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Everything posted by Mercury33

  1. We’ve got our first nominee for Worst Take of 2021. Congrats!!! WTF are you talking about “trying to discern”? This isn’t someone finding a tweet from 15 years ago. She continually broadcasts this shit over and over. And it’s not like she didn’t see it coming. She caught shit about her posts months ago. She decided to keep going while working for the single most family oriented company in the world. This is her own fault for being stupid.
  2. Yeah I’ll give him credit, THAT’S the insane evil Joker I was hoping to get to see Leto play
  3. Id say anyone who has anything negative to say about the actual gameplay of Anthem has never actually played it and is mostly likely one of those idiot gamers that just follows the crowd. That game plays AMAZING. Hell even the verticality of the world is fantastic, they just didn’t put anything in it. And the story, loot and end game are a disaster. But because of the gameplay, I don’t regret the $60 or 60 hours I put into that game.
  4. My wife hadn’t played a video game since the original NES. She has now logged over 200 hours in Animal Crossing this year. If she can get a handle on the controls. Literally anyone can.
  5. Giant Bomb has episodes like that from time to time but for the most part that’s not even close to true. You only have to go back a week to their Game of the Year stuff. That’s 15-20 hours of pretty in depth and critical content on games.
  6. Why would anyone want to recast Deadpool? Ryan Reynolds is literally the perfect casting for him. That would be like being excited that for a new Wolverine or hoping they recast Iron Man after the first movie.
  7. Yeah they need to take a hard look at Rocket Leagues “loot”. Because as it stands now, even if I had a million credits I don’t think I’d spend it on anything haha. Even the emotes are pointless because the game goes too fast for anyone but you to see what your player is doing.
  8. Yeah he’s crazy powerful. Def need them to up the quality of the skins. Part of what kept me in Rocket League for so long was how cool and unique I could make the car look. Just having different colors isn’t gonna cut it.
  9. If you press square on the character select screen it tells you what they do. Seems Blue Fang is the early favorite since his special vehicle absolutely shreds when it’s activated haha. Only think I’m having trouble with is car jacking. In the tutorial you dodge a car and can jump on it but that never works for me. In the rare instance I get on a slow moving car I never even come close to winning the battle.
  10. Same, I’ve played it and I like it but it’s not hooking me like Rocket League did. I think the unlockables could be part of the problem. I looked at all of them and didn’t get a “ohhh I want that” feeling from any of them. The skins right now are just different colors. Hopefully we get skins that more drastically change the way your character looks so you stand out more.
  11. 100% Moana is the best thing to come from Disney/Pixar since Toy Story 3. Just watched Coco the other day. I would agree 7/10. It’s a bit too formulaic and predictable. Also I didn’t find the music to be that memorable. Def not bad but nothing legendary about it. The Little Things 7/10 - I miss these old 90’s thrillers so much. I can’t remember they made one like this. The acting is outstanding. Leto probably stands out the most but his character is given the most to work with. I also like that they used that same road in the dessert that so many movies use. The one where you see the car coming over the hill in the distance. Plot is ok. I didn’t hate the ending but I can understand those that did. overall I enjoyed it. And if you like 90’s crime thrillers you’ll probably dig it.
  12. Firewatch is a straight walking simulator. It’s ok. Based on what you’ve posted on the boards I think you’d like What Remains of Edith Finch better. Also a straight walking sim but it’s a little...weirder/cooler. Not sure how to describe it.
  13. Always excited for The Show but don’t have high expectations for this year. Gotta think going from developing a game for one single system to developing for 2 gens of that system plus 2 gens of a brand news system are up a lot of their time. And they’re not a big studio anyway. Expecting basically a roster update this year.
  14. So now everyone thinks the show is awesome. Lol it’s like no lessons were learned from Mandalorian on this board.
  15. Lol moving them goal posts when someone pointed out you were wrong. I respect that. And if you remember overhyping universal praise for Horizon and Ghosts you aren’t remembering the reaction well at all. Horizon got slammed hard for its invisible boundaries and silly things like how the water doesn’t move a lot when you jump into it. Also people were pretty split on the combat. You had your typical “this combat sucks vs the combat is good when you into it” with the problem being you didn’t have to do all the extra cool combat stuff to get through each encounter. Ghosts got a lot of pushback on how generic everything outside of the story was as well as some annoying quality of life stuff. No one praised it as the second coming. Lets not forget, the 3 games at the top of a lot of places GotY awards are a Switch exclusive (Hades) a MS exclusive (Ori) and a PS exclusive (TLoU2). Obviously PC not withstanding.
  16. That looks like it could be fun. There’s a part towards the end where the car gets wrecked over a pit and the driver jumps out and wall runs to safety. I think it will come down to how it controls. If it moves as well as something like Rocket League then it could be really really fun. But if it feels light and loose it’ll fade like Fall Guys
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