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Everything posted by ort

  1. I mean, I know that handing someone a pile of money and saying I want a pardon in exchange for this is clearly illegal... but aren't like 50% of presidential pardons favors for their rich and/or political connected friends? I'm sure there isn't usually a direct A to B paper trail, but this is how it's always worked.
  2. Yuck. Looks like a direct-to-dvd piece of shit from a decade ago.
  3. I don't know any truly crazy rich people, but the majority of millionaires I know and or have to deal with are all obsessed with money, who has how much money and they are keenly aware of those who have more money. There's definitely a ton of pecking order bullshit going on with these people. Once your basic needs are met 100 times over... and money isn't an issue at all beyond putting limits on just how lavish and luxurious your life will be... weird things happen to the way you view the world. Even worse than those people though? Their kids. Ugh. Don't get me started on that shit. I've had to "work" with more than one "adult" child of these people and they are all worthless. Every one of them.
  4. 8 years? We get them around here every year or so. I still have a special place in my heart for the McRib, but it's a once every other year kind of deal for me. So disgustingly great.
  5. TWiT Total Drama TOTALDRAMA.NET Exposing The Dark Underbelly of TWiT, Leo Laporte, and Failed CEO Lisa Laporte Yeah, there's a whole website dedicated to trolling Leo and his podcast company. I remember it being kinda funny back in the day, but I stopped paying attention to them because they kept posting stupid sexist toxic male shit.
  6. Michael Flynn posts video featuring QAnon slogans WWW.CNN.COM In a video posted online over the weekend, President Donald Trump's first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, is seen using phrases and slogans that are hallmarks of the baseless QAnon conspiracy movement. He also tagged his post with a QAnon hashtag. Don't forget about this crap either...
  7. I think they just thought Olivia Munn was a fake geek girl or whatever. She probably mostly was, but who cares. They put her on because she was hot and good on camera, and hey, she was very hot and she was good on camera. Sometimes it doesn't have to be deeper than that. They know their audience. Men are dumb animals and we like looking at pretty girls. It's a fact. I used to watch all of these shows back in the day. I listened to Leo Laporte's podcasts for a while afterwards, but yeah, everyone hates him now. Apparently he's a next level asshole. He's also annoying on the air, he changes his opinions all the time. He always just agrees with whoever was on. He's got a good surface level -- explain things to your mom -- understanding of the tech world, but his opinions and thoughts really aren't that entertaining or informative. I stopped paying attention to him (or any of these people) like 10-15 years ago.
  8. It really is that crazy. Some of the later encounters are just bananas. You just run around in a circle going OH FUCK OH FUCK OH FUCK, getting in shots here and there while you scramble around constantly killing weak demons for health and ammo. My advice is to always pick the strongest baddie on the field and focus on it. Ignore everything else. Kill one thing and survive. Rinse and repeat.
  9. I don't know about that. All of my idiot right wing Facebook "friends" wouldn't shut the fuck up about it a few weeks ago. They were all leaving in a. mass exodus because dear leader told them facebook was bad and they are all idiot moron stupid fucking trump supporter dipshits. I mean, facebook is bad, but not for the reasons they think it is. They just think that because they're all fucking dumb people who are dumb dumbies. Eh, this is probably fake, whatever. Fuck all these people. COVID denying trump supporting fucks. I actively am rooting for bad things to happen to them.
  10. I just stuck with the 7-core model. The more I read the more I feel like I probably didn't really need the 16GB of RAM either. It sounds like we kinda need to rethink how much RAM we need with these machines.
  11. I ordered one. A MacBook Air with 16GB RAM and 1TB Hard Drive. Very excited... 2-3 weeks for delivery though... boo...
  12. All of the nightly opinion ghouls on Fox News have his victims blood on their hands too. Fuck this kid, fuck Fox News and fuck anyone who thinks it's acceptable to bring an assault rifle to a protest. This isn't the fucking Wild West, leave your fucking guns at home. He's a murderer. He knew what he was doing when he drove 100 miles or whatever with a deadly weapon of war. He was looking for war.
  13. This may have already been posted in here, but here it is again... The Mandalorian is basically another Star Wars video game WWW.POLYGON.COM It’s time for another armor upgrade, then a fetch quest!
  14. Yeah, the initial reports are all amazing. It's kinda funny how Apple seemed to drop these with so little fanfare compared to how big of a leap these are. I think I'll be going with the Air. I want the 16GB of RAM and I need a 1TB drive, so saving the extra $300 will help. I honestly don't need the extra speed and the battery life is so good, the extra on the Pro won't matter. I'm 100% neutral on the Touch Bar.
  15. I don't want to watch anything with that disgusting vile mass murderer in it, but why exactly is this people's last thanksgiving?
  16. Parler is going to turn into a complete and total shitshow. A social network where anything is allowed and is being populated with pissed off right wingers with beef against Facebook and Twitter? It's going to be a nonstop online white power rally in a matter of weeks.
  17. If he tries to start his own news network based on Trumperism, the right wing overlords and Fox News (the same thing) will turn on him so fast. Once he's out of office every single republican is going to turn their backs on him. They will all try to act like he was some sort of black eye on the party and they never supported them and I used to say we can never let that happen... but nothing matters anymore. Listening to them backtrack on the filling a Supreme Court vacancy literally during an election proved to me without any doubt that they all stand for nothing and nothing will ever stick to them. It just doesn't matter. All of the political norms and standards mean nothing if one of the two parties refuses to play the game. They don't give a shit about anything and their base lets them get away with it.
  18. It's not just that. His version of Biden's socialism... he's going to raise taxes by 20%, and wants one-payer health care... next step, executions in the street. It's just all so fucking dumb. Democrats need to just drop that word. Not like that will help that much, but the right has proven to be so stubbornly ignorant and willfully idiotic that you can't even talk about anything.
  19. It's hilarious that there are now all these rumors that Trump is going to start an online media empire to compete with Fox News. After everything Fox did for him over the last 5 years, he's just gonna turn his back on them. It's hilarious and they deserve it. That said, I'm also terrified of what a Trump network would look and sound like. Holy shit.
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