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Everything posted by TheShader

  1. I assume the 'lol' is because this won't lose Nintendo a single sale, and we all know it.
  2. Actually, I take back my previous post. That's unironically kinda funny, because it feels like it's taking the piss out of 'Waah is me, I'm being canceled on my 200 million dollar tour' comedians.
  3. Internet AI tries not to become a bigoted Nazi challenge, level: impossible.
  4. Probably by constantly reminding himself that at least it's not middle school.
  5. I think we should deepfake my face onto Ezra's. Is that a compromise we can all agree on as to how to move forward with this movie ethically and financially?
  6. You didn't read the fine print. If you zoom in on the space between 'small government' you can see the words 'involvement by Democrats in' there. The full motto is: small involvement by Democrats in government. They're gunning for that sweet sweet one party system.
  7. I've gotten the same thing when interviewing for BoH restaurant jobs, except it's unclogging food from the sink strainer that they make a huge deal about. And it's like... Yeah... I'm an adult, I can handle lifting some lettuce out of a sink without crying.
  8. Did you touch it with your hands? What did your sample smell like?
  9. I'm barely waking up, and here you are already finished with the most stressful part of your day.
  10. I promise you, some jackass with money connected to real estate is going to have their proxy candidate in there, and it'll be worth it just to piss that person off.
  11. Say you've previously volunteered at the nearest Boys and Girls club, that's always a solid lie. If you have adult kids say you coached their soccer team for a year or two. Find out if most of your neighbors like or dislike your city councilmember, and say you canvassed for them if most like your councilmember or that you canvassed for their opponent if they don't. Also, build up what a hard working spouse and/or parent if applicable. Anything to make you come across as a wholesome 2.5 kids nuclear family man. You could lie and say you were on some planning commission, but usually people enjoy feeling like they're voting for an everyday person and actual knowledge and experience means extremely little. If you're relatively new to the neighborhood then you can make broader lies. Say you worked for a landscaping or construction company for several years when you were younger, but ultimately decided it wasn't for you as you didn't feel like it allowed you to be as connected to your community as you originally felt it should have. When it comes to what your plans are, the broader the better. If you're not super specific then the people voting will more likely assume you mean whatever they want. People don't want to hear you're going to force them to keep up an American flag on the 4th of July and they only get to wash their cars on Tuesdays. People don't want to feel like you're coming after anything they need to change, they want you to go after what everyone else needs to change. So say things like 'I think it's been a long time since we could understand each other as a community, and I plan on bringing us all together for a more beautiful and connected neighborhood.'
  12. Played it some myself today on XBOX. I agree with the general sentiment, lots of nostalgic charm. Would probably play through the whole thing if there weren't other games I'm wanting to get to in my limited gaming time. I love the graphics, but I've always loved the aesthetic of the kind of HD graphics of 3D models you're used to viewing on a fuzzy CRT tv, even when it makes them objectively worse. Not sure why, just like it. That said, surprised how well it's held up over the years. I expected it to still be good, and I obviously wouldn't buy this if it was a new game being sold at $60, but even without the nostalgic charm there's a lot of fun sill in the game in 2023.
  13. I try not to make too many small purchases a month. I used to buy anything on my various digital wishlists(Video games, graphic novels, etc.) if they hit that sweet $1-5 range until I realized I had spent like $120 one month on those tiny purchases. I try and be more selective ever since so I don't burn so much in just the span of a month.
  14. Make it officially a sequel to the 1993 movie and I'm in.
  15. Which of these should I take for maximum testosterone gains? I had my testis checked and they're a bit low, so I browsed the pharmacy a bit while waiting on a prescription. There was Testosterone Up and Testosterone Up Red OR This 'Steel libido' looked promising, I figure a boost in the libido would give a nice boost in testosterone. Thoughts?
  16. At least it's one day, just remember to not call the kids little shits. I know it's habit at this point, but you'll push through.
  17. The official denial that this happened is that China had too much respect for the former president, and therefore would never do such a thing while he was in office.
  18. You could probably cut that number in half if you just sat. Enjoy yourself, check some tiktok, before you know it you're peeing a second time. Treat the bathroom like a mini day at the spa.
  19. Most of the actors in the Twilight series seemed to have done it for the money, and I genuinely can't fault them for that. If Stephanie Meyer gave me 10 million tomorrow to give the worst performance of my life in some shitty Twilight prequel trilogy then I'd say yes so fast it'd be ridiculous. Personally, I wanted to like The Batman so bad, and I still do. But too much of the movie works against it for me. Like literally for every positive I can say about the movie, there's a directly equal negative thing I don't like. Two great examples are I absolutely love that in a noir style Batman they included the noir narratives by the protagonist detective...but the lines and delivery sound like they time traveled to 2004 and stole the lines off my Xanga. Or the Batmobile, I don't think I've ever seen a more perfectly shot car chase scene, the lighting was an elevation of art...but then you have the actual Batmobile design and all I can see is a junked together demolition derby car.
  20. I mean, their payment plan is already tiered based on how many people are going to be using the account. That's part of why people are upset, because many are already actively paying extra specifically for the sake of password sharing.
  21. Netflix says strict new password sharing rules were posted in error | AppleInsider APPLEINSIDER.COM New Netflix rules that would have enforced a limitation on users' sharing passwords are reportedly a mistake and don't apply in the US — for now. Raise your hand if you believe them
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