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Everything posted by Mercury33

  1. Except it is literally impossible to tell at this point. Especially given how extremely mild the mildest form of Corona is. They thought the Flu epidemic in 2009 was severe but after it was over and they could actually calculate the data the mortality rate was less than 1%. Corona seems scary but there is nothing to really back that up other than increased media focus.
  2. It’s impossible to tell that at this point. The initial fear over the mortality rates from the initial outbreak in China are skewed in a number of different of ways. And to claim they’re exponentially higher??? That deserves a “c’mon man” of your own.
  3. How is it worse than the flu? Nearly half a million people die of the flu every year. Same group of the population is vulnerable. Why don’t we empty stadiums during flu season?
  4. I just don’t get it. I mean Right Wing media is pushing the idea that this is no big deal and that main stream media is blowing it way out of proportion. So of course I assumed they were bullshitting again. But the more I read about this the more I agree with the right(throws up). This entire thing seems like a staggering overreaction.
  5. Is this on cable FX? For some reason I thought it was only on FX through Hulu
  6. Lol this was my exact literal thought. If it wasn't for him I'd be laughing the idea out of the building.
  7. I also don’t care. I don’t need someone to explain to me why I like something. How presumptuous.
  8. I'm all in on that. Coulda done without the last scene in the trailer though, gave away something that seems kinda important
  9. well, we’ve already established a good chunk of Internet SW fans are complete and utter morons. So 🤷🏻‍♂️
  10. Lol not at all. I’m just genuinely amazed at how someone could come to these conclusions. You asked me if I’d ever seen an episode but then summed up the show by saying it’s just about attractive people dating. They even focused on them getting older during the course of the show. So to revisit them even later in life is a logical next step for the characters.
  11. you weren’t into a show you watched all 3 seasons of? Then why continue watching?
  12. booo i was hoping that was gonna be a documentary about how the food works at Disney. From the fine dining places to the cafeterias
  13. This is one of the weirdest takes ever. So people who love Friends aren’t gonna like it because some of them are less attractive?
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