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Everything posted by TheLeon

  1. Just got home, absolutely incredible shit. It’s simply thrilling to watch something this well executed on such a large scale. It doesn’t happen often these days. One small thing I want to shout out: I love how almost every actor in these movies is using more or less their normal speaking voice, but then Austin Butler swings in doing a delightful Stellan Skarsgård impression.
  2. Is this a bit? Burn through your retirement already? Anyway, I don’t think Amazon has a way to purchase a rental for someone else. If you find someone willing to share their Max login, that would be the easiest way to watch it.
  3. He’s a producer, but this isn’t an M. Night movie! It’s directed by his Daughter Ishana, who worked with him on the Apple TV+ show Servant. M. Night does have a movie called Trap that is coming out later this year.
  4. I got charged last night, which is how I realized I was still subscribed.
  5. This movie is not good, but some of the reactions feel pretty overblown to me. It’s like 5-10% worse than your typical bad blockbuster, not “worst movie in years” material. My biggest knocks against it (beyond the typical weak script/filmmaking): -This entire Sony plan of making Spider-Man-adjacent movies without naming Spider-Man/Peter Parker reaches peak absurdity in this one. I almost wish they had just leaned into it and made it more of a comedy, but most of the (intentional) comedic beats in the movie are bad, so that probably wouldn’t have worked either. And since it’s spending a lot of time trying to launch a new franchise that will almost certainly not happen, you’re constantly asking “why is any of this happening?” -A charismatic lead will go a long a long way towards smoothing out the rough edges in a movie like this. If Venom works at all, it’s because Tom Hardy is clearly fully committed. Dakota Johnson is just sleepwalking through almost every scene, which is unfortunate when half of her lines are variations of “this is the craziest thing that’s ever happened”.
  6. @crispy4000 I can gift you True Colors if you want. I didn’t realize I was still subscribed to Humble Choice after last month, and there isn’t much I want. I’ve played it, it’s a really good game.
  7. Elden Ring is a game that teaches you how to play it. One of the first things it teaches you is to avoid things you aren’t ready for yet. When I stepped out of the tutorial area and saw some giant fucker on an armored horse off in the distance, I said “aw hell naw” and went the opposite direction. Didn’t fight that bastard until like 10 hours in.
  8. That’s how I understand it. This is his passion project, and as soon as he had the juice to get it off the ground, he noped out of Yellowstone as fast as possible.
  9. I’ve never had a job that could be done from home, but the job I just applied to could be. They’ve been 100% remote since 2020, but just now they are forcing people back to the office semi-regularly… which from what I understand is one big reason why there are some openings.
  10. @best3444 just start typing the name of the game into the search box in the Xbox store. I got to “Unicorn ov” and the demo was one of the results.
  11. I loved all three Bioshock games in their day, and Infinite is probably the best overall. That’s one I should revisit some day. I bought the collection on Switch a while ago because it was a whole $10. Probably not the best place to play it, but whatever.
  12. I was just curious. My appetite for Star Wars content is limited at the moment, but if people are putting this on the level of Andor, I’m intrigued. I don’t even have D+ right now so it’s all hypothetical at this point.
  13. Can I watch this without knowing the other animated series? I see it described as a spin-off/sequel of the Clone Wars.
  14. Don’t get me wrong, I love Fire Emblem, but to me what was exciting about the demo is all the ways it’s different from FE and other turned based strategy games. I like the real time movement and deploying troops like an RTS. It starts out really basic here, but it’s easy to see how that will get more complex and intense in a way that’s hard to do with turn based games. I also really like building and moving squads instead of individual units. That’s the kind of thing you naturally do in something like FE (move a couple fighters, a mage, and a healer together to take an objective), but it’s much more streamlined here. Finding that unstoppable mix of different unit traits and abilities that all trigger at the right time is really appealing to me. It’s obvious that they’re more ambitious than being just a Fire Emblem/FF Tactics clone, and I didn’t really understand that until I got a feel for it firsthand.
  15. Finally got around to this. It was a very pleasant experience! It was nice to have a smaller game I could breeze through over the course of a few play sessions.
  16. I’ll probably wait until June to start my replay, but I’m excited for it. I was trying to think of the last DLC I bought, thinking it’s probably been years. Then I remembered Phantom Liberty - which I haven’t played yet.
  17. I wish my internal monologue sounded like Sterling Archer/Bob Belcher.
  18. I don’t know what her schedule was like, but it’s really fun picturing her shooting this and Tár back to back. Looking at her credits, I didn’t realize she was in The House with a Clock in its Walls, so this is weirdly her second Eli Roth movie.
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