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Everything posted by TheLeon

  1. I'm always down to replay RE4, and I have a Quest 2, but for some reason I'm not particularly excited for this.
  2. Kroger is paying their employees to get the vaccine. I just got my second shot this morning, and after I give HR a copy of my card, I'll get an extra $100 on my next paycheck. Not quite as satisfying as cash in hand, but I'll take it.
  3. I was finally getting my acne under control, but wearing a mask at work all day has my face all red and splotchy. So if anything, I probably look younger.
  4. Sometimes I “write” jokes in my head about really heavy topics as my way of coping with them. I usually don’t share them, except for maybe here.
  5. Now that it’s on HBO Max, I’ll give it a shot. I’m sure they make good stuff, but I never remember that Cinemax exists.
  6. I’m just glad that I’m no longer the only person here who has seen it.
  7. Yeah. I've never really got into the animated shows, so I haven't paid much attention to this one, but apparently it is a spin-off/sequel to The Clone Wars.
  8. It’s weird that you two don’t get along better.
  9. Star Wars: The Bad Batch. Remember, they have multiple franchises that are getting too many new shows a year.
  10. TheLeon


    Bear down for midterms
  11. Which I guess just feels inherently less interesting to me.
  12. I keep thinking about Pacific Rim. I mean, the humans in that movie aren’t exactly brilliantly layered characters or anything, but they are functional and actually have a reason to be in the movie.
  13. I’ve only played about about 90 minutes, but it feels like a pretty normal “console” JRPG. If you had told me this was a lost PS2 game or something like that, I would believe you. I don’t know how it works with a controller, but the iPad UI is good.
  14. Last summer, I was fed up with my usual cheap buds and splurged on a pair of Air Pod Pros. I loved them, they worked perfectly, fit in my ears better than any previous Apple buds, and then some time in the last couple weeks I lost them because I can't have nice things. So now I'm back to using some $30 no name garbage buds that are totally fine for my needs. I realize none of that useful.
  15. For me, all three games are ranked pretty close together. I would have a hard time picking a definite favorite.
  16. That's fair. I guess the second half of my thought is that they're all pretty disappointing movies. How much of that can be blamed on him? It's hard to say for sure, especially when you're talking about these big franchise movies. And that's the other aspect that seems odd to me (an outsider with no real idea of how this stuff works). I imagine that after the success of Argo, he would have had a lot of options. Getting swallowed up by the DC machine seems like a bit of a bummer, but I'm not gonna fault the guy for making bank.
  17. It is weird to see someone win an Oscar for writing a period drama that also won Best Picture, then spends the next decade only working on blockbuster sequels. I guess if that's what he wants to do, more power to him.
  18. a completely unpredictable outcome
  19. Owen Wilson being one of the stars of this thing is just baffling to me. It shouldn’t be that strange, considering every actor on the planet will eventually be in the MCU, but for some reason I just can’t process it.
  20. The Prestige really rewards multiple viewings. It’s fun to track Bale’s performance in different scenes, for example.
  21. Mom was a pretty strict Catholic. I went to Catholic school until high school. We were really active in the church. I was an altar boy (her decision, not mine). I don't remember ever really believing in it, except for all the bad stuff, of course (hell is scary!). I probably would have kept going through the motions to keep her happy, but when she died halfway through 8th grade, I was done. My dad was more or less agnostic, so he didn't make me go after that. I remember reconnecting with some of my middle school friends a decade later, and was surprised to find out that they were mostly still pretty devout. A couple of them are priests now.
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