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Everything posted by heydude93

  1. I've been saying it for a while: In order to elect someone with actual progressive policies running in a red state or even the entire country (post-Trump), they could probably never be outspoken at having those views and, frankly, this is especially true for any candidate who's not a generic straight-passing white guy. Mcconaughey is an ideal candidate. There's no good way to say it - it's gross/cringe, but obviously how things seem to be right now for more left-leaning changes to be effectively made. Someone with liberal policies or anything further left would best case scenario need to do a trojan horse campaign as a centrist with as much mass appeal as possible. Someone with a Tom Hanks or Bob Ross persona - likeable, inoffensive, etc - and Mcconaughey seems close enough to that, especially to most Texans. Whether or not this is true, or that he'll actually try (or will be effective at) pushing things in a more left direction once elected is anyone's guess, but anyone who knows anything about that state's politics realizes he's probably the best option.
  2. Buffalo 66, because of scenes like this. Waterworld. Story is meh but there's too much going on with the practical effects for it to not be watchable.
  3. Nioh 2, Dawn of Man, Jump King, and Katamati Reroll
  4. Did Ricci's most recent comments say despite his method acting on '66 it was a fun experience overall and the film was worth making? But I definitely remember she had a more negative impression in interviews near the release window of the film. Haven't read Sevigny's account of him, nor have I seen The Brown Bunny. Reviews confirm it lacks the dialogue and style that made '66 watchable. The press battle between Gallo and Ebert was entertaining though.
  5. Never saw it. It's almost like he's using a performative masculinity shtick to satirize a certain target/mentality. Edgelord persona aside, apparently the real Gallo's mild-mannered and shy, but that's all I know of his personal life. Bit of trivia: he came up in the art world with Jean-Michel Basquiat and Julian Schnabel, has collab'd with Warhol in galleries, etc.
  6. Yep lol. Like with most of the movies on that list, one watch is usually more than enough.
  7. Jedi Fallen Order on second hardest difficulty imo would be a perfect introduction to Fromsoft style action if you're not used to super challenging games. Otherwise, Dark Souls 1, Bloodborne, or Nioh 2 if you still prefer face buttons for combat instead of R1, R2.
  8. Could be wrong but movies like these tend to be made for anyone who needs to see them more than those who want to. Nobody in their right mind wants to watch a Heneke, Noe or Solondz film (including many directors who make them), but they're made for resensitization, challenging viewers into watching something that might be a service in the end (character studies of psychopaths if nothing else lets you spot them more effectively), or delving into a very serious subject in an appropriately grim way. Stuff like Kids and Badlands aren't even over-the-top gruesome in what they show, but still hit on a deep level because of how real what's being shown feels. Even though they're not entertaining ( "rollercoaster films" as Scorsese might say), they can be important imho
  9. I've seen about ten from that list, plus some unmentioned. These are "thank you sir/,ma'am/etc, may I have another!" movies. Traumatic, but if well made you won't ever be the same and might feel grateful having endured them.
  10. Turok remastered - my first playthrough (stared yesterday). Checkpoints aside, it's a blast so far ^_^
  11. Imagine if it gets delayed again Would at least be in the spirit of this game at this point. Why are they still going by month-specific deadlines instead of Q1, Q2, etc?
  12. Tbf the twilight zone/horror anthology story in TWB was something special at the time. Seems like there's potential, but I'd sooner just see an action movie and/or pestiege TV storytelling approach in the form of cutscenes in an upcoming game.
  13. Thanks for the recs everyone. After looking over everything mentioned ITT and thinking on it I've decided the movies/shows I'll be watching to get my fix are Peter Jackson's King Kong and Lost. Haven't seen then in a long time, so looking forward to it!
  14. Not so easy is it? lol at Paddington being mentioned before Tomb Raider, Sinbad 7th Voyage, The Beach and Mysterious Island. Solid effort everyone!
  15. The best examples I can think of are King Kong (original, 2005, and Skull Island) and the first three seasons of LOST. Why so few good movies with this premise? Sure there's moviegames like Uncharted (so creative...all those fascinating undiscovered civilizations and the only thing you do is shoot dudes), stuff like Lord of the Flies, Six Days Seven Nights, Cast Away, Blue Lagoon, Battle Royale, Robinson Crusoe, etc, but where are the movies with the sense of adventure and discovery and elements of the fantastical like Kong and LOST, pre-shark jumping season 4? Is there anything like this you feel is underrated/overlooked? What would you recommend?
  16. And segueing back to my original point about the movie: If the currently unknown character is some rando that has nothing to do with the video game series instead of the many beloved characters to choose from, it's a bad game-to-movie-adaptation movie trope that adds nothing of value to the story imho. If they're a character from the games reintroduced in an interesting way to revitalize the martial arts tournament movie formula or something else that's unexpected and pays off, I'm all for it. Round over, I'm logging off now.
  17. Fuck it, I'm doubling down. Overwatch characters definitely WERE iconic recently, but yes, have become far less so in the mind of the audience due to Apex, Fortnite, poor community rep, and all the time passed since its release. We won't know for sure until a sequel comes out and it becomes a franchise and how that plays out over time, if it actually does. If not, then of course the character roster in a one-off multiplayer title will end up like Team Fortress did at the time of Overwatch's release. And regardless of how popular it is, Overwatch is still a game that's known primarily for the quality of character designs. Does that mean they're objectively the best in the biz and there's not room for improvement, no, but none of what I'm saying is untrue. But if anyone's not trolling (which you guys most likely are) and is genuinely like "Overwatch? Tekken? Never heard of 'em?" you're either in a bubble inside a bubble, or have the memory capacity of a bedbug. So yeah, maybe not the best example, but still not a terrible one. SO THERE, gosh.
  18. Maybe? Tell the truth I haven't played it in half a decade so I don't know. It definitely seemed as well-known as Fortnite...before Fortnite. It was also a hit mostly because of the characters, character design, etc. EDIT: Wait, unless you mean the toxic fandom? If so, can't argure with that. Boomer moment. Based on what I've read a lot of overwatch fans nowadays are definitely teens and adults with the emotional maturity of children if nothing else
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