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Everything posted by Mercury33

  1. Ozarks S3: Perfection/10 This is the best show on TV right now and I’ll fight you if you say otherwise.
  2. No amazon and no LGtv? Lol well, there’s $15 HBO coulda had but isn’t gonna get.
  3. That TCM inclusion may push me over the edge on this. But how do you launch with no support for 2 of the 3 biggest streaming platforms in Roku and Amazon?
  4. there’s some because of course you had to have some in a prequel. But that’s not what the entire movie is, it’s not even a majority of it. Rogue One does WAY more connecting to the OT than Solo does. But of course the internet made up its mind before the movie came out so a good chunk of them would rather continue to live with their head up their ass instead of admit that they were wrong. 🤷🏻‍♂️
  5. Finally saw last weeks episode and it was brilliant. The last two have def been the high point of this season so far.
  6. Yes he really really does. I love that movie so much for every single inch of its ridiculousness.
  7. I’m just here to restate that Man of Steel is fucking awesome
  8. I’m 100% on board because of the “when it rains it pours” tagline 😂
  9. Im not sure if you’re being sarcastic but I actually really did love that. It’s a game, we really don’t mundane animations for every little stupid thing. Glad they understand that. Unlike another absolute piece of crap, worst game of all time, stab my self in the head from boredom, game that shall not be named.
  10. I really enjoyed the first episode. Def carries on the vibe of the movie. I really like that you’ve got the same basic conflict of class warefare from the movie but with an added “murder on the orient express” kind of story to add some extra intrigue. Fun little twist at the end. Should be really interesting to see if/how they connect things to the movie which I think happens 8 years after the show? Especially explaining the twist at the end of the first episode. Very much looking forward to next week.
  11. Have they said if you have to choose one path or another? Like in AC you can just run in and kill everyone or try to attack an area with stealth. Its one thing that’s kinda bugged me about AC for awhile. You’re usually so OP in combat that there’s really no reason to play stealthily except you just enjoy playing the game that way. Id love if Ghosts made you choose to be one style or another.
  12. Agreed. I also wasn’t really a fan of anything Naughty Dog did before Uncharted. Hell watch The Last of Us 2 trailer and the whole team keep reminding yourself that this from the Crash Bandicoot developers haha.
  13. I’ll go back when Tenent comes out. Nothing else will pull me back
  14. Exactly! The Twilight Zone has a definite vibe to it. The whole point were the “ohhh I get it” moments at the end. Followed by Sterling literally summarizing the moral for you haha. You can evolve the show a little b it to depart from the heavy handedness of it wouldn’t be progression in the right direction. If you remake such a unique and iconic show then you add your spin to it but you stay true to the form. If people want to watch an evolved version of the Twilight show was then watch Black Mirror. Although that show is pretty heavy handed as well.
  15. If Ellie was my child(at that point she was basically his daughter) I would have done the same thing he did 🤷🏻‍♂️
  16. I’m personally really excited for the game based on the story. But I totally get why people would be turned off. My wife hates stories where none of the characters are really “good”. And that trailer def gives off a vibe of just dark, violent, terribleness haha
  17. Yeah I wish the story had been a bit better. As an Assassins Creed game it’s not great. But as a Pirate game? It’s Phenomonal!! Also it has possibly my favorite ending in the series. The song playing while Edwards walks down from his house on his island and he sees all his friends both living and dead. Shit gets me haha
  18. I have zero desire to see this go open world. I’d be ok with something like AC1’s open world world a Hub World that connects different areas. But true open world? No thank you. There’s enough open world games already. I love the streamlined, action packed, cinematic experience of the first part.
  19. Ummm that looked pretty awesome! I'm pretty pissed we didnt' get that. Sands of Time is arguably my favorite game of all time, I'd love love love to get another Prince of Persia in the same veign. Less of the emo heavy metal equals though.
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