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Everything posted by ort

  1. Yeah, you can juggle cards to maximize rewards, but I find that annoying. In my late 20s, early 30s when I did have some credit card debt, I would juggle multiple cards, but those days are long gone. I pay for almost everything with my card and pay it off every month. I still have like 5 cards, but I only ever use one. I never cancel them. I was told it can have a negative effect on credit scores so I don't worry about it. They just sit in a drawer and are out of sight our of mind. I have a separate account / card I give my kids to use when they need it because whatever they're doing doesn't take cash... or it's just easier. I know multiple people who have like $50,000 plus in credit card debt and I would just ugh... no.
  2. Hmmm... just the first two episodes? I would have to go back and watch, but it took me a few episodes to really fall in love with this show. The first episode was my least favorite. I thought the flashbacks were somewhat confusing until they (eventually) paid off and they had so many characters that they didn't really introduce or explain who they were or why we should care about them. We get there eventually, but it was confusing at first. I don't know how many people will watch the first two episodes and decide to subscribe to D+ because of them. It may be a hard sell. Showing people the whole first season might make them sign up for season 2.
  3. The slow burn is the best part. Most Star Wars stuff feels like they try to cram 6 hours of material into 2 hours. It moves so fast and never has any room to breathe, This is the exact opposite. It does move slow, but it is definitely not boring. Things are constantly happening and I honestly think every single episode is a little better than the ones before it. It builds on itself.
  4. Candace Owens should shut the fuck up forever. I don't give a fuck what that stupid idiot garbage person has to say about anything.
  5. Jesus, Fox News and their army of brainwashed vile EVIL MOTHERFUCKER morons are really up Musks ass. They try to turn this vile piece of shit into some sort of hero. It r4eally speaks to how completely morally bankrupt they are. There is a story up right now about how bad things are and how a manager threw up after being told he had to lay off his entire team and the comments section is just an endless stream of people mocking him dn high giving each other over who can be the biggest most vile piece of shit. We truly live in a broken fucked up world.
  6. I really think we're right on the edge of the GOP and their media empire turning hard on Trump. It's going to be a wild ride. If Trump decides to go nuclear and burn the party to the ground (which he probably will) it's going to be crazy to watch. These fuckers shouldn't be allowed to turn on him. They all forever have his taint all over them. You can't pretend he was okay when it was convenient and then abandon him when he's not. You already told us who you were when you supported him in the first place. If you were ever a Trumper, nothing you say or do will ever have any weight behind it, because you aren't an honest person. You've proven yourself to be an opportunistic huckster who stands for literally nothing and believes in literally nothing.
  7. Yeah, that thread is hilarious. I mean, who did those shit brained losers think they were supporting all those years? Fucking idiots. If you didn’t see it then, you’re a fucking dolt. Stop clutching your pearls over this. This is who he always was and how he always acted. If you did the required mental gymnastics to accept his behavior as acceptable, you are a broken person. You were and continue to be a very stupid person.
  8. The Missouri legalization bill was somewhat controversial. A lot of pro-legalization people did not support it because they feel it will lead to too few companies having control of the industry in the state. I voted yes, who knows when we’ll get another shot at this. I’m still shocked it passed honestly. Polls indicated it would, but it still feels very weird.
  9. Did anything happen to provoke this, uh, statement? Desantis has been laying fairly low and not bashing Trump at all, right? This is gonna be a total shit show. I mean, seriously read that fucking thing. It sounds like it was written by C- level high school freshman who is calling out some other cheerleader for being a slut. A man who used to president of the United States wrote that. Like, let that really sink in… like nice and deep.
  10. He drew a safe zone around Mar-a-lago on the map with a sharpie, he'll be fine.
  11. I mean, that's better than what 99% of people get. That's insanely generous by corporate America standards.
  12. I think we're starting to see it now. It's going to be hilarious when they start turning on Trump, and he starts saying non-stop insane things about all of them and then they get to act like the were never completely on his side, the side of utter and total insanity. Everyone who supported or voted for him should have MAGA carved into their foreheads Inglorious Basterds style. I will never forgive anyone who voted or supported that man. You told me who you were. You are a crazy idiot, an evil opportunist or both. So FUCK YOU. Forever.
  13. I'm purposefully not paying that much attention to this tonight. Whatever happens happens. I always expect the worst, because I've lost so much faith in my fellow humans. Once Trump was elected I fully grasped just how stupid and broken so many people truly are, and it makes the world a harder place to live in... What hope can there be for anything if people like Trump and Hershel Walker are legitimate candidates? That there are people out there who would actually vote for people like that? It's fucking depressing.
  14. Can you imagine how much of a shit brained simpleton one would have to be to put a checkmark next to Hershel Walkers name and say to yourself, "this is the guy for me, he's got my vote."
  15. Missouri is running scary racist immigration ads non-stop. It's gross.
  16. I was late to this party but holy crap, this is some good shit. This is the best Star Wars since the original trilogy and it isn’t even close. I love how slow and drawn out it is. Star Wars is always racing from action piece to big spectacle to bang pow and this is the exact opposite. It’s a slow tense simmering kind of intense. It takes it time and doesn’t pull any punches. Everything feels so believable and grounded. It treats its audience with respect and doesn’t assume everyone watching is a 9 year old with a 30 second attention span. It goes for emotion and tension over huge comically ridiculous action.
  17. I mean, it's a story as old as time, but how do these stupid dumb-dumb still not understand that private citizens who react negatively to what you are doing are not violating your free speech? Like, in any way whatsoever? I know a lifetime of the most extreme privilege and wealth imaginable has made Elon Musk think he can do whatever he wants, however he wants, any time he wants... but other people exist and can react however they want to his mind-numbingly stupid bullshit. Shut the fuck up.
  18. (I expanded my list) A few days ago, before this story just went poof, Fox News was running a story showing tons of photos of his ex girlfriends house, which looked like what Fox News would build if they had to make a movie set about a secret Antifa headquarters. It was like 1,000 words of misdirection focused on every single aspect of his life aside from the fact that he has been posting right wing and Qanon talking points for years and years. They completely skipped over that part. So weird.
  19. It's kind of crazy how quickly the story of a failed assassination attempt at the 3rd in line for the presidency by a radicalized right wing crazy person has just been swept away downstream by the constant flow of bullshit that makes up the American news stream. The right wingers have just written this off any or all of the following... A. He was a crazy left winger nudist B. He was Paul Pilosi's secret lover and it's all a coverup C. It was a completely fake inside job to make the right look bad before the midterms D. Some guy thought about killing Kavanaugh and then called the police on himself and this is the exact same thing... BOTH SIDES! E. Every crime that ever happens anywhere is the fault of Democrats, and since the streets are awash with attempted hammer murders released by Democrats because they hate the country, then this is just more of the same, SUCK IT LIBS F. Who cares, LOL
  20. It will be hilarious if twitter completely crumbles into a total ghost town in a matter of months. I’m starting to think that may actually happen.
  21. Yeah, I mean he’s a crazy nut. That’s not in debate. The problem is that when you spew a non-stop stream of batshit crazy over-the-top news stories specifically designed to anger and inflame… crazy people see those too and then go out and do stuff like this. I liked how the obligatory “who was this guy” story on Fox News downplayed all of the right wing stuff he has been verified to have been deeply bought into and emphasized all the nudist stuff. They didn’t mention any of it really and simply said, he believed in “conspiracy theories”… yeah, conspiracy theory’s that are routinely pushed on your own fucking station. It not a conspiracy if it’s the mainstream republican message you disingenuous shitlords.
  22. Fox News fell for it. This tweet is the center focus of one of their current lead stories...
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