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Everything posted by ort

  1. I see it like this... the main article on Fox News is the forward-facing "coded" message... somewhat sanded down and written in a very calculated way to push the audience to a very specific and pre-determined point of view... and the comment section is the raw unexposed Id of the conservative mind. The "real" version of the article as it's meant to be interpreted by their audience of broken-down, emotionally stunted dimwits. It's the natural conclusion of following all the bread crumbs they've been laying down. Fox News knows exactly what happens in their comments section. They understand that when they make their lead story about some random crime that happened in some random midwest city and the put up a picture of a black teenage that the comment section is going to be nothing but an endless stream of disgusting, vile racist hate speech... they know this and yet they allow it to happen. They want it to happen. They know anyone who reads the article is just a few twists of the scroll wheel away from seeing an endless stream of hate filled nonsensical half-truths... on literally any and every article. They know it and they like it. It lets them get the "real" message out there with some amount of a lack of culpability. Hey man, it's the comments, we can't control it. It's just you know, what the people think... But they know, they 100% know. That's why articles like the Paul Pelosi assault have the comments turned off. Because if they were on, they know their audience would be condoning and applauding the attack. They know this because they encourage it. The designed it that way. It's the whole point.
  2. David Depape, Paul Pelosi Suspect: 5 Fast Facts to Know | Heavy.com HEAVY.COM David Depape was identified by the San Francisco Chronicle as the suspect accused of attacking Paul Pelosi.
  3. Well, maybe I'm wrong. It sounded like his injuries were not life threatening. I'm kinda shocked this guy didn't have guns. I mean, maybe he did and just didn't get the chance to use them. Did he just give himself up?
  4. He probably choose not to kill Paul. If you are armed with a hammer and you want a half asleep 80 year old dead, you can make that happen. If Nancy was home, she would most likely have been killed and not be in the hospital.
  5. He sounds like such an arrogant fuckstick in those conversations. I bet he's a completely insufferable person to be around.
  6. How long until we see the first prominent right winger ask the question... what if this was a fake assault to make the right look bad? Also, this is probably going to turn into a big enough "thing" that it should probably have it's own thread... or whatever. At any rate, the thread title should be changed. Maybe "Pelosi is going to the hospital"
  7. When this story first broke Fox News was pushing it as a "HA HA, look at the Dem run cities being run over with crime, it even happened to Pelosi, HA HA" and then the comments were (predictable) full of chuds high-fiving and sucking each other off in glee over the incident. Now that it looks like it was a targeted attack they've turned off comments. SHOCKER. Probably because they know the army of simple minded insipid dipshits they've spent the last 20 years grooming into blood thirsty shit lords would act exactly like they've been conditioned to act by their masters.
  8. If Twitter is a net money loser wouldn't continuing to allow twitter on this here actually hurt Musk? I have mixed feeling about this. Not about Musk buying twitter, that part sucks... but allowing embedded tweets on here. Sometimes I feel like there is way to many tweets posted on here and it can be a very confusing format to follow. It often feels like twitter is just these little snippets of data that make almost no sense unless you know the whole backstory behind them. That's great when you know the backstory but sucks when you don't. I feel like 1/3 of the posts on this site are just embedded tweets.
  9. I think it's funny how quiet the right wing media machine has been about all this. I mean, if any famous person states a nuanced and well-stated opinion about how Israel may be out of line in their dealings with Palestinians and you get giant "__________ is ANTISEMITIC!" headlines for weeks all over. Not for their boy Kanye. I check the FoxNews.com homepage every single day (because I'm broken inside) and they have not had a single one of their lead stories be about Kanye through any of this debacle. Not a peep.
  10. I think the justification for Brittany's was more that she had been a celebrity since she was a young child and thus had been raised in an environment that supposedly left her unequipped to be a functional adult. I don't think that was the case more than many others in similar situations, but that makes her pretty different from Kanye West, who was a full grown adult when he started his rise to fame. Not saying it wasn't dumb, just that they aren't identical.
  11. The Jews who run Hollywood and the media finally got him.
  12. This is exactly the kind of good dumb fun stuff they should be doing.
  13. He would go on the tour and then tweet something like... "Being holocausted was a jew choice"
  14. I love Tik Tok, but it's also the worst thing ever. I really think it's like the crack cocaine of entertainment. Just nonsense boiled down into it's purest form and then algorithmically manipulated for maximum attention holding. I've heard that while most social media platforms like to exaggerate their popularity and users to make them look better, that Tik Tok is actually more popular than they let on and that they lie in the other way to try and avoid negative attention. All China has to do is start putting their fingers on the scale and they can push whatever political messages they want up and whatever one's they want down. It probably is a problem that will have to dealt with eventually.
  15. He's going to keep doing this crap and then a few years from now he will get on some better meds and better handlers and try to play it off like he was just trying to be as controversial as possible to make us all think...
  16. Ant-Man 2 was one of the most forgettable Marvel movies. It was very underwhelming if I remember correctly. Nothing in it was really bad, it was just boring and by the numbers. I liked the first Ant-Man quite a bit.
  17. I bet most politicians pose for between 10 and 100 photos like this every single day. Greg Abbott sucks and it's telling that Proud Boys want to line up to take photos with him... but this probably isn't any sort of smoking gun.
  18. Yeah, I mean, I don’t really know but twitter is supposedly one of the most bloated and overstaffed big tech companies. Industry insiders are generally baffled by the number of employees they have compared to what they actually accomplish.
  19. Hmmm, I dunno. That's $17,000 per year? That number seems high to me. I know for sure that we don't spend that much... unless you want to get cute and charge them for 1/2 the mortgage or something. It was definitely close to that when they were in daycare. But these days? I don't know, but I know we aren't spending 17k per kid. Maybe we're cheap asses, I don't know. It's very possible to spend much much less than that.
  20. This program has a budget of $3.7 million, so it only cost them $185,000 per person to destroy these people's lives over this meaningless bullshit.
  21. I check out his twitter feed every few months. Dude’s brain is just gone. He’s so deep down the rabbit hole it boggles the mind. He is such a small minded simpleton. The way he interprets the world around him is terrifying and broken and he has zero self awareness about any of it. He is incapable of understanding just how damaged he is.
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