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Everything posted by ort

  1. They're cute doggies, but they are using potty words! Whoa, expectations flipped! I can't believe it!
  2. The right wing spin on this story is that A: Biden is so weak now that foreign governments are sending flying things over willy nilly, and B: they are complaining that he was able to shoot this down before it reached the states, why not the previous balloon? Don’t shoot down a flying thing? BAD! Shoot one down before it reaches the states? BAD!
  3. Yeah, this is the biggest line of horseshit imaginable. Yes, the right has no interest in culture war fights. SHUT THE FUCK UP. It's literally the only fucking thing they do. It's 90% of their platform. For every mainstream "culture war " story from left leaning news sources there are like 50 from the right. These fucking people. They are so fucking full of shit. They are just spinning in circles spraying dumb stupid bullshit everywhere and acting like it's normal.
  4. I've also gone from being a lifetime massive Nintendo die-hard loyalist to someone who has totally soured on them in general... but at some point, it just gets tiresome. Complaining about video game platforms and whatnot. Who cares at this point. I've just moved on. I still play a Nintendo game here and there, but it's really not the same. Let people like what they like. That said, I think I will buy this. I don't really have a good way to play Prime and it is one of my all time favorites, so while I hate how Nintendo just recycles all of their old stuff all the time (for terrible prices) I would get $40 dollars of value from this.
  5. Invisible barrier wall. Same reason they had to go through the museum level in episode 2. I've never played the games and don't really know all of this universes lore / rules... but to me it feels like the outside world is a little too empty. If mushroom zombies die in a month, there should be more people around. And cruising down highways from Boston to Kansas City would probably result in dozens of ambushes...
  6. I paid like $80 bucks for Street Fighter 2 on the SNES in 1992. (That’s $172 adjusted for inflation… and 100% I got my moneys worth from it as well…)
  7. More heckling? Ha. I hate this crap. The 24-48 hours of coverage after one of these are usually insufferable.
  8. I'm also not a huge fan of the art update. I don't understand why there isn't more new stuff. It's a re-release of two 20ish year old gameboy games with a $60 price tag? I mean, I'm buying it, because I'm voting with my dollars. More Advance Wars content please... but how about NEW content? Please? Maybe just a bunch of new war room maps? Anything?
  9. I feel like they are doing everything they can to ensure that this game is a failure.
  10. As someone who has some interest in B&B, but not enough to sign up for another streaming service... I found the thread very helpful, thank you. If people are looking for this on their DVR or whatever, it is now called Mike Judge's Beavis & Butthead. I was confused because it wasn't showing up at first.
  11. Satanists are opening an abortion clinic. It's named after Sam Alito's Mom. FRIENDLYATHEIST.SUBSTACK.COM Because when you don't have reproductive options, the rest of us are forced to pay the price
  12. I feel like the GOP is going to do a hard turn on Trump very soon. If they want to have any sort of chance moving forward they need to completely abandon Trump. Rip off the band aid and just suffer the fallout with his base of loyalists. I don't think it's likely to happen, but I can see Trump (possibly) winning the Republican primary... but I just can't see him ever winning the General election again. I think he's too toxic for the vast majority of people. The crazy thing about Trump is that he isn't really a Republican at all. He will 100% turn on the entire party and burn it all to the ground. He just doesn't really care about anything but his legacy and standing in the world. I have a feeling that this upcoming presidential election will be the messiest and nastiest we have ever seen. It's going to make past insanity seem quaint.
  13. Trump has made a few fairly sane and positive comments about this which stands in stark contrast to how he talks about Desantis. It's because he know Destantis is an actual threat and he also knows that the more people that enter the ring, the better his odds are.
  14. Yeah, the landscape as it exists to today is not tenable. No one wants to have all of their entertainment split across a bunch of different apps and services. It's funny, because all anyone ever wanted was to buy channels á la carte, but now that that is reality, it kind of sucks. 5-10 years from now I bet we will have one unified "browser" for all of our streaming subscriptions and shows and each service will feed into it. It has to eventually get there. I also envision a world where most of these services get bought up by each other and we end up in a landscape where everything is heavily bundle based and it will be punitive to only buy a few streaming services. If you want any sort of deal, we will be back to buying big bundles and it will just be like cable all over again...
  15. So yeah, I've been watching this. It really is good. I have never played this game and barely knew anything about it. I didn't even know it was (yet another ) zombie apocalypse story. I find it interesting just how comfortable the show is in sticking to the video gamey nature of the story. It's got fetch quests from NPCs, storage lockers, blocked passages, different difficulty paths, clearly defined bad guy types that come at you in staged encounters, etc... it 100% feels like you are watching a video game. During episode 2 when they were "forced" to go into the "museum level" because the all the streets were blocked off by rubble, I literally laughed out loud. I mean, it's a show and I'll just go with it, but come on... I kind of want them to have a scene where they are walking down a wooded path and are like... "hey look at that, let's go check it out... oh wait, we can't get over this row of 2 foot tall bushes here... I guess we just have to keep moving..." It's like some sort of nutty Ouroboros, with a game designed to be feel just like a movie turned into a "movie" designed to feel like just like a game... I wonder if they wouldn't have been better served trying to make it feel a little less video gamey. (episode 3 definitely was the least gamey one so far) The mushroom zombies are truly scary. I don't understand how Ellie managed to survive for 14 years without getting herself killed. Her character feels a little weird to me. For someone who was born into and who has only experienced life in this mushroom apocalypse hellworld, she seems a little too naive, foolhardy and innocent. I don't think a 14 year old from this universe would even be remotely similar to how kids today act. They would be cold, brutal survivors or they would be dead. Even in a QZ or whatever. Anyway, I am really enjoying it. I'm not sure I love it as much as a lot of people seem to, but I give it a big thumbs up and will keep watching for sure.
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