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Everything posted by TheLeon

  1. TheLeon

    Hey there

    I’m booking a little trip to Cedar Point for next, which is fun. I’m trying to not dwell on the fact that I’ll be going alone because I have no friends. It’s not going well.
  2. Line of Duty Season 5 - This season felt like a slight step down from the last few, but still overall excellent.
  3. I always forget Lady in the Water. Haven’t seen it since it first came out. I guess I tend to include it with The Village in the “interesting failures” phase of his career (some might include Signs as well but I love it), whereas the next three are just straight up terrible.
  4. I think M. Night has generally learned from his mistakes. After his disastrous The Happening/The Last Airbender/After Earth run, he went back to basics. He financed The Visit himself, and it was pretty good! Split was also a lot of fun. These smaller thrillers are a good lane for him. So I have decently high hopes for this one.
  5. I’m guessing (hoping) that’s a misdirect. Of course, the real twist is that they’re actually in Philly.
  6. A young woman trapped in a mysterious lab, forced by a murderous AI to solve puzzles. It would be kinda funny if they turned that into a horror/thriller.
  7. Can’t believe that we didn’t get any Mike “Spoonman” Mitchell in the trailer. What a waste.
  8. (In a shameful nerd voice) Harry wasn’t flexing. He had never had his own money to buy things and just inherited a fortune, and he was really excited about all of this new magical candy.
  9. Hmm. I’ve been (very slowly) playing through DQ3 on my phone. I’m a little tempted to just wait for that remake.
  10. I’ve been rooting for her since I saw her in Leave No Trace. With Jojo Rabbit, M. Night Shyamalan’s Old, and now this, I hope she keeps getting good work with interesting directors.
  11. That seems impossible to me, but I didn’t play Morrowind until long after it came out. Hell, Oblivion was probably already out when I bought Morrowind+Expansions (and then barely played it).
  12. Spotlight is one of those movies that is sneakily incredible. Like, I know it reviewed well and won awards (including the Best Picture Oscar) and all that, but it easily could have been one of those boring, Important Films About A Serious Thing that is forgotten two months after it comes out. But it’s a very compelling, satisfying movie that is oddly rewatchable.
  13. I guess I would just watch them in the order they came out.
  14. Line of Duty continues to be excellent with season 4, but I needed a little break from AC-12’s relentless pursuit of bent coppers, so I watched a couple of movies that have been on my “to watch” list for a while. The Taking of Pelham One Two Three (original) - There was a point in my life where I would have complained that this movie is too boring, but now I can kinda appreciate this kind of more laid back thriller. Like, there is a sense of urgency and danger, but a lot of the characters are these schlubby middle aged men who are just annoyed that this is happening on their shift. Also, Walter Matthau gets one of the greatest final shots I’ve ever seen. What a face! I’m going to have to see the remake now. With Tony Scott behind the camera and Denzel starring, that has to be such a fundamentally different vibe. Before Sunrise - It’s interesting to watch this movie for the first time now. A central tension in this movie is the idea that these two young people will, in all likelihood, never see each other again after spending this one day together. But I’m watching this as the first disk in a Criterion Collection trilogy, so I already know they meet at least two more times. Then again, I’m glad I waited to watch this until I was a little older, and could appreciate a lovely movie that is almost exclusively two people just chatting.
  15. Valid concern. Netflix has put a handful of Blu Rays, but they seem to reserve it for their more “prestige” titles like Roma and The Irishman. Maybe the cash the put down for this series means they’ll take these movies that seriously.
  16. Soldiers (going off my bad memory) focus on guns and armor, and miss out on biotics and techs, which are generally fun and satisfying to use in combat. So with Vanguard you get some additional biotic options while also being proficient with guns. You should be good to go.
  17. Significant gameplay footage of big games coming out this year. Kind of a killjoy answer, but I’m tired of announcements/teasers for games that might be years away. Like, I want to see Metroid Prime 4, but I want to really see it, not just get a 60 second trailer and a vague “2022” release date.
  18. The guilt just makes it ultimately more satisfying.
  19. I’ve never bought an amiibo, and this won’t be the one to break that streak.
  20. Now I’ve heard of the Devil’s lettuce, but the Devil’s cheese?
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