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Everything posted by Mercury33

  1. I can’t wait to watch 9 again. I feel like I’m gonna like it a lot more once I watch it with revises expectations.
  2. Did you see either movie? And why is it sad that a female led movie is being compared to a male led movie? Their plots and character beats are very similar. It has nothing to do with the gender of the characters playing them. If Book Smart was about 2 guys it would still be compared to Super Bad.
  3. Cool, except they have WAY more in common with each other besides “teens partying before graduation” Can’t Hardly Wait is about the same thing and that’s obviously nothing like these two movies. Hell Jonah Hill and Beanie Feldsteins play almost the exact same character, which is kinda ironic. All you have to do is google both movies together and dozens of articles about their similarities pop up.
  4. This. I’d be lying if I said I don’t enjoy Marvel movies while I’m watching them. But other than Thor: Ragnarok and Guardians 1 there’s not a single thing I can remember about them. Meanwhile Star Wars and DC films have created infinitely more interesting movies even if the quality has been more up and down. Also the idea that KK needs to replaced blows my mind. I mean I get if someone isn’t a fan of the newer Star Wars films but they’ve been massively successful and generally very well received. But yeah she sucks and doesn’t know what she’s doing 🙄
  5. Yeah it’s not turn based. Fire Emblem is turn based. Hero’s of Might and Magic is turn based. X com is turn based.
  6. Am I the only one that thought Book Smart was average as hell? And it shouldn’t really be heralded as a beacon of originality since it’s basically “what if Superbad was about girls”
  7. Finally got around to seeing it tonight. Holy shit did I love it. Mostly everything has been covered by other people in this thread. All the scenes were so much fun and so well done I didn’t want them to end. Brad Pitt at the ranch being the absolute stand out for me. And the ending of course. I don’t know why but at this point I mark out so hard for the inevitable, over the top, cartoon level violence that shows up at the end of QT movies 😂. Also the cigarette commercial during the credits, low key, might have been my favorite thing in the whole movie haha.
  8. Lol absolutely nothing is clear from that art work. Give me 6 random pieces of art from the movie we got without having seen the actual movie and we probably would have all shit our pants.
  9. The “when do you stop saying happy New Year” hit so close to home 😂
  10. I like this change and it makes complete sense from a branding perspective since they don’t own all of Fox. But I’m sure this will end up being “blah blah blah Disney is evil blah blah End of the world blah blah”
  11. She’s an awesome pick to do the theme. Tough to top Skyfall for me though.
  12. Assassins Creed was one of my favorite franchises. Norse mythology one of my favorite topics. And yet this interests me very little. I’ve had to force myself to finish every AC game since Black Flag. Actually I think Origins is the only AC game I’ve finished since Black Flag. They’re just too damn big with not enough interesting stuff to fill it out.
  13. I’m down for it. The Spider Man sub universe is one of my favorites so I’m excited if they make kind of a connected universe within the connected universe.
  14. Lol what an especially trash year. Frozen II being left out is great. That movie was average as fuck and I’m glad it didn’t just get a nomination cause Disney. No Uncut Gems is a fucking joke.
  15. One of my favorite movies of all time. Watched it every time it’s on TV. Including two nights ago haha
  16. I mean, the games been out for months. So just like with a movie that’s been out for months. Spoilers are kinda open game at this point 🤷🏻‍♂️
  17. The only time I ever bought more than one console from the same company during a generation was the 360 because my original red ringed. I have no desire to ever buy a smaller or beefed up version of a console. The only way I’d do it is if they dropped the generation model and followed the smart phone route and I was forced to do it.
  18. Lol yeah he left sort of a blank slate but also left pretty fucking clear themes and potential arcs to follow up on.
  19. almost done with the second book and can’t wait to start the show over again after I finish.
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