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Everything posted by TheShader

  1. One of my favorite 'solved mysteries' is my favorite for exactly this, and I remember people also being pissed because the solution was dead simple. It was when they found the inhaler dropped on a trail, and realized the case of the missing inhaler was that it literally just fell out of Shannon's pocket. It showed how inconsequential some things are, and that sometimes things aren't a mystery... It's that sometimes when people are in high stress situations like they were in season 1 trying to survive with nothing that the human condition sometimes is to assume the absolute worst and start putting knives to people's throats. And the inhaler didn't really need any more of an explanation than that.
  2. Driver found dead in van linked to Monterey Park mass shooting THEHILL.COM The driver of a white van connected to the Monterey Park mass shooting was found dead after apparently shooting himself after being surrounded by police in nearby Torrance, California...
  3. @Commissar SFLUFANdeleted my 2010 account because he assumed I died from covid. Now I'm stuck with a 2020 account.
  4. I feel like something that doesn't get discussed enough is 99% of online fan theories were garbage, and people also just got upset because their imagined lore didn't come true or was contradicted. One it the best examples was the Black Rock. When they first found it, the characters straight up said it was likely washed into the middle of the island by a large tsunami. Then people made all kinds of wild 'maybe aliens time traveled The Black Rock from another planet to transport their space Jesus to the island so they could conquer earth' theories, and then got pissed when The Black Rock was shown as being washed into the island by a large tsunami. I swear, most people ruined the show for themselves because they put too much emphasis that they were correct in some inane theory that they never paid attention to anything in the show that contradicted them and then blamed the show's writing instead of their own inability to think critically.
  5. I think it's just a very traditional sandwich, at least that's what my grandpa used to make us when we came over. Maybe it's old country food, I dunno, I never asked.
  6. If you're reading this, you're a fart sniffer. 

  7. I'm quite honestly just addicted to the snack at this point. It's convenient AND good. Plus having the candy makes it feel like a treat.
  8. Current medical recommendation is to allow children puberty blockers during the onset of puberty which pauses their puberty, and at 16 they can make the decision to go through their body's natural puberty or to go through the opposite puberty via hormone therapy. There's absolutely nothing wrong or extreme about this, and is more conservative than anything. What is cruel and extreme is to force kids through a puberty that will alter their bodies in ways that can be hurtful for trans youth. And requiring a dysphoria diagnosis has only been shown to delay the process by years, as the wait list for people who are qualified to make the diagnosis can be years long, and then the process once in can continue for a year or more, assuming they even decide you have a diagnosis to do with your body what feels right to you. Meanwhile, in the time it takes to go through the wrong puberty, only to be able to get a diagnosis years after you've turned 18 and are in your 20s, many trans individuals kill themselves from the stresses and dysphoria of both living in the wrong body as well as having a societal system that holds their life saving medicine just out of reach for a decade or more after they've started their original puberty as a kid. And kids know who they are, it's often family and society that constantly tries to tell them they're wrong.
  9. It's a time honored tradition. 100 years from now our grandchildren and great grand children will still come together to celebrate the LOST beef. Most of them will not even have watched it, but like choosing a sports team they will defend the side their family has had for generations.
  10. The fruit really helps cut the saltiness of the sardine, I actually don't otherwise like sardines.
  11. My diet is actually pretty normal. Breakfast: cereal, usually with orange juice instead of milk, though. I have an orange tree out back so it's cheaper to just squeeze my own orange juice into the bowl. Usually fruity pebbles or cinnamon toast crunch. Sometimes a bagel smeared with some left over bacon grease from my roommate. Snacks: I've gotten really into sardines wrapped in fruit by the foot, you can pre-wrap them and leave them in the fridge whenever you're feeling peckish. Lunch: something light, like a sandwich. Today I had a sandwich with bologna, ketchup, peanut butter, a few relish slices, and tartar sauce to dip it in. Dinner: usually fast food or TV dinners
  12. So, like, the weird thing it isn't a bad smell, but lately my twosies have been smelling very flowery, like the smell you get hit with in a flower shop. Most of my guests have even been assuming I must use some potpourri spray in my bathroom. Should I see a doctor, or is this a normal smell?
  13. TheShader

    I'm sad

    What are your best lasagna recipes? #GarfieldMondays
  14. I'm really stuck on this essay prompt my high school English teacher gave me for homework. It's 1,000 words by Friday!
  15. Hey, it's not the size of the penny roll that matters, it's how you spend it! And any penny roll that can make me shiver is worth at least a half dozen toilet paper rolls, if not more!
  16. One roll per family. You can have up to two if you have proper documentation of a medical condition.
  17. I saved the audio so when my family and friends continue to have get togethers during Covid, I can park my car outside and just blast Tom Cruise chastising them for not following CDC guidelines.
  18. Please form an orderly line. Not like everyone at the gas station that seem to have forgotten how to form a line and just ominously hover around the cash register.
  19. 5% my flaccid penis, 10% my erect penis, probably a solid 3-4% butt stuff, and the remaining footage being me getting banned from a grocery store.
  20. Wade wouldn't dissuade me from his store, it would make it far too much harder to torture and kill me if he couldn't keep active tabs on me.
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