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Everything posted by TheLeon

  1. Secret Aardvark is my go-to sauce these days, and it has a nice squeeze bottle.
  2. The ending story-wise is fine. What was really satisfying was completing that final loop flawlessly. It's like Ocean's 11 - setting up the perfect, elaborate plan and executing it was a total blast.
  3. I tried the demo for this, and I like it. But it feels like something that’ll be deeply discounted and/or on Game Pass pretty quickly, so I’m not in a rush to buy it. I have plenty of other things to play, like Triangle Strategy, which I’m still only like 8 missions into.
  4. Just finished the book. It’s a quick, nasty read, that seems like a great fit for M. Night at this point in his career. And a meaty role for our boy Bautista. Can’t imagine any other wrestler-turned-actor trying something like this.
  5. I started watching this, mostly so I could participate in The Discourse, but I only lasted about 5 minutes before turning it off, thinking “there’s no way I’m going to spend 10 episodes with this fucking guy”. True crime as a genre is something I’ve really lost interest in lately. If it’s someone running large scams or a cult or some shit like that, I might still be interested, but I’ve had my fill of real life killers.
  6. I really appreciate how they’ve just let this be a sitcom for a while.
  7. As much as I don’t “get” fashion as a whole, I really don’t get sneakers. Like, nothing about these sticks out to me at all.
  8. I’ve been rewatching episodes as the go up on YouTube (if you didn’t know, they’re gradually putting the entire series there). Of course I’ve already watched them on DVD, Netflix, and Amazon Prime, but one more way couldn’t hurt!
  9. I try to be asleep by 10 most nights (to wake up at 5:30, work at 7). I rarely stay up later than that just to game. What happens more often is that I’ll wake up extra early, and instead of trying to get another hour or two of sleep, I’ll hop on the ol’ Xbox at 4am.
  10. After tearing through Deathloop, I’m poking around Game Pass to find my next game. Metal:Hellsinger is a neat concept (DOOM as a rhythm game) executed pretty well. Don’t think it’ll have a ton of staying power for me personally, but it’s a fun thing to dip into for a few minutes. Slime Rancher 2 - I never played the first one, but maybe I should have. Utterly charming, chill little game. I also downloaded Grounded again now that it’s hit 1.0, and I’ll be playing some of that this weekend.
  11. In this case, it sounds like they barely earned the NC-17 anyway. You hear about movies getting an NC-17 at first, then they make changes, sometimes tiny, barely noticeable changes, to get an R (or similarly to go from R to PG-13).
  12. So once I hit the point that I knew I could finish it, I looked at all my remaining loose ends, and said “fuck it, I’ll just wrap it up now”. And so I did! My only complaint (probably my own fault for not exploring enough) is that I didn’t get any top tier trinkets until the absolute end of the game, so I couldn’t infuse them, or even see what they were. Ah well, I’m sure jump back in soon enough, try my hand at invasions or something.
  13. Hard to say. My dad cheated on my mom (with a coworker) and that imploded my childhood, so my gut instinct is to say fuck all cheaters. But I suppose there are levels to these things.
  14. I’ve been hooked on this game! I’m at the point now where I’m setup to take out everyone in one loop, and I have a nice loadout infused and ready to go, but I’m going to play around for a while, unlock some more shit. What a game!
  15. And from a different angle: we don’t like Harfoots because they don’t act exactly like LOTR’s hobbits. At least they don’t complain about the racial makeup of the people playing them, but this seems like a particularly dumb thing to have such a big problem with. They act differently from the Hobbits of the Shire! Why!? Maybe because they’re completely different people, living in a completely different era!
  16. Nori is probably my favorite character on the show so far. People who don’t like the Harfoots are doofuses.
  17. I know they’re not, but sometimes I wish all Trumpers were just doing an elaborate bit that got out of control.
  18. You could always do what I do: just don’t have enough money to invest in the first place! It’s nice and easy, never have to think about it.
  19. I need to give BCS another shot. I’m sure I would love it. I remember being turned off in the first season for what are probably dumb reasons.
  20. That’s the tough thing about games with this structure. It can feel like a waste of time when you die like that after achieving something significant. Hopefully with each run you gain something, either a weapon/power or information, which will make the next run easier.
  21. I think habanero is about where I top out. I like spicy, but I don’t need my food to be a challenge.
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