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Everything posted by heydude93

  1. Ngl I kinda prefer the look of the environments in the remake, so that much holds up at least. However, in addition to changing the 90's numetal bass player aesthetic of remake Prince to Greatone's to help usher in a 20-kingdom harim's worth of new female, gay and bi PoP fans, I think the character models in that trailer definitely should've leaned more into intentional abstraction, magical realism and etherealness to better convey the emotions the original was going for! If that was ever the intention, the mark has been missed quite a bit. Games like this and Bluepoint's SOTC and Demon's Souls are proof of how often remakes can be hit or miss and sometimes (especially with SOTC) exceptionally difficult to be as satisfying across the board. I wish there was more concern about classics ending up stuck on older hardware in favor of the so-called new and improved editions than there currently is. This is why there should probably be an industry standard of having HD upgraded ports of the originals included every time. If the remakes are trash, or even if good, there should still be an option to replay the originals! To their credit, one good thing Ubisoft can say in defense of themselves is at least they came closer to doing ancient Egypt justice in AC:O than almost every representation of it in visual media. Shit like GoE and Ridley Scott's Ten Commandments were still being made not even ten years ago
  2. I mean since RaC has always been about having creative weaponry and we do get confirmation of a weapon in the upcoming game that's opening the portal rifts, I think it's reasonable to assume it's hinting at this in the trailer! But I could be wrong. It'll be pretty cool if we do though!
  3. After watching Synechdoche boy did I miss those office hours with my psychology and visual arts professors to talk to them about it. I love the blank page/sky's the limit aspect of Kaufman's writing style though and it makes me always look forward to checking out anything he makes, even if I won't be able to understand it, which is definitely where I'm at as of my most recent viewing of SNY. It's about time to revisit it, then see the stop motion one and this.
  4. Watching that haunting and mysterious af trailer feels like I've literally been made an offer I can't refuse, so day one for me. EDIT: This game's art style also reminds me of how effective horror games with minimalist, abstracted visual styles can be. Some of the more nightmarish stuff you'll play were made via Sony's Dreams engine. And the original Silent Hill is another example with how the 32-bit visuals provoke an unnerving reaction because of the abstraction. If this game can pull it off as well as the trailer indicates, I think we're in for a treat.
  5. Not an issue w/ me one iota...IF the majority of fan and critic favorites make the early cut and we keep getting downloadable remasters, ports and remakes of more retro stuff currently stuck on old hardware. Considering the fuckery Sony COULDV'E pulled, like forcing all BC titles to be streaming only or only accessible with Plus, I'm feeling a bit more optimistic about this now. Even if it takes years to slowly roll out more BC titles and classics, anticipating upcoming releases is like half of the fun of being into video games. EDIT: hmmm
  6. How likely is it the sequel material to this will be made as a miniseries for streaming?
  7. The upgraded BC selection would be worth it alone, but there could be issues at launch that'll take months to iron out so I'm ok with waiting months, maybe even years (for the inevitable Pro version). For now at least. Might cave in depending on how much longer the quarantine situation needs to be drawn out.
  8. Scorcher...see now It's getting weirder because before all of that went down the professor was saying the apocalypse is in effect and irreversible, climate will continue to get hotter so fuck it. NO this is not some elaborate shitty troll/prank, it 100 percent happened before I knew anything about that tweet. What the fuck? And before anyone tries to quiz me on it, obviously climate is getting hotter, but the intentional mandated spreading of covid thing just made headlines five hours ago while i was still asleep and the public had no knowledge of it. What a strange thing
  9. This was a weird feeling. I woke up an hour ago after having a nightmare that I was back in college and the professor at some point was telling the class that the apocalypse was nigh so do whatever and everyone started touching and spitting on each other for the reasons mentioned in that tweet, Then just now we're reading the WH is considering willing something like that into reality. Holy fuck!
  10. Open world island environment like Far Cry with plains, jungles and mountain biomes and a large lagoon in the middle + REmake 3-style camera, controls and blend of it's metroidvania and puzzle-solving game design along with open world exploration + Dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals, terrestrial and aquatic like Dino Crisis (Because this would be a new Dino Crisis game)
  11. Jurassic World: Evolution's Jurassic Park DLC, Apotheon, Super meat Boy, Beyond Blue and Cuphead (now on PS4)
  12. I’d still think that too if not for all the major stories breaking first on sites that seem like clickbait. Pretty sure that RDR2 map leak broke on an actual clickbait site too. It was in 2016 at least, now I have no idea. At least I won’t be confusing Gamerant with clickbait anymore.
  13. Final question maybe: How legit is Gamerant? Am I hogbonkers or does a lot more news break on the smaller gaming sites now compared to several years ago (the RDR2 map leak also comes to mind)?
  14. Not an exact date but we know it's scheduled to drop near the end of the year, which is a vague release date, I guess. Now I'm extra confused why there still seems to be a stalemate between them. Ah well, who knows. More of an on topic question: Anyone know how legit these rumors of Sony bringing back The Getaway are?
  15. I miss playing these so much. Isn't HL2 in shambles on Steam of all platforms? There were some threads about glitches and controller support issues in the steam forums a while back. Hopefully we get a new remaster collection, one with Portal 2. A release scheduled soon before the sequel to the recent VR game might be the best chance of it happening.
  16. 825 is less storage than a Pro. The NVM slots I did not know about. It's confirmed there will be an option to increase storage via SSDs? Any word yet on how much each card/drive/whatever will be?
  17. Like almost EVERYTHING so far is a red flag saying the first batch is for suckers. Flashy new memory drive that's unprecedented in gaming. Ok sounds good on paper, but how will it really do? Dev testimonials are mostly positive, but how many have there been? Reports that PS4 games are still being optimized for BC and might never be as optimized as they are for current gen (mostly regarding loading screens though, which isn't too bad if that's the lowest low). Limited quantity of 5's available to select consumers at first. Hmmm. Reports of less storage than PS4 Pros (maybe there will be memory cards at some point?). Possibly only one or two PS5 games day one (Most next gen titles shown over summer probably started development on current gen hardware to reach a deadline within a year from November though). Obviously there's still a lot we don't know that will roll out closer to launch but is it possible Sony's testing the waters at first to see how the initial wave holds up over a few weeks-months? Even IF there are lots of technical issues at launch, what's everyone going to do? Act like Playstation still isn't the most in demand next gen console with most of the IPs everyone wants to play? Warranties, patches, re-releases, etc. Could be wrong...there shouldn't be too much to worry about, but every scrap of info right now is saying check hype at the door and wait. until. later. The only potential drawback to waiting is whether or not the later batches and/or Pro versions will still have a disc drive. If everyone's buying the digital console, not sure why the disc versions wouldn't be left in the dust.
  18. It sounds like more of the same to me, but hopefully it doesn't suck. I still kinda wish we got a series of that pilot that was never picked up. Arklay:
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