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Everything posted by Mercury33

  1. I’m essential so no out of the ordinary gaming experiences. My wife and son both got really into Animal crossing as they were both home. So I guess watching them play that every day could classify as the game that defined covid for me.
  2. Oh haha I figured it was something like that. But in my head I was picturing a scene where a 10 year old was watching his dad open a new console on Christmas morning while he opened socks 😂
  3. Yeah I don’t get those complaints at all. I mean if you wanted to complain about the action in the first Godzilla? Sure I could see that. But King of Monsters was fantastic. They let you see all the monsters in all their glory while also doing a great job conveying their scale and size.
  4. yep. I am 100% finding an open theater to see this in.
  5. Are gold and gamepass the same price? I was under the impression gamepass was a little more expensive? nvm I looked it up myself. So game pass is $120 a year and ultimate is $160. Soooooo your point is for what reason? Other than to vent since it clearly offends you for some reason that someone wouldn’t be interested in gamepass. I mean let’s be honest, it’s not like MS is in the same boat as Sony and churning out “must have” first party games. I don’t think I’ve bought a 1st party MS game in two years. I buy all my indie games on my laptop and switch because I only really play them when the TV is in use by someone else. But yes please continue to educate me on how I’m unaware of my own circumstance and personnel usage of the console and should be spending an extra $60-120 a year for no reason 👍🏻
  6. I have zero desire to ever get Gamepass and never will. I only use Xbox for my MP games. I play all my single player stuff on PS5 and all my indies on Switch/PC. Also lol at defending a major corporation as “the good guys” because they reversed their completely fucked up policy a little faster. Lol they all suck.
  7. I’m pretty sure I’m the only one that thinks the Bernie memes aren’t funny or interesting.
  8. I still haven’t been able to bring myself to watch it based purely on how boring the two leads seem.
  9. Hey ive got a great idea!!! Since we released 0 games for our brand new shiny flame thrower, we should also double what people are paying to play those 0 games!!! Brilliant!!! MS sucks so hard
  10. Except the people who say he fundamentally makes sense are correct and the people who don’t are just mad that he wasn’t a super hero and are no crying like a baby with a doo doo in their pants.
  11. Smh haven’t all you guys terrible opinions on TLJ been shot down enough on this board? You’re really looking for it to happen like a 10th time?
  12. Its only weird in that you have to be standing still to aim. The actual mechanic is just like every other 3rd person shooter. I liked it, added to the tension. But then again I also enjoy the controls and static cameras in the originals too 🤷🏻‍♂️
  13. @skillzdadirecta yeah it was tough to tell but the second episode was a different style than the first. The black and white made it tough to tell. But them transitioning to color at the end seemed to show it’ll be a bigger jump into episode 3
  14. *whispers it’s not bad writing if they’re making it that way intentionally.
  15. Well obviously it’s going somewhere. It’s not like they’ve dropped hard to find, barely noticeable clues that something is going on. It’s pretty damn obvious and the second episode had more out of place stuff than the first. What are you all in a hurry for them to reveal and get to? Hurry up and get to the same boring, forgettable formula from the movies?
  16. De Blasio is in fact a complete and utter tool. Everyone hates him. But then again New Yorkers despise every mayor even if they’re good. They just love to hate.
  17. Lol so I bought 1 and 2 on PS Store since they were like $10. Then it gives me the option to download like 10 things for each game. I’m so god damn overwhelmed and confused trying to get into this franchise lol.
  18. GROUND BREAKING NEWS HERE!!! WE’VE GOT GROUND BREAKING NEWS HERE!!!! is what we would have said in 2017 when Hamill was pretty clear about his feelings towards TLJ. He said he hated the character when he first read it. But once he saw how it played in the context of the film he was more ok with it and respected the story that was being told. But yeah, I mean solid find 👍🏻
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