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Everything posted by Mercury33

  1. Exactly! The Twilight Zone has a definite vibe to it. The whole point were the “ohhh I get it” moments at the end. Followed by Sterling literally summarizing the moral for you haha. You can evolve the show a little b it to depart from the heavy handedness of it wouldn’t be progression in the right direction. If you remake such a unique and iconic show then you add your spin to it but you stay true to the form. If people want to watch an evolved version of the Twilight show was then watch Black Mirror. Although that show is pretty heavy handed as well.
  2. If Ellie was my child(at that point she was basically his daughter) I would have done the same thing he did 🤷🏻‍♂️
  3. I’m personally really excited for the game based on the story. But I totally get why people would be turned off. My wife hates stories where none of the characters are really “good”. And that trailer def gives off a vibe of just dark, violent, terribleness haha
  4. Yeah I wish the story had been a bit better. As an Assassins Creed game it’s not great. But as a Pirate game? It’s Phenomonal!! Also it has possibly my favorite ending in the series. The song playing while Edwards walks down from his house on his island and he sees all his friends both living and dead. Shit gets me haha
  5. I have zero desire to see this go open world. I’d be ok with something like AC1’s open world world a Hub World that connects different areas. But true open world? No thank you. There’s enough open world games already. I love the streamlined, action packed, cinematic experience of the first part.
  6. Ummm that looked pretty awesome! I'm pretty pissed we didnt' get that. Sands of Time is arguably my favorite game of all time, I'd love love love to get another Prince of Persia in the same veign. Less of the emo heavy metal equals though.
  7. I heard they brought in The Club developers. So give me The Club gameplay with 2K’s presentation? Yep, sign me up.
  8. Rise of Skywalker 1/10 Decided to rewatch thinking maybe I’d enjoy it with much lower expectations. Nope. 10 min in and I wanted to punch the screen. I can’t watch this and not constantly think of TLJ. Hey let’s take the best actor this series has ever had who delivered in spades in the previous movie and remove 90% of his dialogue and make him a 1 dimensional villan. Also, hey remember that anyone can be a hero, anyone can be special? LOL NOPE FUCK YOU ONLY SKYWALKERS CAN. Fuck JJ, fuck all the dumb shit fans who complained about TLJ and fuck this movie
  9. I might have to watch Kingdom of Heaven tomorrow. It’s so damn perfect.
  10. That’s def a different take as the consensus is that S3 was the easily the best season. But I would wait till the end before totally judging it. Some of the payoffs and amazing. Just finished S4 and if I knew how to post a standing ovation gif I would. Phenomenal.
  11. Rocky and Rambo were both phenomenal. Sly seems to understand how to write for aging/old characters. I’m psyched for this.
  12. I read the Warlord Chronicles last year. It was phenomenal!! I would def recommend them. It’s so clever how he managed to take Arthurian characters and weave that into a historical setting while still keeping the essence of how those characters were in the Myths. Even the way he handles Merlin and his magic is perfect. I blew through them, couldn’t put them down and I hope and hope they adapt it to a tv series one day.
  13. 1. Brotherhood 2. Black Flag 3. AC 1 4. AC 2 5. Rogue 6. Odyssey 7. Revelations 8. Origins 9. Sydicate 10. Unity 11. AC3 Ill always give the edge to the first 4 games. To me they all held true essence of what the series was, stealth and assassination. The climbing was also all about verticality and staying off the streets to stay hidden. Even within the Ezio trilogy that started to erode but the essence was there. Also, and I may be in the minority but the modern day story was still great. It was an interesting mystery that tied everything together. I’ll remember the endings of AC1, AC2 and Brotherhood forever. AC3 is the biggest steaming pile of shit I’ve ever played. Fuck that game. Not only does it take everything I just said and throws it in the trash but it gives you one or the most wooden and uninteresting main characters in the history of gaming. And what makes Connor ever worse, is that you play for the first couple hours as Haythem who is actually incredibly fun and interesting. So you get this great character with this cool twist of being a Templar and then they go HAHA NOPE JK, here’s this piece of shit character you have to play as instead. I hate that god damn game. Origins is good and Odyssey is great but to me they’re really totally different games and don’t really fit into the spirit of the series. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll really really like them I just can’t rate them above the earlier games when discussing the whole series haha
  14. oh really? That’s cool, I didn’t know that. I can’t remember where they did it, one of the games. But they did explain why everyone had the same accent in one of the games. Something like the Animus translates the voices into the language and dialect of the person reliving the memories I think. Still a shit reason but at least there is an actual reason haha
  15. These Vikings are from Norway They also confirmed this to take place in the 9th century. Same time period as The Last Kingdom and Vikings. So I’m guessing that king is Alfred? Also it’s the same creative lead as Black Flag and Origins. But yeah, GIVE ME THIS GAME NOW!!!!
  16. Really picks up steam through the middle. Watched 3/4/5 tonight and loved them. Love the direction it’s headed. Also, please please please Netflix, for the love of god, please get The Warlord Chronicles made into a show. Please!!!!
  17. Through the first two episodes and I’m loving it. Moving very quickly and jumping around a lot but it’s done very well and doesn’t get confusing. I do miss Uhtred and Alfreds interactions already though
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