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Everything posted by TheShader

  1. On this note, I'm willing to jack o' your lantern if you'd like!
  2. How is sharing my 100% true and accurate story not quality content?
  3. I did not. I did, however, get what the police called a 'creampie' from their officers.
  4. The bizarre thing is they knew I had bananas up my ass before I entered the store.
  5. No, but the called the police who did, in fact, go five knuckles deep once they found me fleeing the crime scene Apparently the bread aisle is not the appropriate place to relieve one's self in a grocery store
  6. Also, the little stick that pushes my deodorant up has gone sideways. Anyone know how to fix this?
  7. I know this one off the top of my head due to my misdemeanor tickets. In LA county it is illegal for you to be seen naked by someone outside of your house, even though you are inside of your house. I can, however, protect you from this for $10.99 a month by personally blocking the view of anyone other than myself. I assure you, it's way less expensive than the misdemeanor.
  8. Depends on your state and local laws. If you give me your address, and which direction said window is facing as well as an approximate location as to where one would need to stand to receive your golden bath, I can let you know what the local laws say.
  9. A water dish isn't a room, please stay on topic.
  10. I don't like the fact that the washing machine takes 45 minutes-an hour a half to flush, but other than that I think this is a commendable choice!
  11. It's ok to disagree with my choices, but I'd prefer you give your own preferences as well.
  12. I'm personally torn between my second bedroom(Where I keep the nice recliner) and the kitchen.
  13. Haven't started, but this sounds fine to me. I prefer a good slow burn. In my opinion a lot of modern horror falls flat because they can't be arsed to set the mood properly. Horror isn't just jump scares and long haired girls crawling on all fours, and studios need to learn that. This isn't commentary on Haunted Hill, just horror in general.
  14. I wish to discuss my swole-ology and general swole-osophy. I'm looking to turn this 250 pounds of boogers into 250 pounds of raw power.
  15. If I'm gonna give my honest opinion, I feel like a lot of the 'Hardcore Lovecraft fans' out there base their knowledge of Lovecraft on a combination of the more pop culture side of the Cthulhu mythos and having read the stories 10+ years ago as kids. It wouldn't surprise me if the closest many of these people got to actually reading The Colour Out of Space was the Wiki synopsis.
  16. I see you're new to all this vintage internet, too! I think the two of us deserve our own Pewdiepie subpatch here 😍
  17. Nice! Welcome back home! Covid-19 kinda has me on my butt, so to speak, at the moment. My last job ended just before lockdown occurred. Fun fact, I was actually taking a train ride into San Francisco when they announced they were shutting the city down. It was supposed to be my vacation. Things are still going good, just taking the opportunity to take things slow at the moment. I don't think I need to tell anyone that 2020 has been rough . Overall I'm doing well, though! I'm in good health, I have a roof over my head, those around me are in good health(Mom just got cleared of cancer last month, too!), and having to do work from home gives me more time to work on personal projects in between everything since I'm not spending half my day driving around everywhere anymore.
  18. Likewise, hope all is going well in the world of @Nokra
  19. People blasted Biden for 'Not answering' one question. Pence can't even seem to remember what the question was that was asked him at any given point in time.
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