely lost my appetite… It’s coming…
  16. It was actually my choice based on a) a love of a challenge b) my own stubbornness
  17. The amount of critique I get when people see me and then find out I’m vegetarian is silly. I mean yes, I was basically made using steak and chicken from 15 to 23, but I’m a different man now!
  18. Would the cheaper one be PS4 only or something silly? Or does the more expensive one include all the DLC and additional content?
  19. Please bear in mind my entire experience of either genre is: Advance Wars Fire Emblem: Three Houses Command & Conquer (as in the very first one) So yeah, I’m keen for a recommendation, preferably on PS+ as I’m cheap.
  20. I can promise you I am always the beached dolphin.
  21. The Reckoning - I’ve just watched episode one and it’s so, so bleak. If you aren’t aware of Jimmy Saville, watch the Louie Theroux documentary (the first one), then read about his life, then watch this. A truly horrible person that was held on such high regard. Another phrase would be ‘a monster hidden in plain sight’.
  22. I’ve now found them all - so I’ll do a bit more story, locate 20 odd shrines and then finish that part of the game off. Then it’s the last regional phenomena in Gerudo and I’ll be done,
  23. I didn’t even realise, that’s quite cool and not the worst venue ever.
  24. I used to be a Rams fan when my friendship group went through its American Sports phase - that’s the best I can offer you.
  25. Personally I just avoid anywhere with either tarmac or grass and I’ve been happier for it!
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