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Everything posted by Mercury33

  1. Yeah I’m excited for Strikers but both Tennis and Golf were let downs so I’ll wait for reviews first. As excited as I am for the Mario Kart courses. The fact that those waves extend into next year makes me thing 9 is still pretty far away. I really hope they go the Smash route and start adding characters outside of the Mario universe to it. Imagine the courses they could do 😳
  2. I feel like you might like Xenoblade Chronicles. It scratches that Zelda itch
  3. They said ahead of time it was only gonna be stuff for the first half of this year.
  4. That was a pretty damn good show I thought. They have a nice variety of stuff coming this year. FINALLY Switch Sports!!!!
  5. I have idea. Time is just abstract at this point 🤷🏻‍♂️
  6. Unless they’re about to pull some major surprises out of their ass this should be pretty “meh” since it’s focusing just on games for the early part of 2022
  7. Raya came out this year? I thought it came out like fall of last year. Jesus this year dragged. No Macbeth? Dumb, that movie was phenomenal.
  8. To be fair to WoT, I have 10 or so friends/family that know nothing about the books and they all absolutely loved the show. Everyone that I know that the books was “I think this is actually pretty decent” until the last episode and then they got all pissed off. Im really curious to see how they do without a Covid interruption and without a major case member leaving mid season
  9. Just watched S1 Ep1……yoooooooooooo so this show is like that?
  10. Yeah Conan is almost too good at it. I think he’d have been better in the Will Arnett roll. Lynch is indeed amazing
  11. It was a joke in reference to something said in another thread a couple weeks ago.
  12. Thanks 100% entirely and def nothing else to its library of independent titles. Gonna be a sad day when we start to see videos of Switch Smashing Parties once the Steam Deck drops.
  13. Just finished 4-6 and man has it really hit its stride now that it’s in its main arc. Really fantastic.
  14. Please for the love of all that is holy can we not regurgitate the “that’s not what X character would do “ garbage.
  15. I watched the first couple episodes. It’s fun. Will Arnett actually breaks and sorta laughs a few times so it gives it much more of a sketch/YouTube show kinda vibe. Def a few lol moments so far.
  16. It’s not in the “favorite game of all time” discussion like DS1 is for me. But I still really really liked DS2. Kinda in the same way I really enjoyed Bioshock 2 despite it not being in the same class as 1
  17. Yeah gimme an Apple+ or Amazon Prime Destiny Show and I’d be all over it.
  18. 10/10 fucking amazing. Who cares whose name is on the show. Give me awesomeness and this delivered.
  19. We don’t talk about Bruno is incredible. But for me it was all about No Pressure. Jesus what a song and I feel like there’s not a person on earth who can’t relate to the message of that song.
  20. Reading this thread is like watching the “are you serious? I literally just told you.” Scene from Zoolander on repeat. Some of you are dense af 😂
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